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Goose66's post in Can programs control the lights on a keypad? was marked as the answer
Problem with Techman’s approach is that if something ever turns the device on or off directly, e.g. a user in UD mobile, or if it is also in other scenes, the keypad light won’t track with the device state. By having separate programs that update the key light state, they should stay in sync.
Goose66's post in Ratgdo node missing in AC was marked as the answer
The door node is a child node of the ratgdo node. You see that “>” character just to the left of the ratgdo node? Click that and it will expand the tree to show the child nodes. The door node should be there.
Goose66's post in EnvisaLink-DSC: Password length limit - Update was marked as the answer
Yes, it was truncating whatever was in the Custom Configuration Parameter down to six characters otherwise there was a communication failure in the EnvisaLink 3 and the EnvisaLink would disconnect. When the EnvisaLink 4 came out, that truncating was left in place so regardless of what you put in the Custom Configuration Parameter, only 6 characters got sent.
Now it sends whatever is in the custom configuration parameter. So if you try and send the wrong characters to an EVL4, it will give you an invalid login error, but if you send 9 characters to an EVL3, it will yack.
Goose66's post in DSC Envisalink Logs was marked as the answer
Those are indeed the zone timers (“Timed Closed”) status reports. Don’t know why they aren’t properly named in IoX log. If you’re not using the timers then just turn them off. It will not affect any other functionality.
Goose66's post in Is it possible to connect two DSC Envisalink Panel? was marked as the answer
@guyhamelin However, I am pretty sure you can install the plugin again in another slot and just set it up for your second panel. It shouldn't charge you again since you already have a license. It won't make any difference on the IoX side, and only a minor resource hit on the PG3x side in running two plugins.
Goose66's post in Setup assistance - 4 thermostats was marked as the answer
Can you send a screen shot of the Nodes screen from the PG3x Dashboard? Also, change the Log Level to “Debug” for the plugin, restart the plugin, then DM me a log package.
Goose66's post in what do i need to buy and install to have this nodeserver work optimally? was marked as the answer
First, check the EnvisaLink website to make sure your alarm panel is supported. Also, make sure you have the installer passcode or be prepared to factory reset the unit.
If the Evisalink 4 will work with your panel, then the plugin will work as well.
Goose66's post in Worked well, for 2 weeks. Now not seeing thermostats was marked as the answer
The plugin uses Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) to discover the thermostats which should work as long as the thermostats are on the same LAN segment as the Polisy/eISY. Once discovered, the plugin stores the IP address for each discovered thermostat, and when restarted, uses the IP address to access the thermostat so they don't have to be discovered again. So if your thermostats' IP addresses change, you will have to rediscover them.
That said, simply assigning them a fixed IP address (assuming you mean DHCP reservation) shouldn't stop SSDP from working. Here are some things that could make SSDP discovery stop working:
1. Setting the thermostat to a fixed IP address in the thermostat setup screen, if you either a) set it to an IP address that's not on the same LAN segment, or b) accidentally disabled the "Local API" setting when making the change;
2. Have a Custom Configuration Parameter with key of "hostname" set to anything, such as one or more of the old IP addresses. If the "hostname" Custom Configuration Parameter is present, the plugin will bypass SSDP discovery instead try to contact a thermostat at the hostname(s) or IP address(es) listed in the parameter's value. You can either delete the Custom Configuration Parameter and try Discover again, or set the "hostname" Custom Configuration Parameter value to a list of the new, fixed IP addresses of your thermostats (separated by semicolon - no leading or trailing spaces).
Goose66's post in Help Debugging Program was marked as the answer
Two problems:
1. It appears you are not getting event notifications from the Google Nest service. The only update of status values for your thermostats are coming from status queries performed every 60 seconds (shortpoll interval). This creates problem # 2:
2. The Google/Nest SDM API for changing temperature requires both the heat and cool setpoints to be specified if the mode is "Auto." When a "Set Heat Setpoint" or "Set Cool Setpoint" command is received from IoX, the plugin uses whichever setpoint (heat or cool) is provided in the command along with the last known value of its counterpart to call the API. Because you are not getting event notifications from the service, the last API call has effectively changed the specified setpoint, but the current status is not updated. So when the subsequent command comes it, the counterpart setpoint it uses is not reflective of the change just made.
As to #2, this is not so much a bug as it is a design flaw. Had you not been putting in the two seconds between steps in your program, there is no way the current code would've worked correctly even if you were receiving status updates. The approach here has to change - look for a new version soon.
