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Everything posted by glsmith777

  1. On one of my Insteon 2477S devices, the address seems to have been damaged when I removed it from service a while back. I would like to reinstall it, but I can only read a portion of the address It looks like xx.x0.72. I recall when I was using the Insteon hub, I could push the set button on the device and the hub would discover it without having to enter an address Does eisy have a similar feature - or do I have to trash my Dual Band SwitchLinc On/Off Switch device? I tried to "Auto Discover" by selecting the device type 02.2a from the pulldown list - but it returns instantly - assuming it requires an address. Thanks in advance And BTW - I agree with other post about adding Insteon devices - it would wonderful if the device list could be sorted by device code (i2477S) in addition to the existing device types (02.2a) sort Greg
  2. Never mind - finally used Restart IOX in the Configuration panel of the Ad Control - everything back up and running (much faster than before)
  3. I installed the WD_BLACK 1TB NVMe SSD using the installation instructions ttps://developer.isy.io/blog/eisy-way No issues during installation. eisy rebooted and is running faster than before which is great! However, I no longer have access to Polyglot. When I select Launch Polyglot V3 (PG3) I get a new window stating "can't reach this page" eisy.local refused to connect Anyone seen this when they upgraded to an SSD - and know of a fix? thank you - greg
  4. You should also be aware that if there was a "hub", UD or otherwise - some of the Insteon switches may not be physically connected to anything. You can check this by looking at each Insteon switch and see if the output red wire is connected. By having the Insteon output not physically connected, the hub and its programs determines what is controlled by the switch. My two cents
  5. Very much enjoying the LIFX node server. It controls about 30 LIFX strips and bulbs throughout my house. Thank you for the good work done on this node server. It would be useful to be able to access the LiFX controller, "Bulbs discovered" within programs. And also "number of devices in group" for group nodes. Thank you
  6. I am looking to integrate my Bluetti power station devices Specially the EP500, EP500 Pro, AC300 and AC500. Looks like there exists a MQTT interface to Bluetti - that might simply the task (or maybe not) Thank you
  7. I assume that the two entries in the IoX Finder link to the same target. Is there a reason there needs to be two links to the same eisy?
  8. Running Install Dev Packages a couple of times and then re installing the node server seems to have resolved the issue So - thank you for your suggestion! Greg
  9. I Updated to 2.1.26 and this node server will not connect to my eisy. And tried a few more times. Status is consistently disconnected. Any thoughts? Hers is my log snipet - Seems to be missing a module ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'lifxlan' 2023-10-01 19:21:27,886 MainThread udi_interface INFO polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30 2023-10-01 19:21:27,886 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: UDI interface initializing 2023-10-01 19:21:27,886 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: User=0021b9026256_3 2023-10-01 19:21:27,887 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: Home=/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026256_3 2023-10-01 19:21:27,887 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: Node Server Path=/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026256_3 2023-10-01 19:21:27,887 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: PG3INIT=eyJ1dWlkIjoiMDA6MjE6Yjk6MDI6NjI6NTYiLCJwcm9maWxlTnVtIjozLCJsb2dMZXZlbCI6IklORk8iLCJ0b2tlbiI6IjdteCttaGV5TGxvdXMpJSgiLCJtcXR0SG9zdCI6ImxvY2FsaG9zdCIsIm1xdHRQb3J0Ijo4ODgzLCJzZWN1cmUiOjEsImlzUEczeCI6dHJ1ZSwicGczVmVyc2lvbiI6IjMuMi44IiwiaXN5VmVyc2lvbiI6IjUuNy4wIiwiZWRpdGlvbiI6IkZyZWUifQ== 2023-10-01 19:21:27,887 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: Loading interface module 2023-10-01 19:21:27,936 MainThread udi_interface INFO interface:<module>: Loading MQTT module 2023-10-01 19:21:28,384 MainThread udi_interface INFO interface:<module>: MQTT module loaded 2023-10-01 19:21:28,612 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: Loading udi_interface module 2023-10-01 19:21:28,613 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: Loading node module 2023-10-01 19:21:28,613 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: Loading custom module 2023-10-01 19:21:28,613 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: Loading isy module 2023-10-01 19:21:28,613 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: UDI interface initialized 2023-10-01 19:21:28,613 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: UDI Python Interface for Polyglot version 3 3.2.2 Starting... 2023-10-01 19:21:28,615 MainThread udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026256_3/lifx-poly.py", line 10, in <module> import lifxlan ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'lifxlan'
  10. I am certain someone know why I receive this warning everytime I initiate the IoX Finder. Admin console and Polyglot open without error or warning. Everything works as is should. But I get this popup error everytime I start the IoX Finder. Any thoughts? Thank you
  11. Thank you Geddy I did check the owners manual - it just says plug it in near one device to allow it to extend the range to another device - was not that helpful. Not interested in bridging power grid legs -so its functionality should be pretty simple. I will post to Insteon support . Greg
  12. I am assuming that if an Insteon Range Extender is connected within range of other insteon devices - it is going to receive signals and then transmit them regardless of whether the Extender is tied to an ISY (eisy, 994, etc) system. Can anyone confirm or deny this assumption? Thanks!
