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    Beavercreek, Oregon USA

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  1. Upgrading the node server to PG3x Version 3.1.17 resolved the installation error and the node server successfully installed.
  2. I am trying to install the V3.5.5 ELK Node server on my new EISY and I getting the following error message: Node Server install of undefined failed with message: status is not defined Version information: PG3x Version 3.1.16 Status: Connected Frontend Version: 3.1.16 ISY Version: 5.5.2 Connected I need help resolving the issue. Also, I tried accessing the configuration help link listed in the readme (https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-poly-ELK/blob/master/POLYGLOT_CONFIG.md) but I got a 404 error with the following message: The 'UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-poly-ELK' repository doesn't contain the 'POLYGLOT_CONFIG.md' path in 'master'.
  3. Upgraded with no issues so far. Simple email notifications in XML work great.
  4. The Sonos is controlled via TCP/IP so you can't control with an IR remote such as the Harmony. There is a dedicated (expensive) Sonos remote or free control apps for Windows and mobile devices. You can use the ISY-99's network resources to send it some basic commands. Check this thread for details: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=67&t=5984&hilit=Function+exporter
  5. Installed ok, no issues. Regards, Bruce (K7ZPJ)
  6. Hi Michel, 1) I wasn't able to determine the exact time for the resource time out from the API spec. Based on the formulas in the iTach API Specification document, I calculated it would take 100ms to transmit one IR sequence. I don't know the the pause time is between transmissions so I don't know the total time it takes to send the IR sequence 6 times and return the success message. Here is the link to the API http://www.globalcache.com/files/docs/API-iTach.pdf 2) The ISY and iTach are in different locations so I will have to relocate the iTach to try this. 3) I used the Global Cache iTest program to send the IR command to the iTach. Command Sent: sendir,1:1,1,38000,6,1,343,172,21,22,21,65BCCCCBCBCBBBBCBCBCCBBBCBCBBCCC21,3800 Response From iTach: ASCII format: completeir,1:1,1 Hex Format: 63 6F 6D 70 6C 65 74 65 69 72 2C 31 3A 31 2C 31 0D It took about 3 seconds from when I clicked on the send button to when I got the response back. (This is really a rough estimate using the second hand on the Windows clock on my system. 4) I was able to get a router from a friend whose teenager bricked it doing a firmware upgrade. Unbricked it, got dd-wrt mini on it, bricked it loading the big build, unbricked it again and was able to get dd-wrt running on it. I am now in the process of configuring the router and playing with the iptables command to do the span port. Sorry it is taking so long to get setup todo the packet capture. Darn day job sure gets in the way of having fun. Regards, Bruce Hi Michel, The ISY wasn’t really hanging. After much time spent troubleshooting the issue the root cause was determined to be a bug in the router firmware causing the router port to constantly renegotiate the port speed to a value that neither the router or the ISY supported. Resolution of the issue required a hard (30-30-30) reset of the router’s NVRAM both before and after the installation of the new router firmware as specified by the vendor. Thank you for your help in resolving this issue. Regards, K7ZPJ
  7. Hi Michel, 1) I wasn't able to determine the exact time for the resource time out from the API spec. Based on the formulas in the iTach API Specification document, I calculated it would take 100ms to transmit one IR sequence. I don't know the the pause time is between transmissions so I don't know the total time it takes to send the IR sequence 6 times and return the success message. Here is the link to the API http://www.globalcache.com/files/docs/API-iTach.pdf 2) The ISY and iTach are in different locations so I will have to relocate the iTach to try this. 3) I used the Global Cache iTest program to send the IR command to the iTach. Command Sent: sendir,1:1,1,38000,6,1,343,172,21,22,21,65BCCCCBCBCBBBBCBCBCCBBBCBCBBCCC21,3800 Response From iTach: ASCII format: completeir,1:1,1 Hex Format: 63 6F 6D 70 6C 65 74 65 69 72 2C 31 3A 31 2C 31 0D It took about 3 seconds from when I clicked on the send button to when I got the response back. (This is really a rough estimate using the second hand on the Windows clock on my system. 4) I was able to get a router from a friend whose teenager bricked it doing a firmware upgrade. Unbricked it, got dd-wrt mini on it, bricked it loading the big build, unbricked it again and was able to get dd-wrt running on it. I am now in the process of configuring the router and playing with the iptables command to do the span port. Sorry it is taking so long to get setup todo the packet capture. Darn day job sure gets in the way of having fun. Regards, Bruce
  8. I will try to get the network trace done tomorrow. It is going to depend on how busy it is at work. My network at home is all switched so the computer that I have WireShark on can't see the traffic between the ISY-99i and the iTach. I had one of the network guys at work double check my filter to make sure I had it correctly configured. The switch that I have in use doesn't support port mirroring so that I is why I mentioned DD-WRT on another router as an option to be able to see the network traffic. Any thoughts on how best to go about the trace? Regards, Bruce (K7ZPJ)
  9. I tried today with the iTach removed from the network. I get a different error message in the error log and no lockup. Error message with iTach disconnected Mon 2012/01/09 12:42:12 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -1/-140002, Net Module Rule: 16 I did notice that there is an error while recovering from the lockup and not sure if this is related. It is "System -170001 UDQ:Queue Full: LOG" It occurs 3 times in a row during rebooting. Let me know how you want to proceed. In the meantime, I am going to try locate a router that I can install dd-wrt so that I have a network device that we can monitor the packet data on. It was a lot easier in the days of network HUBs. Regards, Bruce
  10. Hi Michel, That is correct. I am sending one command from the ISY-99i to the IPTOIR to have it repeat the the IR signal 6 times. Regards, Bruce Hi Michel, I have been able to reproduce the error/lockup several times. Sometimes it occurs on the first time the command is sent fro the isy-99 and on others it occurs the second or third time the command is sent. I have been waiting around 30 seconds between resending the commands when it takes more than one to get a lockup. Regards, Bruce
  11. Hi Michel, That is correct. I am sending one command from the ISY-99i to the IPTOIR to have it repeat the the IR signal 6 times. Regards, Bruce
  12. k7zpj

