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  1. Yes still a problem. I am still using PG3 is that an issue [Ticket #24270] We received your ticket!
  2. I have always used the portal login when using ud mobile today it stopped working with oauth error when showing devices With ud mobile I can login to the portal fine and can synchronize devices/variable etc fine I added the credentials for local network login and that works fine. How do I fix remote access using the portal iop v 5.8.0
  3. If I upgrade to PG3X do I lose PG2??
  4. Can someone point me to the instructions to upgrade from PG3 to PG3x. I am running 5.6.2 on Polisy but PG3 only updates to 3.1.23 Upgrade Packages does not update further.
  5. Upgraded to 5.6.0 (with a IOP) a few weeks back I want to confirm that the Inteon Thermostats now update to the correct time (I am on EST). I also removed my Write Devices command (which I thought I needed), but this works fine with just the Set Time command. Thanks UDI, seems like a minor bug but it helps me. If Time is 3:45:00AM Then Set 'Hoop House Thermostat' Set Time Set 'Milk Room Thermostat' Set Time Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  6. the original cables were long gone. But Michael shipped me one when I bought the Polisy (this one looks like it was from a PLM). Stumped, so I powered everything off again and reseated the PLM serial cable (as the screws do not work). It did not seem loose, BUT Powered up and Its Back!!! So I will keep an eye on it. Insteon has been solid since I rebuilt the PLM.
  7. I upgraded to 5.5.9 last week and everything worked fine for 2 days and now none of my insteon devices can be talked to. I have a Polisy with zwave matter board and Serial PLM. I am using the Admin console. Node servers are running and ISY sees that data, zwave works fine, my Insteon devices show as online, but the event viewer shows no activity to them, only zwave and node server activity. Query any insteon device and no data. Show PLM Info and it says not connected. Have a green light on PLM, replaced all the capacitors with better quality last fall and it has been running without issues. Any ideas, I have rebooted and power cycled to no avail. Has anyone seen this as a software issue? I will try a new PLM next week.
  8. Glad it was submitted... this is the code that was running correctly on my ISY994, now running incorrectly on my IoP. Set the time every night as there may have been a power-failure or other local thermostat power event. I am not sure if you need the Write Changes, but this worked for years. I do this because I have some time-based setback operations that work locally on the thermostat (independent of IoX)
  9. Has anyone tried running the unix IoX code as a VM under ESXi??
  10. To my knowledge this worked fine on the ISY994, but when I went to the Polisy it broke.
  11. Request for info When writing an email body I want to include the temperature from an ECOWITT node server TEMP/Humidity Doing this for an Insteon thermostat works as below. ${sys.node.2F 7D 2 1.name} Temperature: ${sys.node.2F 7D 2 1.ST}F Humidity: ${sys.node.2F 7D 2 1.CLIHUM} What would be the format for a Node Server device like my node003_wh31_3 device?
  12. Thanks for the quick help. Deleting the state files resolved the issue. try deleting your .state files https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Admin_Console_Minimized/Invisible_and_Cannot_be_Restored With Windows (10 or 11), you can check the IoX Launcher file association quickly by right clicking on the IoX Launcher and selecting Open file location. If it is correct this should open a folder with javaws.exe highlighted. Thank you for the help.
  13. THANKS, I Followed the instructions, but no love it does the same thing. My IOP and Poly V2 and V3 all seem to be running just fine... Clear java cache (checking all 3 boxes) Uninstall Java Run Java Uninstall Tool Reboot the computer Reinstall Java Download fresh start.jnlp file. Run start.jnlp Open IoX Launcher
  14. I have been following the threads and with my Polisy (only three zwave devices) I have not been having any problems, I guess lucky (looking for wood to knock on). But I have a problem with my Win11 PC. It has been working great with the ISY-Finder and I am not sure what changed. I cleared the java programs cache and ran the start.jnlp file and it creates the IoX Launcher icon on the desktop. but when I run the IoX Launcher I get the UD logo for about 2 sec and then nothing. If I run this admin.jnlp the admin console opens right up (but not via the ISY-Finder when using the IoX Launcher) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="" href="/admin.jnlp"><information><title>Polisy Admin Console</title><vendor>Universal Devices</vendor><description>Polisy Admin Console</description><homepage href="https://www.universal-devices.com"/><description kind="short">Polisy Admin Console</description><shortcut online="false"><desktop/><menu submenu="(5200) "/></shortcut><icon href=""/><icon kind="splash" href=""/></information><security><all-permissions/></security><update check="background" policy="prompt-update"/><resources><jar href="/WEB/polisy.jar" download="eager"/><jar href="/WEB/ce.jar" download="lazy"/><jar href="/WEB/chart.jar" download="lazy"/><j2se version="1.8+"/></resources><application-desc main-class="com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet"><argument>urn:udi-com:device:X_Polisy_Device:1</argument><argument>uuid:00........</argument><argument></argument></application-desc></jnlp> further if I use my wifes laptop to run the start.jnlp, then run the IoX Launcher it works fine. clearly an issue with my PC, ANY Ideas how to debug this? This started when I was using V5.5.5, but V5.5.5 was working for a few days or so from when I upgraded from 5.5.4. Then this issue started. I am now running V5.5.6 with the same results. I am using jre1.8.0_361 x86 on both my pc and my wifes. Yes I have rebooted and cleared the java cache several times. Firewall is OFF
  15. I use the local time/program to control heat (Winter) and fan cooling (Summer) in my farm buildings, but use ISY integration to check that things are working the way they should. Because the heater is 110V being controlled by an Insteon-plug via the thermostat's scene. ITS NOT 100% reliable like a relay connection. So the Thermostat/Plug are autonomous, but the ISY checks it with Temp limits and emails me if needed. No battery backup for time in that thermostat so I set time every night at 3AM. IOX is just not reliable enough for heat control. One freeze and my water pipes are hurting The second post, yes the IOX can set the time, its a feature of that thermostat. It worked for years with the ISY994, but since I switched to Polisy in Feb 22, it has not. I would not say this was a P1 bug, but I thought I would add it to this thread. Since I know its always +5hr I can work around it.
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