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About DBaldwin

  • Birthday 03/18/1937

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  • Location
    Tacoma, WA
  • Occupation
    Retired Civil Engineer

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New (2/6)



  1. This topic, "No devices discovered using v3," I thought might answer my question regarding inability of the Echo app to discover a new device added (installed) to my ISY. Having read it all, I must say that I am thoroughly confused. What happened? I added a 2457 LampLinc Dimmer to my collection of Insteon devices controlled by my ISY994 and made sure that it was working OK with the ISY. I then went to add it to the Echo Dot that I installed back in July, and couldn't see the device in the Echo app in either my PC nor on my android smart phone. I kept trying to "Discover Devices" over and over. Finally, I stumbled onto some information that said I needed to update my Skill from V2 to V3. Following the instructions I did so and now I have a royal mess. I am down to only 18 devices discovered, others are missing including the new 2457 I installed last month. I did a factory reset on the hub and have removed and reinstalled the app multiple times and no changes. Frustration level is close to the boiling point. Now a days, I like to get things working and then not mess with it. When an update comes along, I will usually install it. But this update of V2 to V3 is more like going from one software application written by ABC company to a similar but different one written by the XYZ company with no warnings nor instructions. I used to be a pretty good programmer but now, in my 80's, my mind doesn't grasp this kind of stuff like it used to. From what I have read, it appears that V3 still is not ready for Prime Time. I have to say that I am more than a little disappointed. Dave Baldwin
  2. Thanks for the response Lee. Had to look to see if the polling interval was a setable variable. It is, and it is set for 60 seconds. I assume that is the default as I don't recall ever doing anything with that. It has been set like that for years. The question is, do you think it is OK to reboot and see if I can get out of this linking loop? I've attached a screen snap showing the Linking screen. It is taking about 3.5 minutes for the bar to reach 100% and then it starts over again. Dave
  3. Because the old KPL burned up, lots of smoke and fire, I removed it and installed the new one after the floating ground was fixed. I installed the new KPL as a new device and figured that after I had added the new KPL to the various programs and scenes, I would remove the old KPL. It was while installing, i.e. linking the new KPL to the ISY that I got into this infinite loop. Attached is the ISY events log that you asked for. Thanks for the response. Hope you can make heads or tails of it. Dave ISY-Events-Log.v4.2.30__Thu 2015.09.03 03.32.53 PM.txt
  4. Was remodeling kitchen and needed to reset the depth of the outlets in the wall for the new backsplash. After the electrician finished, turned on the breaker and much spitting and smoke emanated from my KPL 2486 that I use to monitor my garage doors. As luck would have it, I had a replacement on hand, a KPL 2487S ver 4.4 that I installed after fixing the floating neutral. I was able to get the ISY to link the KPL 2487 and was getting ready to add it to the various programs so I could again monitor my garage doors. The ISY went into linking mode and has been doing so for the last two days. The progress bar processes like normal from left to right and then restarts, over and over and over. There is a warning message to "do not power off/unplug the system or make adjustments to linked/attached devices. Obviously, I'd like to reboot the device but would hate to brick it. Any thoughts? Dave Baldwin ISY 994i/IR PRO (1110) Open ADR (21010) Weather Info (21020) Firmware 4.2.30 U.I. 4.2.30
  5. A number of users have been asking for wildcard year since the early days of UDI, all to no avail. Perhaps one of these days?
  6. Don't know if this helps, but using Weatherbug plugin only, beta ver 2.7.6 and using ntp.pool.org with absolutly no 1941 date problems.
  7. As requested I called and ended up working with Darrell Peters. The problem turned out to be an inability for my router to resolve the DNS address correctly. I just want everyone to know that Darrell was very helpful and very professional in providing assistance. He solved the problem in a manner that exceeded my expectations. I think it is worth stating, that my expectations were very high due to the excellent reputation for service that Universal Devices enjoys with the ISY Forum community. Based on this experience, I must say that their excellent reputation for very high quality service and assistance is well deserved. kudos's to Darrel and to UDI for having the foresight to hire him. Thank you so much Darrell for your assistance in resolving my problem.