    XBMC ISY99i

    If you use the iRule remote control for the iPAD you can control both XBMC and the ISY-99i. You would setup a HTTP gateway in iRule to communicate with XBMC via the HTTP API. There is a tutorial on the iRule website on how to set this up. For the control of the ISY-99i there a few options: 1) You could setup a HTTP gateway in iRule to communicate to the ISY-99i to send commands the REST interface to control your scenes. This would be the most direct way of controlling the ISY-99i but you have to learn how to create programs using the REST interface. 2) If you have the IR version of the ISY-99i and a iTACH IPTOIR, you can setup the IPTOIR as a gateway to send IR commands to the ISY-99i. More expensive route but is pretty much plug and play. There is a tutorial on the iRule website on how to setup the iTACH as a gateway device. I am trying out a different approach where I am using the network module of the ISY-99i to sent commands to XBMC so that I can control it from the ISY-99i using a remotelink2. I hope this gives you some ideas on how to start out on this. There maybe other options too that I don't know about since I am still in the early stages playing with XBMC and the ISY-99i too. Regards, Bruce
  13. I am getting a -140005 error when using a network resource to send an IR command that causes a repeating IR sequence to a iTach ip2ir. After triggering the network resource a few times the ISY-99 will lock up. I have to do a power cycle to get it running again. It looks like there is a timing issue because I can set the number of times to repeat the IR sequence to 4 or 5 and the command will work with no errors on the isy-99. Any repeat value over 5 will cause the error on the isy-99 and the eventual lockup of the isy-99. In all cases, even with the error on the isy-99, the repeating IR sequence is transmitted by the IP2IR. This is the the command that I am sending to the the IP2IR: sendir,1:3,1,38000,6,1,343,172,21,22,21,65BCCCCBCBCBBBBCCCBCCBBBBBCBBCCC21,3800,\r,\l The 6 which is in bold is where the number of times to repeat the IR sequence is specified. This command was generated by the Global Cache iLearn program and will execute will issues from iLearn. ISY Info v3.1.16 Beta Firmware PLM 2413S v.92 firmware I wasn't sure with the lockup if this was the right topic or if it needed to be in network resources or IR. Please feel free to relocate to the correct area. Regards, Bruce
  14. I use a black Sharpie pen on LEDs that I don't want to be as bright. Start on the outside edges working inward until you get the light level you want. It works well and you can wipe it off incase you need the LEDs to uncovered someday. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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