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About EWhite

  • Birthday 01/22/1972

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  • Location
    Topeka, Ks.
  • Occupation
    Mainframe Computer Operations

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Community Answers

  1. strange.. since the battery was dead for 3 days before i got a chance to replace them...it still showed active in plugin but not in app... i think i will just change my battery status alarm to reflect an earlier alarm..should bandaid the problem..hehe
  2. around that 12:53 mark is when i put the new batteries in. so it actually came back online. i unplugged battery AFTER i sent you the log..but saw the same thing you are seeing...which is no change
  3. nope..this log covers it. in the yolink app the driveway motion sensor was showing offline, but in pg3x it showed as online. i went and removed the batteries again just to check,, no change in pg3x but app showed offline. weird...
  4. here is the log file. I replaced the batteries so now device is online. hopefully you can still get what you need out of it. YoLink_9-10-2024_52013_PM.zip
  5. Latest version not showing devices offline. Yolink app shows device offline. device is an outside motion sensor. I use it for my driveway alert. took a few minutes to figure out why things were haywire.. hehe
  6. EWhite

    WIZ Integration

    never heard of it before today......
  7. EWhite

    won't update....

    that fixed it awesome job!
  8. EWhite

    won't update....

    trying to update from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 it doesnt show fail, but never updates. always showing that i need to update to 1.1.1 not seeing any errors in logs.. etc....seems strange. did the number not get updated in code??
  9. well ... thanks for the help on all this.. i took advice and combined what i had with new ideas and come up with this: added new variables, one each for temp and humid. this seems to make more sense and so far it works.. please critique and point out flaws if any. Thanks! Chicken Humidity Set - [ID 0047][Parent 0045] If $coop_hum > 65 And $coop_hum > $outside_hum And 'Whitehouse / main' Temperature > 40.0°F Then $coop_humid_var = 1 Else $coop_humid_var = 0 Chicken Temperature Set - [ID 004C][Parent 0045] If 'MQTT / ChickCoop1' Temperature >= 85.00°F Then $coop_temp_var = 1 Else $coop_temp_var = 0 Chicken Fan Control - [ID 0046][Parent 0045][Run At Startup] If $coop_humid_var is 1 Or $coop_temp_var is 1 Then Set 'MQTT / ChickCoop3' On Else Set 'MQTT / ChickCoop3' Off as you can see... i simplified it way down from what i had originally. so far it seems to be working as expected.
  10. ok.. been running this new set for a few days now....fan never shuts off even tho both temp and humidity are below threshold. the 5minute 30sec thing was just me trying to get the program not to cycle so much...so not needed if the program was right. also.. just to clarify: i want fan on when temp is above threshold and/or when humidity is above threshold. one problem i had previous was one would shut fan off even when the other was above threshold. thats what got me started on the variable, was to try and get them to work together and not against each other.
  11. sweet!!.. thanks.. i never knew...
  12. how do i set it to run at startup? thanks!
  13. no problem @gregkinney, we are all still learning.. hehe @TJF1960 I have NOT changed anything...i thot I had an idea.. but then i talked myself out of it... my brain is not doing logic well as of late. so.. yes.. i do need help as it is still setting my var to 0 but i cant find the error in programming thats doing it...
  14. i did find one issue...in the humidity program. right now my coop humidity is lower than outside humidity.. so it is running the init var program, which is resetting the var to 0....now how to figure that out.. it might fix the whole thing...
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