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Everything posted by mserrar

  1. Thank you for your answer. When you say craft network resources, what do you mean exactly? I can sniff the traffic and find what type of request is sent to the module, but how is this connected to isy or polisy? Is there a module that allows me to add network queries?
  2. My pool light has a bluetooth module so I can turn it on and off from my phone using their bluetooth app. The app is Brio WiL is there any way I can control the light as part of my isy scenes?
  3. No, I used the GE 40 amp outdoor on/off. it’s a z-wave device, installed it today and worked like a charm.
  4. Thanks guys for the answers, I ended up deciding to go with a zwave solution, they have an outdoor module for the pump
  5. Hi, I would like to have an automation for my pool pump (On/Off). It is using a 220V/ 15amp. Ideally I would like to use an insteon device since that's what I use everywhere at the house, but if there is another device that I can access with polyglot, it's ok too. The best if I can avoid having to play again with wires and use something like the Insteon outdoor On/Off (but it's just for 120V), I am not sure if a device like that exists for 220V. The current connector is using a NEMA 6-15P. Any help or ideas are much appreciated. Thanks.
  6. Hi, When I open the Admin console I get : Socket Open Failed Java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions: String index out of range: 4 I press Ok and then I get a popup that says Starting Subscription, and it stays like that forever. Any help troubleshooting this? I am using ISY 994i/IR PRO (1110) , on version v.5.0.16c Thanks
  7. Actually I linked the smokebridge to the ISY. My issue is linking the smokebridge to the onelink detector. I followed the instruction that are very simple, but it doesn't seem to work. That's why I'm reaching here to people who have done it to see if there is a different way of doing it that I'm missing.
  8. It says wireless interconnect technology to communicate with other alarms.
  9. It doesn't say OneLink on it.
  10. Hi, I just got a smoke bridge linked to ISY, and I don't seem to be able to link it to the First Alert. I have the model SA520, that is supposed to work with the smoke bridge. Instruction states to press the smoke bridge button until it blinks green, and then the test button on first alert, but when I do press the button on first alert, it goes from power blinking green and then the smoke alarm blink red. I don't see the light on smoke bridge change to blink red as it's supposed to. So I'm not able to link it to First Alert. Any idea please?
  11. It was solved for me last night after few hours being down.
  12. Yeah I don't think it's the Echo. Because on the my.isy.io , it shows the device offline. I did reboot the ISY.
  13. Hi, I have my Alexa connected to ISY and it's been working just fine past few weeks. Today it seems to be down. I connected to ISY Admin console, under portal integration - UDI it says Online Registered. And under Active services I have my service account with Registered. When I log in to http://my.isy.io , I go to Select Tool --> Connectivity --> Amazon Echo , it says ISY is not online. Please help. Thanks.
  14. It seems to have worked by using http://isy Thank you for your help.
  15. Hi, It's been a while I noticed my ISY wasn't working (my phone app doesn't connect to it anymore) I tried to reboot it but it didn't work. So I try to go to www.universal-devices.com/99i/ , but I get an error in the browser: Error Click for details. When I click for details, I get this popup: ClassNotFoundException com.universaldevices.ui.UDClientApplet.class Any ideas on how to troubleshoot or fix it? Thank you.
  16. Hi, Thank you both for your input, and yes oberkc is right. It needs to be 3 programs. One for each light.
  17. I understand. I think I will just lower my requirements, and accept the fact that if the light is turned off by the sensor, I will just have to turn it back on Thank you for taking the time in helping me.
  18. Thank you all for your answers. oberkc, let me disagree with you on that. It was stated in the requirements. Like I mentioned in my requirements (Then I turn on manually Light 1 and 3.) 'Manually' means it could be turned on by pressing a scene button that controls these lights. Thank you Xathros for taking the time and explain the program, I had this idea in mind to use a variable for each light status, but it wasn't an option for me, because I gave here an example for 3 lights, but this will be used with many lights/devices, and I see it as being a nightmare to create variable for each and also dealing with these variable inside scene programs. I thought I can get away with something that's already in the system keeping the previous status of a device (being status change with pressing manually the switch or being changed by a scene) I guess such variable doesn't exist in the system and I will have to create one for each device and take care of resetting it for each status change. Thank you for your help anyway
  19. mmmm thank you for your answer. I should explain clearly my constraints. When sensor is on, I would like to turn on 2-3 lights, and when sensor turns off, I would like to turn off 2-3 lights. (it might be 2 or 3 lights , I am still not decided) But let's say for example, I have this case: Sensor is Off Light 1, 2, 3 are all Off. Then I turn on manually Light 1 and 3. Then When Sensor is On, it will turn On only Light 2 (because light 1 and 3 were turned on before) Then when Sensor is turned Off, it will turn Off Light 1,2 and 3. (I would like it not to turn off the Light 1 and 3 if they previous status was On). It should be turned Off only if it was turned On by the sensor. Makes sense?
  20. Hi, The variable in that case has no purpose, but it was created while I am testing my options to grab the status and use it somehow.
  21. Hi, I got an open/close sensor. Here is what I wanted to do: If the sensor is open then turn on Light 1 and Light 2. When the sensor close then turn off Light 1 and Light 2. I created 2 programs: ------------------------------------- Program Sensor Open If Status 'sensor' is On And $var1 is 0 Then Set 'Light 1' On Set 'Light 2' On $var1 = 1 Program Sensor Closed If Status 'sensor' is off And $var1 is 1 Then Set 'Light 1' Off Set 'Light 2' Off $var1 = 0 --------------------------- The 2 programs works fine, however , I think that maybe there might be a way to make it better or use only 1 program instead of 2, so here are few questions that might help me: 1- Is there a way to have nested if conditions? 2- I really would like to have the option that if 'Light 1' was On before then sensor is open, so when sensor close, I would like the 'Light 1' to stay On. (Basically to keep its previous status) Any help from you is appreciated. Thank you again.
  22. I understand, thank you for taking the time to explain it to me I guess why I was lost a little bit, it's because before I installed both insteon switches, I had only regular electric switches and it was acting as 3 way switch because of the wiring of the house between these 2 switches. So I thought by installing 2 insteon switches to the same cabling will still act as 3 way switch natively without any programming. Like when you replace a regular switch with an insteon one, it controls the light with no programming at all.
  23. Hi, Thank you for your answer. I did what you suggested and I restored both devices. I created a new scene with both devices as controllers. The 3 way switch seems to be working. However, from the ISY interface, if I trigger the 2nd switch to On state, it doesn't turn on the light. Even if in the scene itself, it shows that 1 controller is On. Any ideas?
  24. Hi, I have setup a 3 way switch by following a video from insteon. The video indicated to press the On button on 2nd switch for 10 sec to put in link mode, and then do the same on 1st switch until it's linked. Then do the same process again by starting with 1st switch then link to 2nd switch. After completing this, it works just fine as 3 way switch and it also gives the LED indicator to show lights off or on. However, if I go to the ISY interface, I don't get the right indication of the lights status, and using the ISY, if I turn on or off the 2nd switch nothing happens. If I turn on or off the 1st switch it will turn on-off the lights. How can I make the 2nd switch on the ISY to act as 3 way switch? I know that I can create a scene and add the 2 switches as controllers for that scene. But I am wondering why it doesn't work native from the switch itself since I linked the 2 switches with the described procedure. Thank you for any help
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