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Everything posted by mrohde

  1. I have tried to upgrade to 3.1.17 from 2.8.16 and I keep getting the Error Upgrade Failed:Failed uploading File (Report Written Size is Invalid) then Socket Timeout Error I'm running on an iMac with OSX 10.7 and have cleared the Jave Cache. Any ideas?
  2. mrohde

    Emergency Button

    Would you be willing to share the program code.
  3. I'm trying to upgrade my ISY-99 to firmware version 2.7.15 and I keep getting an error message "Upgrade Failed Invalid Length" Any ideas about how to resolve this? I'm currently at 2.7.14
  4. Software Version 2.7.9 Platform Mac 10.6 (Safari) I have an 8-button Keypad Dimmer (Insteon 2486DWH8 v.2C) button E, which is linked to two 2466D ToggleLinc Dimmers v.35 which are linked to each other The two toggles are for up/down stairs hall lights. All of the switches work as expected, on from any of the three location - off from any of the three locations. In the present configuration I can not turn on any lights with the i99, just toggle the led. When I create a scene with the three devices all I can seem to do is toggle the led on the 8-button pad. I have tried every combination, setting one as a controller, 2 as responders.,all as controllers, no controllers I can not seem to set and thing on with the program except for the led. Program: IF From 4:30:00PM To 11:30:00PM Then Set Scene 'Scene Stair Hallway' On Else Set Scene 'Scene Stair Hallway' Off Scene Stair Hallway Hall Stair Front Hall - UP Front Hall SW - Down Any help would be appreciated, I have to admit I have not figured this whole linking process out.
  5. Hi! I'm new to using the ISY 99i and have been struggling with the Linking to a keypad dimmer. I can add links from the keypad, and I can see using the Link Management menu I can add a keypad. I was wondering if there i a method to select a single button and add and remove links to that button from the web interface? I have read many of the post but nothing I found address this situation, if I missed it I apologize. Firmware 2.7.6 Platform iMac running Snow Leopard
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