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  1. Thanks @Michel Kohanim, I have submitted a help ticket.
  2. Hi All, Polisy IoX v5.6.2, PG3x v3.1.31. My Polisy randomly restarted at around midnight yesterday, and mysteriously none of my node servers came back online. I checked in PG3x, and when I looked at the dashboard everything appeared fine, but when I opened the Purchases tab, none of my node servers were listed, and there was this message: "Getting list of purchases from UDI Portal. Standby...." Clicking on refresh did not resolve the problem. I logged in to the UDI portal and the node licenses are all listed as perpetual. I went back into PG3x and under the system tab, I reset my portal credentials, but that didn't help. Neither did hard and soft reboots of Polisy, rebooting PG3x didn't help, reinstalling the node servers from the system tab didn't help either. I even tried updating packages (that made me nervous due to the issue), but that failed. Fortunately the Polisy works, all the Insteon devices are fine. I attached the PG3x log file. Last night, I believe there were errors listed in the log that related to the node servers failing to obtain licenses, but I didn't save it, and I don't recall the exact wording of the messages. Any help resolving this problem would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Russ pg3-current.log
  3. Understand. Thanks for the help!
  4. Hi Bill, Thank you for the detailed reply and for the explanation of short and long poll. To get the day updated prior to sunrise, I changed the short poll to 2400 (40min), and the long poll to 14400 (4 hours). That keeps me below the 50 call max, and I believe should ensure a daily forecast poll prior to sunrise. This configuration worked today. Also for @DennisC (thanks also): I am using the WeatherBit day as a method of confirming if the WeatherBit nodes were updating as I've had instances in the past where it's been disconnected or not updating, and I only realized when the lawn started to brown, so I created a notification that runs at sunrise which compares the IoX day to the WeatherBit day and notifies me if they are out or sync. Thinking back on the behavior I was experiencing, knowing now what the long poll is polling for, it makes sense because there were days when I would have a notification on my mobile phone that the days were out of sync, but I would check later in the day and they were in sync. Thank you. The PG3x logging still seems off. Debug returns information immediately, but not Info. So, using the ISY Log again, there was a single day update that occurred just after midnight local time which met the conditions for my alert not to fire, but is that to be expected, just the single entry? I thought I might see the Day updated every 4 hours? Thanks again, Russ
  5. Hi all. I have a Polisy running IoX 5.6.2, and PG3x v3.1.31. The same behavior I will describe has also happened on earlier PG3x v3.1.28. I have an irrigation system that runs before sunrise, and I have programs that uses climate data from the Weatherbit Node as conditions to run the irrigation system. I have a free Weatherbit subscription, so my polling is set to 1800 and 43200 per the guidance. The Nodeserver returns the day of the week very infrequently, sometimes once per day, and frequently late in the morning after my irrigation program runs, so the day is frequently wrong when it runs. Other data coming in from the Weatherbit updates every 30min as expected. I determined the above using the log feature of the IoX, because the PG3x logging does not appear to be operating correctly for me. There is no log data in the log window, if I set the logging to "error" and download the log package, I get the attached. One file has not updated since yesterday, possibly when I set the log from info to error, but I can't be sure because I did not note the specific time yesterday when I changed the logging to error. I've rebooted Polisy and PG3x a few times. Any insight would be appreciated to learn if the day polling frequency is as expected? And if the PG3x logging behavior is as expected? ... and any other advice that might help me... Thanks, Russ pg3-current.lodebug.logg
  6. Thanks for the help. It seems like things are getting closer. After upgrade packages, I quickly heard the 5 beeps. But thinking about @Goose66 comments about taking 20 mins, I rebooted Polisy, then waited a while, then upgrade packages again, but this time it took longer to hear the 5 beeps, maybe a couple of minutes. Then I let Polisy sit for quite a while, probably over an hour, then rebooted PG3, then waited a while and rebooted Polisy. After all that, the node servers started, it took 2 tries to get Kasa to start, but they've been running for a couple of hours and the weather data started coming into PG3, and I could turn the Kasa devices on and off from the Admin Console, but did not get weather data or Kasa device status. I had to exit Admin Console and log back in to get weather data and Kasa device status there. A lot of "poking it with a stick" from my perspective to get things (hopefully) working, and not at all typical of my experience with the ISY, I'm only a year into Polisy. Thanks again for the help.
  7. @bpwwerthank you for looking into this. I upgraded packages again, and the node servers still will not start, and that error you reference is in the log file again. I DM'd you the latest file.
  8. Thank you. I cannot access the individual Node Server logs, I receive this error. Though I can access the PG3 log file, and there are entries from restarting the 3 node servers begining at around 16:40. I have DM'd it to @bpwwer.
  9. Hi All, None of my node servers on PG3 will start. All were previously running fine. PG3 v3.1.15, status "connected" ISY on Polisy v5.4.5 status "connected" 3 Node servers: weatherbit.io v2.0.6, IFTTT-Webhooks v3.0.3, Kasa v3.0.16 I am running ISY on Polisy None of the node servers will start, though each time I try, i get the green "Node Server started successfully" message in the lower right corner of the screen, though they do not start. This is common for all 3. I was having problems with weather from weatherbit.io not updating, and the forecast being 1 day behind as has been reported elsewhere on this forum, and was not able to resolve that, although the Node Server would stop, start, and run, and I was able to increase and decrease the forecast days, but it would eventually stop working. I suspect that may have been due to the new polling requirements for free accounts, but not sure yet. Then last night, I noticed that the Christmas lights I have controlled by a TPLink/Kasa module did not turn on, that is when I saw that the Kasa Node Server was not running, nor were the others. Attempting to resolve the issue: I rebooted PG3, rebooted Polisy, cycled power on Polisy, upgraded packages on Polisy, reinstalled each node server on PG3, uninstalled and reinstalled weatherbit... and still am unable to start any Node Server. Any suggestions from the group for what may be preventing the node servers from starting? Thanks in advance.
  10. THIS node server is very slick! Makes installing devices a snap, and programming with them is very flexible, conditional event programming is similar/same as with Insteon. I am using HS105 and everything seems like these devices are supported.
  11. Never mind, a little more homework on my part and I found a solution in this thread to restart PG3.
  12. I downloaded the trial version of the v3.0.10 Kasa node server. I have a couple of TPLink outlets that I turn on and off using network resources, and would like to experiment with the additional feature set of this node server. However, it faults when starting. I'm using Polisy and PG3. Here are the last few lines in the log file, including the error. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. 2022-04-17 12:19:17,850 Interface udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_startMqtt: Connecting to MQTT... localhost:1888 2022-04-17 12:19:17,855 MainThread udi_interface.interface WARNING interface:db_getNodeDrivers: tplkasactl not found in database. 2022-04-17 12:19:17,856 MainThread udi_interface.interface WARNING interface:send: MQTT Send waiting on connection :: {'config': {'version': '3.0.10'}} 2022-04-17 12:19:17,881 MQTT udi_interface.interface ERROR interface:_connect: MQTT Failed to connect, invalid identifier
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