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Everything posted by LMcGrath

  1. I'M SO STUPIDDD! In regards to my scheduling times, at least. I had it in the wrong time zone!? So, at least one thing is working right. But yes, as for those other switches that aren't working manually or with the computer, I'm going to check on the wiring tomorrow and see if that is the issue. Thank you to everyone for your advice and patience! So sorry about that!
  2. Oh I didn't know about that. Well I've tried factory resetting twice and it didn't seem to do anything. Is there a risk to doing factory reset multiple times?
  3. So it is not the bulbs because there is another switch that also controls the same lights on the opposite side of the room. That one works perfectly fine. I will check on the wiring later and see if that is the issue. If it is, is there a way to replace it with a regular dimmer switch not a smart one? Like if I had a smart switch and a regular switch that both control the same set of lights, would that be an issue?
  4. I will definitely do that for the update. As for the wiring, the light switch was PERFECTLY fine until I tried to link it to the system, meaning it worked manually, so I'm a little skeptical that it is the wiring but I will check that next.
  5. I have updated to 4.9. I don't see any option to update any further. As for the factory reset, the instruction that came with it said to wait 10 seconds after pulling the set button, but either way, I push it in and wait until the long beep stops. Then 2 more beeps happen and the LED light reappears, but it does not switch on the actual bulb. Here is a photo of my schedule so far. The Family Room one I have been fiddling with as practice to try and get it to work right. The garage one is the one I would like to actually work if possible.
  6. I still can't get my schedules to work either. I even tried doing simple ones, just turning one switch on at a specific time, and it won't work. This is with the switch that works manually and with the device tree
  7. I tried the factory reset twice and nothing worked. Only thing I can think of is maybe turning the breaker off and on might help? If the switches are bad then I think I'm screwed because Insteon is dead so I won't be able to get a replacement
  8. I did. All my other switches still work fine, it's just the other two not working. It just irritates me because they were working perfectly fine before I tried to add them to UD. This happened the last time I tried to use UD too, which is why I stopped for a while. Not I just want to fix the switch so that it can work manually again
  9. I did a factory reset on the switch but it still does not work manually or with the program
  10. I did the programs that exact way but they still say False in the Status line. How do I get it to say True?
  11. I am away from my computer for the night so I don't have the firmware information yet but I will check in the morning. As for the switch not working manually, it was working totally fine up until I tried to link it so the wires are wired correctly.
  12. I have gone back to UD after Insteon went and died, but I don't know how to set up my schedules properly. I am trying to set up a light to turn on and off at different times (my outside light. I'd like it to go on at sunset and off around 10:00pm). Everytime I think I have figured it out, the status still says False. What am I doing wrong? Also, for the few switches I have set up so far, two of them do not work with the computer or when I manually hit the switch, while a different one works when I manually hit the switch but not on the computer. How can I fix that? Edit: I am using version 4.7.3 of the firmware and UI
  13. I currently have the isy944i system in place for my switches. My husband bought a garage system that operates through the hub. If I hook up the hub, can I get that to work for the switches too? Or do I have to start over again with the hub? Or is there a way to use them both?
  14. The email that I used to ask my question was lauramheasley@gmail.com. The email I have my account registered under is fireseal16@gmail.com
  15. I tried that but it says I don't have any tickets submitted. I think it is because I used a different email address when I sent my questions.
  16. I have not gotten a response to my email yet. Is there a different way I can see your response?
  17. I have three dimmer switches that all control the same set of lights. Two of the switches still have the LEDs on and it says they are added into my ISY system, but the light does not turn on when I try to get them to work. The third one, the LEDs are off entirely and only turn on when I press the Set button. I have tried factory resetting that one multiple times and nothing has helped. I have tried re-adding that one into my ISY and nothing worked either. Basically, is there a way to know if the switch itself is broken and I need a new one?
  18. I also just realized that each time I try to add a new device or start linking, the device does not get recognized by the system
  19. I'm slowly but surely getting the hang of my new system, but when I tried to add a new device, the message "fail to add device, reason 3". I've seen another forum on it was a few years ago and I was trying to follow their advice but I got lost. Mon 12/21/2020 04:41:27 PM : [B 8 98 ] Added to list of devices to link to ISY Mon 12/21/2020 04:41:27 PM : [INST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 0B 08 98 0F 0D 00 Mon 12/21/2020 04:41:27 PM : [INST-ACK ] 02 62 0B.08.98 0F 0D 00 06 (00) Mon 12/21/2020 04:41:35 PM : [INST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 0B 08 98 0F 0D 00 Mon 12/21/2020 04:41:35 PM : [INST-ACK ] 02 62 0B.08.98 0F 0D 00 06 (00) Mon 12/21/2020 04:41:44 PM : [INST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 0B 08 98 0F 0D 00 Mon 12/21/2020 04:41:44 PM : [INST-ACK ] 02 62 0B.08.98 0F 0D 00 06 (00) Mon 12/21/2020 04:41:48 PM : [B 8 98 0 ] Failed to add device, reason 3 Mon 12/21/2020 04:41:48 PM : [All ] Writing 0 bytes to devices This is what pops up on Event Viewer, Level 3. The system runs on 120 VAC, 600W and 60HZ. Is there a way to know if the switch itself is busted and do I need a new one?
  20. When I press the set button, the LED light comes on at the bottom, but shuts off as soon as I release it. And I have tried the factory reset multiple times and it hasn't fixed it
  21. So, I am an idiot - it was never plugged into my router! ?
  22. The dimmer in question has two switches on two separate panels that control the same light. The other switches in the panels control different lights or a fan. I have tried pulling out the set button, waiting 10 seconds, then pushing it back in and holding for 3 seconds but nothing. I've noticed the switch where the LED lights are off completely, the light only comes back on when I press the set button, but nothing else happens.
  23. I have no idea how to do any of that. I have no way of knowing if I even have a dhcp server because I can't log into anything. I have downloaded the admin console but it won't open properly - or when it did, it was coming up as ISY finder which I do not think is the same thing?
  24. I have read a lot of the forums here about how to find the IP address for the isy994i, but every time I try to, it brings me to a page where it says Java 2+ is required even though I installed the latest Java and cleared the cache and all that. I purchased my home over the summer that had the lights set up a certain way, and I was attempting to make them more suitable for what I prefer and now one of dimmer switches isn't working at all. The LED lights on the side are completely off on one side, while the other one is lit up and moves, but the light isn't turning on. I am worried that I broke it for good so I am trying to get hooked up to monitor everything through my computer but I can't get it to work. Since this is something that is from a previous user, I am wondering if it is better to buy myself a new one and start over?
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