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  1. mvprj84


    You don't have to install it. Since my phone is rooted I dropped it into the /system/bin folder which means I can call it from a Tasker "Run Shell" script just by starting the command with "curl". I'd assume that you'd be able to drop this on the SD card portion of your phone as well, but you'll need to use the full path to the curl executable.
  2. mvprj84


    I just wanted to follow up here with the solution I'm using while the Mobilinc dev continues to work on Tasker integration. What I ended up doing is downloading cURL for Android, and then set Tasker to run a shell script like this: curl https://ISY_URL/rest/vars/set/2/5/1 --insecure That REST call sets a variable in my set up. The key here is the "--insecure" flag which tells cURL to ignore the SSL certificate warning.
  3. mvprj84


    Are you getting an error that looks like this: "Input/Output error for https://example.com/blah: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: java.security.cert. CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found..." If so then it's probably related to you using a self-signed SSL certificate. Here's a message I posted to the Tasker forum about it a little while back: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/taske ... discussion
  4. Ah, guess I expected the high/low to correspond to how hot/cold it will be outside and not how hot/cold it was outside. Thanks for the heads up.
  5. This is what my the email template looks like: Outside Temperature: ${mod.weather.temp.current} Outside High: ${mod.weather.temp.high} Outside Low: ${mod.weather.temp.low} Feels Like: ${mod.weather.temp.feelslike} Rain Today: ${mod.weather.rain.today} And yes, every time I check the admin console I pretty much see this. What it seems like to me is that when pulling in the info in the morning the high temperature is equal to what the current temperature is. If I look at the data at night the high temperature is equal to the warmest it got during the day. I switched to a different reporting location earlier today so I should probably know tomorrow whether it just happened to be that particular station. The other thing I'll do is compare the data to their website tomorrow. That should help determine whether the data isn't getting pulled correct, or whether it's WeatherBug that is messed up.
  6. I have a program that triggers based on the WeatherBug high temperature for the day, and it seems to be incorrect most of the time. Generally I have it send an email out between 8AM and 9AM every day, and for the most part the current temperature almost always equals the high temperature for the day which really throws things off. Since I only collect the data through email taking a snapshot of my inbox seemed to be the best way to show the various values (from left to right: current, high, low, feels like): If I watch the temperature throughout the day the "high" frequently adjusts to match roughly what the current temperature is. The "current" temperature is always accurate from what I can tell. I'm currently using the 3.3.2 Beta, but this has been a problem for at least a couple months so I didn't think it belonged in the Beta forum.
  7. Man, that will teach me not to check back here in a two-week period. I can't believe we are getting variables! I can't wait to see how they mature over time, but they will definitely simplify some of my programs as they stand right now.
  8. Perfect here, too. I'm just wondering though... something that I've noticed that has happened for quite awhile for me. Do any other Mac users notice that the software always starts with all folders expanded, regardless of whether you go through and collapse them? This obviously isn't a very important bug, but I just wanted to make sure there isn't some sort of workaround or something that I'm missing. I've never had this problem on Windows though... it seems to remember the state I left the folders on there. (and I've cleared out my Java cache plenty to see if there is something screwed up there)
  9. To people having problems upgrading... are you on a Mac? The upgrade failed from two of my Mac's, but worked from my Windows machine (all of which are wireless).
  10. As always, let me know if there's anything I can do to help debug. I had been experiencing this for awhile... not having realized that downloading it "locally" fixes the issue, but it was never a big deal to me for the one or two times I open it each day.
  11. I'm using Mac OS X 10.6, and running Java 6. As others have noted using the http://isy/admin.jnlp file is "immune" (for a lack of a better word) to these prompts. It's just the one I download from your site that performs an update check each time.
  12. I also get the same "download update" prompt on my Mac. So definitely not OS specific.
  13. Well, here's an overview of my problem. If I set "trigger off" the garage (more specifically the IOLinc) will not always return the expected status when queried. These scenarios may help everyone understand what I'm seeing: Garage is CLOSED, Sensor is OFF, Relay is ON: Querying the sensor causes the sensor to switch to ON (then I turned the relay off by pressing the off button, which doesn't really do much since only the "on" event of the relay is what opens or closes the garage...) Garage is CLOSED, Sensor is ON, Relay is OFF: Querying the sensor causes the sensor to remain ON (then I opened the garage by pressing the on button of the relay...) Garage is OPEN, Sensor is ON, Relay is ON: Querying the sensor causes the sensor to switch to OFF (then I turned the relay off by pressing the off button...) Garage is OPEN, Sensor is OFF, Relay is OFF: Querying the sensor causes the sensor to remain OFF (then I closed the garage by pressing the on button of the relay...) Garage is CLOSED, Sensor is OFF, Relay is ON: Querying the sensor causes the sensor to switch to ON (note that this last result is the same as the first one, and so the cycle repeats) At first this whole thing didn't bug me too much, but it's starting to a bit more now that I have some triggerlinc's hooked up to doors around the house. When a door is closed the trigger is off, but with my garage it's the opposite. So I have to try and keep the two things straight in my mind.
  14. No, they didn't contact me. I didn't realize that they were going to?
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