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  1. Over the years, I struggled at various times with software-upgrades, window-closures, etc. I slowly learned that using https:// "hides" a lot of the traffic that various anti-virus scanners, firewalls, Suricata etc don't like. For me, https is the way to go - I'm quickly reminded, should I happen to forget ? I'm glad you solved your Dashboard / Console problem, @little66085
  2. I had a similar experience a number of months ago. After many years, apparently my original power-supply failed *just enough* to stop my '994. I found a Motorola cable-box power-supply in my parts-bin, rated 12VDC and correct polarity (and much more available current). Although this was higher than the original 5VDC power-supply, apparently the '994 can take quite a wide range. Here's a posting from long ago, where Michel Kohanim says the '994 can accept: 5-30 volt, center positive It worked, and months later this Motorola random-leftover 12V power-supply continues to work. Like @propman07 I did realize, after the power-supply replacement, that my blue LED was brighter.
  3. Something is very different for me... My PORTAL account email, passwords and usernames are completely different. This causes actual problems when I log in because the READ / UNREAD is totally separate between the two logins. Attributions are likewise entirely different - Portal-Me cannot edit Forum-Me messages. And the "Member since..." field is 2013 for one, 2020 for the other. When I tried to use the same username during Portal account creation, it was denied because "that username is already in use". Likewise, trying to align email-addresses gives: That email address is in use by another member. Essentially, it seems that since I already existed in Forums, I could not duplicate myself in Portal I *wish* the two accounts both accurately reflected my long ISY involvement...
  4. Well, last Friday (Oct 18), things were remarkably better, without any action on my part! Alexa was responding well. my.isy.io felt snappy, and didn't periodically drop offline Polyglot Cloud shared the same OnLine status as my.isy.io and for the first time ever: the buttons worked! Suddenly I could stop, start, and delete my DarkSky Nodeserver! Wonder of wonders :-) So, I recreated and configured DarkSky through PGC, and things worked well. Through the weekend, there were some hiccups, but generally everything kept working and today (Monday, 3 days later) I have no complaints at all :-) Weird and Weirder :-O
  5. @Michel Kohanim: I appreciate the suggestion - I had both TCP and UDP forwarded to my ISY (port 4433, to prevent conflicts with my home-web-server on port 443). For testing, I disabled forwarding this morning when I read your suggestion. I don't notice substantial changes, although there are some subtle changes (Alexa works about 1/2 the time, Configuration > NodeServer > Upload defintion works about 1/2 the time, etc. I'm attaching a screenshot of one typical failure, where my ISY shows online, but behaves like offline for a short while. I cleared my error logfile yesterday, so the past 24hrs are more-digestible. But there are a lot of repeating portions, like the top few lines in this recent log-file extract preceeding and immediately after node-upload and reboot: 2019/10/17 10:48:06 System -10108 Check log 2019/10/17 10:48:06 System -170001 [Auth:-10103]>33352, Num=10 2019/10/17 10:48:06 System -10108 Check log 2019/10/17 10:48:07 System -170001 [Auth:-10103]>33352, Num=10 2019/10/17 10:48:07 System -10108 Check log 2019/10/17 10:54:09 System -5 Start 2019/10/17 10:54:14 System -110022 /DEF/F6/I1/NLS/EN_US.TXT 2019/10/17 10:54:16 System -7153 ID 0002 :err=0, tag='/group', num=20, nest=5, o 2019/10/17 10:54:18 System -7115 ID 0048 :err=0, tag='cmd', num=4, nest=4, offse 2019/10/17 10:54:20 System -170001 [Network] Established It may be telling that when I use the Portal, and try Information > ISY Information, the result is most-often blank (screenshot attached). For completeness, and because it may be informative, I'm also attaching a successful ISY Information screenshot, with some IP-address portions cut out. In the Portal, when I hit Refresh, the green-dot *does* change to gray, and show my ISY as offline, where it was online and working a moment earlier. Just as mysteriously and transiently, after several Refresh clicks, my ISY appears back online again - at this moment, I can usually succeed in whatever query or adjustment I make. This includes successfully logging into Polyglot cloud, where my original situation remains: Darksky nodeserver can't be stopped or deleted, and although data is present in Polyglot Cloud, no nodes show in my ISY. I suppose it is good that my original problem with PGC is stable But it's hard when it's only intermittently accessible. Perhaps at the root of my Polyglot issue is this "Portal flapping" I am experiencing. But I am unclear on the cause, or remedial steps I could take to make the Portal rock-solid. For now, removing port-forward isn't "solving" the flapping. Thanks again for the easy DIY-at-home suggestion to remove the port-forwarding...
