Bumbershoot, I have two locks the same, One has the options button like you mention and the other it is missing. I did try synchronize, no change.
Lilyoyo1, I started with 5.0.16C, I replaced the z-wave board, my backup of zwave was not good apparently, I found mention of backup failures if being used in programs so guess that went wrong, I only have about 6 z wave devices so was easy to just reset them and add them new. I did first upgrade to v5.3.0 first and that went very well no problems, added back the z-wave devices and updated all the programs to account for the changes. Everything is working great but I am missing that options button on the one lock,
I've been using this for about 4 years and designed my own automated blinds and custom routines to automate my home so I'm probably not a newbie but this one caught me off guard.