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  1. Thanks for the Susgestions, I tried from a win7 ethernet connect machine. Fails at the same spot. alos pulled down the file from the web instead of using the same file from before. Must be something going on with my ISY
  2. Yes, but those would stop the upload before it begins not 83% through the upgrade. Im not sure if the ISY pulls down the whole zip and works on the extraction locally or grabs in chunks from the uploading PC.
  3. Nope, left zipped, it does its thing just seems to hang on the insteon.jar I will try rebooting ISY and try again. other than that I have no idea. I seems to progress normally to that point.
  4. Ran into an issue. 83% through upgrade on Insteon.jar file errors out with following error "Upgrade failed:Uploading file [reported written size is invalid]. Did this twice so far at the same place.
  5. Thanks looks like win 10 was flagging as questionable file the right click worked and i had to overide the security to download!
  6. Hi Currently on 4.8.0 and trying to upgrade to 5.0.16 clicking on the link on the first page does not get me to a download image. Also tried searching online and i get redirected to that specific forum page. Am I missing something? It shouldnt be dthis diffucult to find the download file
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