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  1. Thank you for all the help! I am off and running. I appreciate the willingness to help.
  2. I have accessed a dashboard, I am now looking for the link you posted
  3. well....i guess i should have redacted the ID....
  4. I believe I tried it both ways. sheesh...evidently not, I just got this when I did the start.jnlp that is supposed to put the icon on my desktop.
  5. Because the directions say to connect using a micro USB cable, that is why I said via USB. That is now connected to the monitor port. With the new 2313S, I got assigned a new address. Old ended 92, not it is 93 and I can telnet to it. Nothing else seems to work, like the admin console. 2022-07-14_10-55-58.mp4
  6. I found another one, it works. I am about to go through everything again. I also found a 2412N, a 2413U, and two 2413UH. Can any of those also be used? I will let you know what happens in a short while. Thanks!!!
  7. Have you ever used this ISY? Even though you say it's "NEW". Is it "new to you", or was it still in the box new and never been powered on? Never used, it is really brand new, just out of a box, never powered on before.
  8. We moved to a new home, I found a "new" 994i with a bunch of Insteon stuff. I hooked it up and though it was assigned an IP address, it does NOT show in my router Network Map, nor does the router allow me to assign the MAC address a static IP. I used the free scan link listed above, plus my FING box shows it there as well. I cannot telnet to it, and the admin.jnlp errors with "Unable to launch the application". In https://my.isy.io/index.htm I added the UUIS but selecting an item from "select tool" yields "ISY not online". I have downloaded a later firmware but do not know how to upgrade using the USB connecton.
  9. So, if we have INSTEON and the isy994i, can we add the referenced SEP module to connect to our electric meter (PG&E - Northern California)
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