  8. Well, I hadn't set up a static IP Address, so from you response I assumed I needed one. I tried following all the instructions in the Wiki but found that much of it assumed knowledge that I seem to lack. I did finally manage to get a static IP address set up and then found that I appearantly needed to have port forwarding also. In the process, I ended up with the http forwarded to 443 and https forwarded to 1443. Still no weatherbug data nor could I set the time via the internet. I have a Linksys WRT54GSV4 router and did the best I could to follow the istructions for that as well. All in all, very confusing. Then, I made a really dumb move. I decided to go back to DHCP by entering at the CT command. Now, I can not find the ISY on my network and have lost all access to it. Bummer I've tried different IP address trying to find the ISY but all to no avail. If I was a drinker, I'd go to the Tavern now. Hmm, maybe it is time to take it up. Dave
  9. OK, checked the log and it is full of -14000's. I suspect that means that I am not able to conect with the internet from the ISY? I also tried to synchronize my time with the NTP server and that failed. Now what, reboot?
  10. Did a search for weatherbug not updateing and came across this thread. Some of the programs that I developed that use amount of light are not working correctly. Took me awhile to catch that I had a problem. Seems that my Weatherbug data hasn't updated since May 15th according to the last run in program summary. Today at 10:41 AM on a very sunny day with the outside temperature at 79 degrees, Weatherbug is reporting the following: Light = 0; Light rate = 0 and current temp of 49 degrees. I tried other weather stations but the data does NOT change at all!! I have made no other changes in case you want to take a peak at it. This is a new ISY99ir which came installed with 2.7.0. I traded in my ISY26 for it in order to use the weather data. Dave Baldwin ISY99IR Version 2.7.0
  11. I have the following program that is intended to flash a light in the office when my X10 motion sensor is triggered. There is a similar program that operates during the day. Since upgrading my ISY-26 to a ISY99i/IR last week which came with firmware 2.7.0, I have noticed that Driveway Alert Nightime is tripped during the daytime along with its mate, Driveway Alert Daytime. If the conditions to operate Driveway Alert Nighttime are from Sunset to Sunrise, why would it be operating at 11AM as shown in the Last Run Time in the Program summary? Seems to me that it shouldn't be running at all from Sunrise to Sunset. Driveway Alert Nighttime If From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) And X10 'C3/On (3)' is Received And Status 'Office Lamp (AL)' is On Then Run Program 'FlashOffOn' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Companion program, Driveway Alert Daytime If From Sunrise + 1 hour To Sunset (same day) And X10 'C3/On (3)' is Received And Status 'Office Lamp (AL)' is Off Then Run Program 'FlashOnOff' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') [/code]
  12. Hi Michel: I have Zone Alam Security Suite Ver. 7.0.483.000. I just checked and it is the most current version of the software. Dave
  13. 1. Login using http:/www.universal-devices.com/99i Login shows up just fine and following login all columns with the exception of Name & Path are blank in the Program Summary Screen. Of course, this is version 2.7 of the Admin Console. 2. While there, go to Help->About and write down the value for My URL 3. Next, type the value you found in step 2 in a browser Same results as above in 1 with the excpetion that I am not using ver 2.7 of the Admin Console. I have no idea what version I am using nor how to update to 2.7. In any case, the results are the same when I use the Icon on my desktop, when I did #1 and when I did #3. Would you agree that it pretty much points toward Zone Alarm as the culprit? Dave
  14. Interesting question. I access it via a shortcut on my "Desktop" but just now I looked at the shortcuts properties and I fail to see any information regarding how I'm connecting. I assumed it was by using its own static URL. I also just checked my local network connections and fail to see an Icon for My Lighting. I may have more things buggered up here than I realized. Dave
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