  13. Not in the PG3 node server store. Mine came across during the upgrade from 994 to eisy.
  14. Thank you - I haven't had a chance to play with the Geofencing yet. Will check it out.
  15. I have 2 installations I have migrated from 994i to eisy. One of the installations still has the ISY Portal NS and the other does not. Both installation seem to working fine. Is the ISY Portal Node Server still required?
  16. I have been using the Binary mode to control my Bose lifestyle and it also works consistently. So, binary mode would certainly be a requirement
  17. Nice job on the iTach NS! I have been using the ITach NS for LED candles, Samsung TVs, etc. It is working without issue. Took me a couple of minutes to determine that I could run 3 instances of the iTach NS - one for each of the GC ITach IRs I have (in three different locations). I also have an ITach IP2SL device to control our Bose Lifestyle system. Using it requires over 60 Network Resources. Which makes defining programs a challenge as the list of resources becomes unmanagable. I just wanted to let you know, I would be very much interested if you either added IP2SL support to the existing iTach NS or created a separate IP2SL NS. Or maybe someone should develop a generic Network Resource NS with input something like: proto tcp url port 4999 mode binary Bose "Upper Office Power On","11;0;1;4;76;1;0;2;11;1;75",, "Main Power On","11;0;1;4;140;1;0;1;0;0;130",, "All Power Off","11;0;1;4;247;1;0;1;1;0;248",, My 2 cents anyway. Thanks for the iTach NS!
  18. thank you for the response - Router is a Zyxel C3000Z The Windows scheduler runs a Telnet script each evening at 4 AM. The telnet script WAIT "Login:" SEND "admin\m" WAIT "Password:" SEND "mypassword\m" WAIT ">" SEND "reboot\m" then reboots my router If I could use an HTTP call, I would not have asked for help (of course). Router does not accept user name of password or commands over HTTP. Telenet works fine, would be nice to have the ISY control it vs the Windows scheduler. If its is not possible, I certainly understand Thanks again!
  19. Thank you for your response I am already using an Insteon micro open/close with a normally closed relay. I can send an open command to the Insteon and it opens the relay, turning power off to the router. The micro switch times out in about 45 secs, releasing the relay and the router power comes back on. Works great - but would prefer sending a reboot signal. I can send the commands over telnet and SSH - so the router will accept a reboot over intranet. And I have created a script and scheduled the script with the Windows scheduler. That works also. But I am trying to use the ISY as THE controller and allow me to reboot whenever I want. I have Network Resources now that control all of my TVs (either direct command or via an IR blaster), my DirecTV boxes, my Bose stereo (in 9 rooms), all my IR LED candles, my LIFX LED lights, my CYRON LED lights (via WL2CC) and SIRS LED lights (via WL2CC). I just assumed a router reboot would be trivial.
  20. I am looking for a connection to my router via a Netword Resource. It accepts SSH and Telnet. For the purposes of sending it a reboot command. Is this possible? thank you
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