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Everything posted by MarkJames

  1. Since upgrading to eISY I've got my old ISY in a part time residence. It's not worth it to me to upgrade to an eISY in this location as the installation is so small. I'd like to use my portal/UD mobile app connection in my primary residence with an eISY to be able to control a few devices on my part time residence ISY994. So... to that end my rest command to turn on a light on my ISY994 would be something like http://myipaddress:myportforward/rest/nodes/10005/CMD/DOF. This works fine - port forward and all. But I'm struggling to turn this into a network resource that a program on the eISY can call. What would be the exact network resource that I would need in my eISY to be able to send that rest command? And is there a way for me to embed my username/password? ie get/post, IP, port, path, and url encoding Thanks in advance mark
  2. Sorry this took so long to get back to - life gets in the way sometimes Works a treat! Thanks so much!
  3. Fantastic work! Thanks for this. I'm away from home for a few weeks but I'll implement this when I get home. I have some old iPads kicking around that won't run UDMobile but I can at least run the switching in a browser window and get some life out of them.
  4. Thanks folks. That setting was in a peculiar spot - in the hamburger menu in the settings menu. I did look for some setting that would force a variable retrieve but this was buried pretty deep It would be a nice feature to have a 'force refresh' button or something like that to retrieve all the current values.
  5. I have a UD Mobile page with a dozen or so increment widgets. These are intended to adjust state variables which are identified in each widget. The thing of it is that none of the values show upon entry to the page and if I click one of the increment up widgets then it seems to assume the value was zero and increment it to 1. This isn't good because none of the values start at zero. If I click on the item and load the device dashboard for it then it populates that variable and things work fine but until I do that the values don't show and worse - the widgets assumes the value to be zero on entry. Clicking up or down will change the value to 1/-1 and I then have no way of knowing where it started from. Is there a way to force the page to populate the variable values contained on the page without having to go through the dashboard each time. I note that even if I use a 'status only' type the value of the variable doesn't show automatically.
  6. I get it - the state variable value doesn't matter - it will trip the IF anytime it changes. I suppose I could just have one program with 14 bracketed OR's that writes ALL of the current values to their init values. Thanks
  7. That would only work if I know what statevar is... In your case statevar is 0. But if you don't know what its value is then that becomes harder. What I'm trying to do is like this... I have 14 zones in my sprinkler system. The duration each zone runs is variable s_zone1Duration, s_zone2Duration etc. At the beginning of the season I have a program that sets all the values and all the init values to defaults As time goes by and it gets hotter/cooler/wetter etc. I may need to adjust the durations. I want to make sure that if the ISY reboots the those adjusted durations will repopulate. So.... the <obvious> way is to increase or decrease the durations using a program that simultaneously increase/decreases and saves the new value to the respective init value. It's clunky, though, because I need 28 programs to accomplish this. It's far simpler, of course, to just use UD mobile to increase or decrease the value of the variable directly. What I had hoped to do is have a program that could check if the s_zone1Duration - s_zone1Duration (init) <> 0 then write the current value to the init value I thought this would be easy but so far it's not.... Another way to accomplish it would be to set a second set of state variables corresponding to the zone durations and make my if statement on matching_set_value - real_set_value <> 0. That would work too - I just hoped there would be a more direct way
  8. There doesn't seem to be a way to assign a variable to the init value either so I'm not sure I can do that.
  9. I would like to do a compare of a variable's current value to its init value and if they're different then set the init value to the current value. Specifically this is for my sprinkler zone durations so that if I change the duration and then reboot then it will restart with the last changed value. Put simply if statevar_x <> (init value of statevar_x) then (init value of statevar_x) = statevar_x Is there a way to do an evaluation based on init values?
  10. Has anyone added Hikvision cameras or a Hikvision NVR to UD Mobile? If so could you share the URLs you're using to do so? Thanks [edit] found - http://<user>:<password>@<ip address>:<port>/ISAPI/Streaming/Channels/1/picture
  11. Oh geez I've used that for changing it based on the value of a variable or device. I ddn't notice that it had program run status too. Thanks
  12. I've written my own extensive sprinkler control program. I have a series of zone run programs that manage the times and rules for each zone At the moment the programs all live on a favorites page. Their type is 'command' and the command is 'run then'. What I'd like to do is change the color of the program icon based on whether the program is idle, running then, or running else. Is there a known way to do this Thanks
  13. Actually you nailed it. The trick is to ignore the A thru H letters and act as if its an A thru D controller. Pressing D down (bottom left) then tapping A down (top left) repeatedly confgures it. I was pressing the D button that is on mine - which is second row right. It didn't do anything at all. Thanks!