As to #1, you need to make sure "PG3 Remote Connection" is configured and active for your eISY/Polisy. To configure this, login to https://my.isy.io, and from the "Select tool..." dropdown next to your eISY or Polisy, select "PG3 > Remote Connection." Make sure "Remote connection configured" and "Remote connection active" are both "Yes".
If these are active and you are still not getting event messages, we can continue debugging. I will also be sure that this is put into the Installation Instructions, if it's not already in there.
Goose66's post in Plugin Node as Scene Controller? was marked as the answer
TLDR, this boils down to a design decision.
Nodes can both receive commands and send commands. So for, e.g., shades I would have the plugin process received DON commands to open the shades and close the shades, but the shades node would not send any commands. However, the keypad nodes in the Bond plugin send commands, e.g., DON commands, when pressed, but don't receive any commands. Generally, in my plugins, if it is a button, switch, or sensor, it will send commands and if it is a relay, dimmer, motor, etc. it will receive commands. If it is both (like an Insteon light switch) then it will both send and receive commands. There are a few exceptions: thermostats and garage door openers that are kind of both sensors and relays. In those I have to add a layer of complexity to ensure I am not sending a command back to IoX when the status change is a result of command received from IoX. The type of connection to the device (synchronous vs. async) drives how complex this actually turns out to be.
If you want to sync a KeypadLinc with your shades position, I suggest using programs with the status value, much like you would synching a KeypadLinc with, e.g., a FanLinc.
Goose66's post in 2.53i online and responding - but door isn't moving. was marked as the answer
You may find more answers on the ratgdo github pages or in a HomeAssistant forum.
Goose66's post in Zone Mismatch was marked as the answer
There is no way to query the panel (at least through the EnvisaLink) to determine which zones are “used.” The only way is to set the “numzones” Custom Configuration Parameter to 18 and restart the plugin. Upon restart, it will generate 18 zones in the node tree. Unfortunately, even if you delete the unused zones in the Admin Console, they will be regenerated when the plugin is restarted.
Perhaps I can add a to-do to only generate new nodes based on the Custom Configuration Parameter settings when the user clicks the “Discover” button in the Polyglot Dashboard.
Goose66's post in Only seeing zones 1-8 was marked as the answer
The EnvisaLink does not report the number of configured zones or partitions for your panel. The number of zones and partitions present are driven by Custom Configuration Parameters. From the Nodeserver Configuration instructions (read the "NOTE" at the end):
Custom Configuration Parameters: Required: - key: hostname, value: locally accessible hostname or IP address of EnvisaLink or DUO device (e.g., "envisalink.local" or "") - key: password, value: password for EnvisaLink device - key: usercode, value: user code for disarming alarm panel (e.g., "5555") Optional: - key: numpartitions, value: number of partition nodes to generate (defaults to 1) - key: numzones, value: number of zone nodes to generate (defaults to 8) - key: numcmdouts, value: number of command output nodes to generate (defaults to 2) - key: disablewatchdog, value: 0 or 1 for whether EyezOn cloud service watchdog timer should be disabled (defaults to 0 - not disabled) - key: zonetimerdumpflag, value: numeric flag indicating whether dumping of the zone timers should be done on shortpoll (1), longpoll (2), or disabled altogether (0) (defaults to 1 - shortpoll) NOTE: On nodeserver start, the child nodes for the Alarm Panel are created based on the numbers configured. The disablewatchdog should be enabled if the EnvisaLink is firewalled to prevent the EnvsiaLink from rebooting after 20 minutes. Sounds like these are missing in your configuration.
However, you said it used to show 1-16. Had it been configured to generate 16 nodes at any point, the plugin itself would have never deleted them - it would have just stopped updating them with status values when the "numzones" configuration parameter was changed (or removed). The only way nodes for zones 9-16 could have been deleted would have been if you explicitly deleted them in IoX or PG3x Dashboard or if you deleted and reinstalled the plugin.
Goose66's post in Wired Ring doorbell questions was marked as the answer
There should be battery information related to your "Front Door" node, even if it is powered by the 12V doorbell transformer. See below for mine of the same type:
Motion detection is facilitated by the "Front Door (Motion)" node, not through a state change but through a command ("Motion") that is received from the node when motion is detected. Use a "Control" condition from the "Front Door (Motion)" node instead of a "Status" condition, like the following:
Front Entry on Doorbell - If ( 'Perimeter / Ring / Front Door' is switched Ding Or 'Perimeter / Ring / Front Door (Motion)' is switched Motion ) And From Sunset + 15 minutes To Sunrise (next day) Then Set 'Perimeter / Front Entry' On Wait 12 minutes Set 'Perimeter / Front Entry' Off Else Set 'Perimeter / Front Entry' Off Also, I think I did notice when I first added this plugin that the states were not populated until one or more events were received from the Ring service, but that was a while ago.
