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About EWhite

  • Birthday 01/22/1972

Profile Information

  • Location
    Topeka, Ks.
  • Occupation
    Mainframe Computer Operations

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Advanced (5/6)




Community Answers

  1. EWhite

    Yolink Local API

    BOY HOWDY!!!! i cant wait! This will make me more likely to buy more yolink stuff
  2. mine upadated after waiting for 5.9.1, it would not update before that....
  3. upgraded wired polisy here..no problems.. alll working as advertised. it did go through all my plugins and re-install them all...so it took a while for all that to work again.
  4. EWhite

    DHCP Only?

    i just set DHCP to give ip addresses by mac address...static mappings....in my firewall. i dont use over the counter routers so im not sure they can handle that or not.
  5. that seemed to fix it so far...just gotta tweak on my side now. thanks much!
  6. hahaha.. no problem...sorry to be a PIA.. but glad you are around to do this stuff...
  7. am trying out the console version.. i like being "local" its not working.. so here is a debug log AmbientConsole_1-13-2025_91800_AM.zip
  8. im still not updating...several of my other plugins have updated with no problem. im just in wait mode until new firmware/os come out.
  9. yes.. i think thats what i did... i actually set log to debug, then tried to upgrade, so it restarted on its own.
  10. here it is..hope this is what you need YoLink_11-16-2024_23756_PM.zip
  11. no biggie...i assume i am updated to latest even tho version shows different.
  12. the yolink nodeserver, which is the forum i posted this in.
  13. tried several times to update, still shows i need to update. did an incremental get missed again? or is it actually not updating? Thanks!
  14. all the insteon is sold still have the august locks tho
  15. first come first serve...looking thru PMs now...
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