  6. For me, this is an evolving situation (in an unhappy direction): Disconnected from Portal To try to diagnose or resolve my situation, I removed my ISY from the Portal. That went well. Re-Connected to Portal A modest time later, I added my ISY to the Portal. This went well. Two key things (key, because they will be contradicted later): 1) In the Portal, I've attached a screenshot showing the GREEN "connected" dot, firmware version 5.0.15(a), etc. 2) In the ISY Admin Console, I see that I am "Registered" under Portal Integration, and showing under Active Services. Try To Do Stuff I have an Echo Dot, and Amazon integration was working when I started this thread, just about a week ago. But not now Since this was a new ISY-to-Portal connection, I tried to adjust my Alexa Devices and Spokens. As I added devices and scenes, after just a few additions, a pop-up message says my ISY is not online / HTTP Error 0. Yet, at the same time, both the Portal and my ISY say they remain connected...? To further diagnose, I have Agave running on my Android phone, with port-forward remote-access (I've used this for a long time). I can adjust any device using either the Admin Console or Agave, and the correct status is displayed on the other... This occurs at the same time that the ISY says not online but the green "online" dot shows. That is, remote-access and remote-control seem to work fine, but not when the Portal is involved. When I attempt to use my Echo, I get messages like "Device not responding". I've dis-abled and re-enabled the ISY v3 skill, granted access to UDI Portal, re-run "Discover Devices" (which does work!), but the control I formerly enjoyed is now gone. Circling back to Polyglot, where this thread began, I try to access Polyglot Cloud from the Portal. But no luck The "Loading" and spinning circle persist forever, and in the background I see a red Nodeservers Offline message... while at the same time the Portal and ISY say I'm Online/Connected. Summary for Today I am more confused. Less is working (Alexa, Portal) and conflicting status appears (Polyglot Cloud = Offline, but ISY/Portal = Connected). My ISY system works by itself as it has, and Agave continues to provide direct-to-ISY control as it has (local and remote). The Clouds are unhappy, it would seem. Certainly, I would appreciate any suggestions to counter-act the backsliding, and regain both a happy Portal and a working Alexa. I think I've tried everything I found in forums, but things are even less-good now. Thanks, everyone!
  7. I am confused ? I have an ISY994i/Z Pro, and I've purchased ISY Portal. I can log into Portal just fine, see my ISY status, view log-files, etc. From my ISY Admin console, I can see "Node Servers" -> "ISY Portal". So, all this looks good. I've linked to Amazon/Alexa, and voice-commands work nicely. But more: I was intrigued by the Polyglot (cloud) link in the Portal, so I explored... "Open Polyglot". This authenticated me and appeared to work fine. Having a Darksky API key for many years, and thinking that the nodes/values could be interesting and useful, I click-installed this from the Store, and set about configuring it: Location, APIKey, Units and Elevation. These Custom settings didn't appear right away, so I may have re--re-re-re-entered them until they did show on-screen. The "Details" tab for this Nodeserver shows sensible data, so I believe I have provide complete, accurate data to this Nodeserver. But what happens now? Within my ISY994, I should see the Darksky Node(s) right? These forums suggest 8 nodes, with 7 being forecasts and a good set of Current Conditions. But I have nothing Further, I tried to Stop and Delete this Darksky Nodeserver, but it never, ever goes away and it persists in always running. I then sought to "force reinstall" the Darksky Nodeserver, but it cleverly re-installed in my next available slot (3), yet never appears...??? So, I am confused! There seems to be many facets to my confusion, so I'll try to separate them: 1) I wonder why the Darksky Nodeserver doesn't appear in my ISY? Did I miss some "connection" I have to add? 2) With an apparently-successful data-acquisition from DarkSky, is it fair to assume to my Darksky nodeserver is correctly/completely configured? Will I face issues with the multiple entries for each setting? Any idea why I had to re-enter stuff many times, before it became visible on-screen? 3) How can I stop / start / delete this apparently unresponsive-yet-happliy-running Darksky nodeserver? 4) How can I view and eliminate my duplicate Nodeserver, apparently in a slot which I cannot see by any means? I *am* very confused ? (EDIT: ISY is happily running version 5.0.15a) (EDIT 2: Scrolling to the bottom of the Nodes, I find that Node 8 appears to be a duplicate of Node 1, with an earlier date - Oct 3, when I first began playing around. This seems wrong...)