Goose66's post in Device state as condition, but not trigger for program was marked as the answer
This is solved by using two programs, the first enabled and executing the other, disabled program. This approach is discussed in many (many) places in these forums.
Goose66's post in Node Server Requires Frequent Restart (eisy v5.8.0) was marked as the answer
A new version of the EnvisaLink-HW plugin has been released that should fix your problem. Malformed data messages like the one you are consistently experiencing should be ignored. Of course, because I was unable to reproduce the error, I await your feedback that the problem has been fixed.
Goose66's post in iAqualink plug in no longer able to connect to service was marked as the answer
An update to the PG3 interface (3.3.2) has been made that should fix the error. In PG3x, you can do "System->Reinstall all Plugins" and it should install the new interface (along with the latest versions of all your plugins).
Goose66's post in Not picking up light on third ratgdo was marked as the answer
I see the problem. It uses the first 14 characters from the "name" from the ratgdo for the node address. For the light, it lops off 3 trailing characters and adds "_lt". So while that's enough characters to distinguish "housegarage" and "housegarage2," it's not enough to distinguish "housegarage_lt" and "housegarage_lt".
Rookie mistake. I will put something in the next release.
Goose66's post in Allen + Roth Shades Commands was marked as the answer
But yes, I will put a note in the plugin to add in the next release a "Stop" command for all blinds. The plugin will just ignore it for blinds that don't support stop, or maybe go ahead and send it and let the Bond bridge deal with the lack of support.
Goose66's post in Schlage Plugin Error was marked as the answer
I've had put in a note to fix it in next release. But as I mentioned, it is a non-fatal connection error very infrequently returned from the Schlage API the plugin uses, and the data is updated on the next poll. But it adds the notification when the error occurs. So even though it's logged as a warning and the plugin recovers on the next poll, the notification just hangs out until you clear it. Shouldn't cause any issues in the operation of the plugin.
Goose66's post in Bricked my RATDGO?? was marked as the answer
From the symbol at the top of the attached PDF file, I am guessing you installed the ESPHome firmware. You need the MQTT firmware.
Looking at the firmware installation page now, it appears that it has changed substantially since I flashed my first ratgdo and subsequently wrote the plugin directions. I will need to update the release notes to make sure folks are selecting the MQTT firmware option for flashing. Specifically, under the MQTT option on the firmware page, choose "ratgdo v2.57, Security + 1.0, 2.0 & Dry Contact" from the dropdown.
Goose66's post in Why does this code not work? was marked as the answer
Cleanest solution here (and just about all other instances with motion/presence triggering events and timed activities) is the two program solution:
First program: Utility Room Motion (Enabled)
If 'Wireless Tags / Utility Room Sensor' Event State is Detected Movement Then Run Program 'Utility Room Lights on Motion' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Second program: Utility Room Lights on Motion (Disabled)
If - No Conditions - Then Set 'Basement / Utility Room' On Wait 15 minutes Set 'Basement / Utility Room' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') When the Wireless tag sends movement, the first program starts the second program, and the second program turns on the lights, starts the timer, and turns off the lights when the timer expires. Subsequent motion from the Wireless tag turns the lights on again and resets the timer. 15 minutes after the last motion detected, the lights turn off.
An advantage to this structure is that it works whether or not your Wireless Tag (or other motion detector) sends a DOF (No Motion) command after some delay.
Goose66's post in plugin works...im an idiot... was marked as the answer
Also, did you change the "MQTT Topic Prefix" on your ratgdo to "ratgdons/" as instructed in the very detailed release notes here: https://github.com/Goose66/NSDocs/blob/main/ratgdo-pg3.md
Goose66's post in How many Nodes, 2? was marked as the answer
The node “Front Door” should generate a DON command on button press. It shows up in programs as “Ding” command. It is supposed to be able to drop into scenes as a controller.
Goose66's post in Getting authentication errors for past week was marked as the answer
I see a "failed due to bad credentials" in your log four or five times over the course of the day. But it always succeeds a minute later on the next longpoll. I actually got one of these today myself. Based on the timing (the few in your log are exactly one hour apart) it appears to me that the oAuth token is expiring before automatically refreshed, so the pyschlage library just refreshes it on the next call.
I will put it in the To-do for the node server to remove the warning message from the PG3 dashboard, but since the node server remains functional (it's just a warning), you can just ignore these errors for now.