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Everything posted by jsmith6

  1. Dear Scyto, I'm interested in your experience with the netatmo. I just got one myself, and would like to integrate it with my ISY994i. Do you have any updates? Best, James
  2. Hah, perhaps the fact that you're addressing another woman might be a factor?
  3. Yes, I have this problem as well using Safari. I changed the number of devices to 10, and reopened the browser, and it worked then.
  4. Yes, mine's working. EDIT: I mean, I can activate a program to run the fan at a specified speed.
  5. Michel and Benoit, You and all of UDI deserve congratulations. This is a beautiful, elegant implementation of home automation. It works very, very nicely. I have run into some problems with programs, and a couple of hiccups with some scenes, but overall, it works really well. It took me a while to find something that did not work, or did not work the way I expected. I expect that as this moves out of beta, all or most things will be ironed out. This is a great step forward. The only remaining question: do I really need to buy several Echos to have all around the house? Or should I just hold off? Thank you very much, and I wish you all the best in your great development work. Amazon should be proud to have you as a partner. Best, James
  6. Here are some more program names that haven't worked, with either Alexa's response or more commonly what it thought I said. It seems that most of the time Alexa does not realize that I am invoking Izzy, and in other cases, even when it does realize that, it can not find the program I want run. plan a (“tell is to run program planet a”, “planet egg”, “tell Izzy to run the program plan egg”) test b (“test be”) tester (“…program test”) keypad (“tell is to run…”) kitchen radio (response: “what do you want to hear?) lock (“tell is to run…”) news (“here is your flash briefing”) program (“tell is to run…”) radio (“what do you want to hear?”) test alpha (“tell is to run…”) test bravo (“tell is to run…”) test delta (“tell is to run…”) test man (“tell is to run…”) test radio (“tell is to run…”) tester ('I can’t get the program “promo tester from TuneIn right now”')
  7. Dear Michel, Thank you again for your help. Changing the name to "test" worked. Here are the results of my tests this evening: 1. I renamed the program to “test”, and it started to work (program was at the root level) on the first, but after I removed the conditions in the “if” section 2. I moved the program “test” to a subfolder three levels deep, and it continued to work 3. I renamed the program (in the subfolders) to “test kitchen” and it stopped working; the Alexa app shows that Alexa is not understanding what I’m saying, instead, thinking I’m saying “Tell is you to run program test kitchen,” instead of “Tell izzy to run program test kitchen” 4. I moved the program “test kitchen” to the top level of the program folders, and got the same results as #3 5. I moved the program back to the subfolder and renamed it merely “test,” it immediately worked 6. I then tried all of the following program names, and none of them worked (with comments in parentheses for each) a. “test 1” (Alexa understood “tell is you to run program test one”, as #3 above) b. “test h” (Alexa understood “tell is you to run program test age”) c. “test Sonos” (Alexa understood properly, but responded: “Program test SONOS not found” d. “test Sonos 1” (Alexa understood properly, but responded: “Program test SONOS 1 not found”) e. “test Sonos h” (I gave this command three times, and Alexa did not understand properly the first two times, but all three times answered that the program was not found; in order, she thought I said the following: “…test SONOS age”, “…test SONOS 8”, “test SONOS h”. I thought it was interesting that she put Sonos in all caps, meaning she probably knows what it is, and that the word is a reserved term. Also, please note that it usually takes Alexa/Izzy about 40 seconds to refresh devices, reporting that 173 devices are found, with one duplicate. Any further insights from anyone would be most welcome. Best, James
  8. Michel and Benoit, Thank you for the great work UDI has been doing for many years, making truly innovative products. I am trying to get my Echo and ISY working together, with some little success, but no success getting programs working. Is there any trick to it? Best, James
  9. Thank you, Michel!
  10. Michel, What forum should we bookmark to get the latest information on Amazon Echo integration with ISY? Once this is up and running, I would like to know about it. Best, James
  11. OK, that did it. I didn't realize that you could set the local level within the "adjust scene" command. Thank you very much. Things make much more sense now.
  12. Thank you for replying. I think you are on to something, but I don't quite get it. I set the devices in the scene. How can I set the devices apart from the scene or set the scene itself. Here's my code: dimming GBR lights at night - [ID 00BD][Parent 00BC] If From 1:00:00PM To 3:00:00PM (next day) Then In Scene 'Rooms / 6. GBR, Guest Bed Room / Scenes / GBR-bath lights' Set 'Rooms / 6. GBR, Guest Bed Room / Devices / GBR-Bath-T1-A-Light-Load' 35% (On Level) In Scene 'Rooms / 6. GBR, Guest Bed Room / Scenes / GBR-bath lights' Set 'Rooms / 6. GBR, Guest Bed Room / Devices / GBR-Bath-T1-C-Light-Load' 35% (On Level) In Scene 'Rooms / 6. GBR, Guest Bed Room / Scenes / GBR-bath lights' Set 'Rooms / 6. GBR, Guest Bed Room / Devices / GBR-Bath-T2-A-Light-Load' 35% (On Level) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  13. I would appreciate some advice on my small project. At night (from 10 pm to 5 am), I want to set the on-level of the three lights in the bathroom to 35%. Currently, I have all three lights controlled by a scene in which when I turn one switch on, all three lights come on. So, switch #1 is the controller of the scene. I wrote a program that, based upon the time of day, adjusts the scene by setting the on-level of each light in the scene. I was hoping that when I would turn on switch #1, it would catch these lower on-levels. Instead, it does not apply the on-levels that had been programmatically applied to the scene, but it applies the on-levels stored in switch #1 for the three lights in the scene. If I turn the scene on using the ISY admin interface, the correct on-level is applied, likewise if I activate the scene using a program. I tried removing switch #1 from the scene, and doing everything programmatically, but that is less than desirable as programmatically turning lights on results in sometimes awkward delays in the turning on of some of the lights, whereas controlling all three lights with a scene is almost instant. Would anyone please have some advice? Best, James
  14. jsmith6

    Notify Not All?

    Any update on this item?
  15. Michel, Has 2.7.7 gone beta yet?
  16. Michel, I don't know if this is the right place to post this question, but I'm wondering if the next version will have any way to interact with either of the following devices: 1. Sonos music system (http://www.sonos.com) 2. Vue video system (http://vuezone.com/) Many thanks. Best, James
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