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Everything posted by Riggins44

  1. I've been following the steps at the bottom of the User Guide on manually entering the address EVERY TIME for over 2 weeks now ( https://eisy.local:8443/desc or https://192.168.x.xxx:8443/desc ). I know HOW to enter the address manually as I stated in my first post. What I want is for the eisy to automatically be listed on the IoX Finder just as the old ISY (which hasn't been powered on for two weeks) is every time. There is NO "reluctance" on my part to "troubleshoot." My OP states: "Is there some way I can get the Finder to find eisy WITHOUT THE MANUAL STEP *EVERY time*?"
  2. I have had a MS6 for several years now and it has worked great until I "upgraded" to eisy. I really only ever used the Motion and LUX sensors for automation. Specifically, the motion sensor worked great to turn OFF lights when there was no movement up until last week. I moved everything to eisy and the Motion sensor ALWAYS states "ON" despite no movement for quite some time. I have tried to change settings parameters on the MS6 and now MS7 that I bought because I thought maybe the 6 was now defective. I am beginning to think that the Z-wave issues with eisy (I upgraded firmware to 5.5.3 on Monday when Michel said it was available to "fix Z-wave issues) are causing no updates to eisy and the sensor may be fine after all because I can't even get a brand new 7 out of the box to work properly. I REALLY need to get frequent motion and LUX updates to eisy like I used to be (as of 10 days or so ago) able to.
  3. I have to manually enter the address (or load) every time which I never had to do with the 994.
  4. Every time I need to launch Admin Console for the eisy, it NEVER sees or finds my eisy. Although is ALWAYS sees/finds my old 994 which hasn't been powered on in 10 days. I have to manually type in the long address (which I can never remember if it's :8443 or :4483) using the ADD button. And yet, next time I need to launch, it is not there again. EVERY. TIME. Is there some way I can get the Finder to find eisy without the manual step EVERY time?
  5. Just got a response from Michel .. I did not know that repeaters don't get added to the Device Tree. So, it's probably doing what it should after all. He also mentioned that a new firmware is rolling out today that will fix a lot of Z-wave issues. THIS is why I really wanted to stay with UDI. Problems over the weekend and get a response on Monday morning. I'm having problems with another device (not smart home related, but electronics) that I submitted a ticket last Monday morning. Haven't heard a thing from them. I got frustrated Friday night --> Saturday but knew it would get resolved quickly.
  6. Finally, and for no explainable reason, I decided to try adding three Z-wave devices tonight and they successfully added. I gave up from frustration on Saturday and I have not cycled power on eisy. But it's adding devices to the tree. Not sure why it would suddenly start to work. I have a repeater though that will not add. Hopefully, I can get that added eventually as I think it would solve a lot of my previous spotty Z-wave.
  7. I opened a ticket yesterday. Hopefully, they can get it all up and working again. I would love for eisy to do everything as I want to move on from the 994 (though the 994 has been .. almost always .. great).
  8. Now back to 994 and I've lost all of the Z-wave devices here too. Can't re-add them. Tried restoring from the backup I made before switching to eisy and nothing works. This sucks!
  9. At least in my case, eisy ain't ready for prime time. I'll stick with 994 for now but I've made an investment in the eisy and the ZMatter and would like to put it back ASAP. The eisy/ZMatter board were apparently (finally) seeing the two devices I was trying to pair (I have about 7 other that I would need to add but not with this failure) but not ever adding them to the list. And then, we have to get in to Zigbee devices (I have just a few). Just for clarification .. I have an 994 with the old 300 series Z- board which is why I upgraded now as I can't update the 994 any farther and the 500 series board is no longer available. Having to start my Z-Wave setups all over again is not going to be fun, especially with the eisy not adding devices it's apparently seeing.
  10. And I also tried pulling up the X-Ray and for me, I get bupkus. Empty, though it claims it has now "interviewed" several devices.
  11. I finally got one more Z-wave (plug/outlet) to be picked up and "interviewd" and it too did not ever show up in the tree though each time it notices either device (trying ADD again) it goes up in number. I am now on "interviewing device 7" and yet nothing is in the tree. I have gone back to 994 for basic home control until this is sorted out. NOT happy!!
  12. I just got the eisy to "notice" a Z-wave repeater that I have (the first of several Z-wave devices that it FINALLY sensed. The "add device" window sows "interviewing" but then never adds to the eisy. I've tried adding, excluding THEN adding. Each time, it states "interviewing" and then never adds. Am I missing something?! This is ridiculous. I have now gotten it to the "interviewing" (in the add process) at least a dozen times and it still will not add the repeater.
  13. Wish I had known this. I've been trying for 45 minutes to get the eisy/ZMatter to add one, *ANY* one of several Z-wave devices. Including my absolutely necessary Aeotec motion sensor. No success. Adding/Removing (I've tried both) and zero success. Once they were added to the ISY (one at a time over a couple of years) they (mostly) work. But adding them is always a colossal pain, even going around the whole house outlets trying to get them added. I am ready to box up the eisy and ZMatter board and wait until this is all sorted out and go back to the 994. *IF* that is even possible now.
  14. Was hoping buying the eisy and the ZMatter board would alleviate this! Adding Z-wave switches/plugs/sensors to the ISY was always a massive pain, even with a repeater in the system. Part of the reason I bought a Hubitat a while back to try Zigbee (which hasn't been a whole lot easier). I backed up my Z-wave before I started this today and I don't understand why I can't restore that to the eisy. What's the purpose of Z-wave backup?
  15. Starting the migration from 994 to eisy today and saw this in the guide. I have an old 300 series board (hence the reason I am upgrading from the 994). Does this mean I can't migrate Z-wave settings? Should I stick with the 994? I am mostly Insteon and X10 and slowly switching as needed to Z-wave and Zigbee (eventually probably, Matter) because of the Insteon situation.
  16. I haven't been on the forum much in quite a while, and though I have searched the forum (although I may have missed something?), I haven't seen any mention of when Polisy will be back in stock for purchase. I have wanted to buy one for a few months but it is always listed as "Out Of Stock." I would prefer to buy a PRO. Any time frame for availability again? If this isn't the proper sub-forum for this question, please move it if necessary ..
  17. I didn't even realize there WAS a "geofencing" app. SWEET!
  18. I also figured out the "password not valid" issue. I used an old password.
  19. It appears to be working again without the errors. Thank you.
  20. I'm also getting "email and/or password is not valid" when I try to log in. Is the system just down right now?
  21. Haven't had any problems with the app since I d/l'd it a few weeks back but tonight I am constantly getting this error: "UD Subscription Status - ISY 994 ERROR: Error: 400. URL: https://my.isy.io/o2/token, 400ISY994 Restarting attempt number: **" I have tried rebooting the ISY and still get the error constantly. My subscription is still active until 7/2022.
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