  8. Hi, @paulbates I should not leave you hanging, after providing a helpful, correct answer :-) Background: I haven't ponied-up for the Network Module My Thinking: try the ISY Portal for 30 days, *including the Network Module* as a component of the Trial. My Earlier Planning: Use the ISY Portal to connect and use Alexa. AT THE SAME TIME, actually access and use my Polyglot server. Quickly endeavour to have Alexa use some Polys. I already have remote-access to my ISY994 (custom port, port-forwarding), so I can focus exclusively on the connectivity the Network Module would provide. My Current Situation: Craigslist provided an Insteon Hub nearly "free", when I scooped other stuff like switches. I have this Hub *in parallel* to my ISY994iZ Pro, and I have Alexa connected directly - and only! - to individual devices. We're exploring how we like (or not) having voice-control. We are already clear that it's *not* automation (in some cases, voice-control indicates that I've *failed* in automating; in other cases, it highlights where/how automation can be applied). So, perhaps you can now see that there are a couple of moving parts involved, before I want to move to Portal Trial (again). And by moving slowly along a related path (with the Hub), we're able to explore some human-factors at a more-leisurely pace than a 30-day Portal Trial would allow. I am quite sure I'll love the Portal, and being able to add Z-Wave (Plus!) control (missing with the Hub). But I would love to be in a solid position to use this gracious offer of Michel's to explore the smallest set of new unknowns... it will therefore wait a bit. Thank-you,
  9. @paulbates ... i have the highest regard for Michel, and I'm sure he would prove very helpful. But I'd have to resurrect my Polyglot test-server, update it, make sure it's running OK, *then* I could perform some fruitful testing. Right now, I don't have the bandwidth / strong desire... I missed my window a year ago, and I'll wait for the next opportunity before reaching out to Michel. Thank-you,
  10. Thanks for the tip, @RofS. I wish I'd found that, before my trial-period expired and I hadn't played with anything by that time :-O :-(
  11. Thanks, @Techman! Deleting and re-linking my 2420M seems to have worked. It is still mis-identified as "(2842-222) INSTEON Motion Sensor v.41" when it is in fact a 2420M version 2.1... but it works. And the "write-by-walking-outside" works nicely too For later searchers: make a note of your Insteon ID before deleting!! I didn't do this, and forgot that I would require the ID for linking (unlike switches, appliancelinc, etc). You need the Insteon ID!!. Fortunately, I had a backup, but it was too old for me to consider restoring it... I opened the .zip file, and then opened the .zip file within. Go into the CONF directory, and with a good (developer-aware) editor - I use Emacs - you can open the various .UND until you see the magic string which is the (former) name of your sensor... a shortly before it you will see the necessary Insteon ID - like this: 14 97 F2 1 Driveway Motion-Sensor
  12. Thanks! I'll try deleting and re-pairing tonight, after work. And I like your suggestion of writing updates when the device wakes and reports... this is a super-easy integration with my existing 'notification' email test-program.
  13. I am having the same experience as timdrex: ISY-994i Pro, with 2420M motion sensor. I have a second 2420M, new-in-box, that I'm about to deploy as well... My ISY-994i Pro is running the latest, current 4.5.1 firmware. Must I go outside, climb a ladder, un-hitch my 2420, open it up, hit the "Set" (link) button, then quickly climb down, run inside and make computer settings before it times-out? For each change? For each variable (dusk/dawn threshold, countdown timer, On-only mode, night-only mode, enable/disable LED)? Or is there a way to make changes easily? My "Options" button behaves the same - first, my 2420M is identified as: (2842-222) INSTEON Motion Sensor v.00, and "Options" seems to take a couple of tries before failing Right-clicking the sensor, and running "Query" does nothing. I've written a tiny program that emails when when it detects dusk/dawn. And another that emails me when it detects motion. Both work, although with the gray-and-rainy Pacific Northwest, dusk/dawn "flaps" pretty much all day long when it's seriously overcast Dusk/Dawn is unusable. But motion appears good-to-go, and I'm eager to have it control a 2475SDB and some large yard-lights. And the ISY-994i is a mandatory part of this, especially in-light of the fact that the integrated dusk/dawn is so erratic. Thanks for tips and help!
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