  14. That's an interesting observation. Might be a problem with their documentation. I'm taking the instructions from here https://cache.insteon.com/documentation/2342-x22-en.pdf The 'a' through 'd' on mine are the top two rows. I continue on with 'e' through 'h'. Not sure what to make of it but so far I'm getting nowhere in making it 8 button toggle. Could be I'm not understanding the functionality
  15. I just received a new 2342-222 8 button remote. I've been struggling to turn it into an 8 button toggle controller. I'm following the instructions about holding the set button 3 seconds a few times and all the lights flash appropriately. But when I get to the end it tells me to press D and a down arrow followed by A and a down arrow. There are no up or down arrows on this controller so I don't know what they're referring to. I figured they meant dim or bright but this has no dim/bright..... Any advice would be much appreciated
  16. Well I did a restore PLM and that did nothing but when I removed and re-added the device the messages started being received again. Quirky but at least it's working now. Thanks
  17. Thanks for the link.... interesting read - seems like a bit of an enigma solved only by restoring or readding devices. I did, actually, do a diagnostics and then restore on the devices in question. I stopped when I didn't see any messaging from them in the diagnostics viewer. I guess the next step would be to remove them and re-add them. Sigh. I guess I'll go give that a try next Thanks again
  18. I have a few Insteon devices where the switches are not readily accessible. I've always turned these on/off using double-taps on other switches. Specifically I have a towel warmer in my ensuite. There was no room for a switch in the bathroom so it's in an adjacent closet. It's timer controlled via eISY but to manually turn it on I've double tapped the bathroom light switch .... double tap on to turn it o and double tap off to turn it off. This has worked for a few years but since my eISY upgrade the diagnostics viewer is not seeing the message from the switch. Nor from the switch beside it or a few others in the area. Mine are mostly dual band switchlincs, switchlinc dimmers and keypadlincs. Any thoughts on why the messaging has stopped working?
  19. Ah - Thanks. The 'service button' is the 'apply' in this case. Much appreciated.
  20. I must be missing something fundamental. I've got my eISY running, I've installed the bluetooth plugin and it shows connected. I put my bluetooth device (Samsung Levelbox slim) in pairing mode and confirm it is available by scanning for it with my phone. I run ioX launcher and the bluetooth service is there marked disabled. I change that to enabled but there's no way to make that 'stick' - no apply or save button. So I hit 'scan for devices' but that doesn't seem to do anything. Am I missing a step? [edit] I was on too early of a firmware - I didn't notice it required 5.8
  21. Well - I've gone through all the SDKs and documentation but can't seem to find what I'm looking for. Many moons ago I had written a custom web page that sent HTTP Get requests directly to the ISY to turn things on and off. I fashioned it after some code that I found here (which I can't find now). I remember I shared it with MWareman way back then too That code, unfortunately, was on my QNAP which got hit by Qlocker a year or two ago and was lost. I gave up programming long ago so what I always have to do is find some working code, study it till I figure out how it works and then integrate it into something that I understand. Without a starting point these days I'm hopelessly lost. Sooooo.... if anyone can show me a snippet of Java code that will make the rest calls for me I would be deeply appreciative. Once I see the format I can take it from there. TIA
  22. Hi So I finally got around to trying this. I'm in a new home now so the 20 years of tweaking I've done at my last home are a memory I've got a much smaller place now so I put my 994i in here - the eISY is at the old place. I figured I would just use the built in web server on the ISY to make the calls but for the life of me I can't remember the format of the get or post/put command to send a REST interface call. Could I impose on you (or another kind reader) to remind me? Thanks
  23. Thanks - I'll give that a try this eve and see if I can get it working
  24. So I've ported my old ISY to a new eISY and I can remote operate that through the app so that's all good. I've taken my old ISY994 and installed it at a summer cottage. I'd like to control it - only locally - through a browser (Chrome) via the REST interface. I created a bunch of bookmarks that turn devices on and off and that all works great. The only thing is that every time I make a REST call I get back an XML response. I don't want that response back. For myself it doesn't matter but for WAF it does. Is there a straightforward way to do this? I've done it in the past by using HTTP Gets on a Java based web page that I wrote for that purpose but I'm currently hosting my home web page where I don't have Java server support. Thanks!
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