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GJ Software Products

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About GJ Software Products

  • Birthday June 5

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    LA County
  • Occupation
    Chief Cook and Bottle Washer

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Community Answers

  1. I'm still intermittently getting this error as recent as 3/9/24. 5.8.0_1 , 3.2.19 , 3.10.15 .
  2. I figured I'd post this and see if anyone else experienced it. This AM after the time change last night I noticed all my night lights were still on. On opening the AC I found that the last run time for all my programs flagged run at startup or triggered by a program with run at startup was blank. I rebooted and everything started working right. Hummm... Oh yea, I'm at 5.8.0_1 .
  3. Still today I too am seeing: "ELK (1): Failed" then "ELK (1): Connected" within one minute on the UD Mobile app. The node seems to be working, it's just those annoying messages. I'm at 5.7.1_7, 3.2.17, and Elk 3.10.11 .
  4. I ran "Upgrade Packages" again (2nd time for _7) like @Techman said above, last night, I got a message upgrade complete on UD Mobile but it didn't ask me to reboot so I waited for a bit and rebooted. I haven't got the Elk nodeserver disconnect/reconnect messages since and z-wave, etc. appears all is running well.
  5. @ShawnW For the heck of it I went ahead and ran Upgrade Packages again and my eisy just came back to life and I was fooling with it, I saw your post come up, it looks like after running Upgrade Packages again for _7 my eisy I think is behaving better... I'd say make your backups & run Upgrade Packages again. -Grant
  6. Was there an update after the fix on 12/7?
  7. I went to IoX 5.7.1_07, PG3x 3.2.16, and Elk 3.10.5 back around 12/8 or so on my eisy and the next day I got an Elk Failed & Elk Connected with exactly the same timestamp to the second. It started to get a bit more prominent as the days went on. I also noticed the response time of my z-wave network lagging. When I got home from work today my entire z-wave was next to dead. I rebooted the eisy to no avail. I ran a heal on the z-wave network and if that helped any, it wasn't much. Darn near appears something is sucking up all the cpu ticks. Has anyone else seen this behavior after going to 5.7.1_07?
  8. I just included two Series 800 ZEN32 Scene Controllers and they play well with my Matter dongle on eisy. I haven't tried Associating or Grouping them with any of my other 700 Series devices. @Michel Kohanim when do you think (rough idea) when they'll be an 800 chip in the Matter board?
  9. @RPerrault Good stuff! Maybe when I retire (5 yr.) I'll have time to dig this deep. <lol> I'm way interested in your discoveries!
  10. @Javi Yes, UD Mobile is at 1.1.40 . No, Home/My Programs/Folder/Program[1 or 2] both programs display fine without the error dialogue.
  11. @JaviYes at 11/21 16:25 PST it still persists. (That's an earlier screen-shot but same message at 16:25). iOS 17.1.1 eisy (IoX 5.7.1)
  12. I too have had issues all day. It started last night when trying to view a program in my Favorites. I've seen it appear to come back a few times, right now all the statuses updated but the programs still fail ERROR Could not get requested values. If you keep pressing the icon it will finally display (usually). I also experienced the values refresh issue but that seems to be working at the moment, right now it's just the Programs that fail to display. I've rebooted my eisy. Everything is fine with the AC.
  13. @RPerrault Ahhh.. Thanks. I just tried Classic and haven't read up on Select...
  14. I broke down & added the PC Controller to the eisy z-wave network but it didn't populate with the existing z-wave devices on the matter dongle. Maybe I didn't wait long enough? Please post if you get it to work.
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