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Everything posted by TSinclair

  1. Item has sold.
  2. For anyone that may be interested, I've posted a perfectly good eisy and z-matter module for sale. https://www.ebay.com/itm/326367205661
  3. When you set up your condition in HA, try selecting "numeric state" instead of "state". You should be able to trigger on that. If your thermostat is in HA, I would likely use the HA app to trigger location. I have found it very reliable. I think you will find the "climate" call service in HA to easy enough to set up to change the thermostat to what I want.
  4. I went through this a couple years ago when my PLM died, my attempted repair didn't work, and replacements at the time were going for $1000+. I chose Z-wave, and more recently have added some Zigbee devices. Although I would not go back to Insteon, Z-wave has it's own issues, and is not as reliable as Insteon. At least in my ~80 device install, I'd put Z-wave (mostly Zooz devices) at 95% reliable. I never experienced the "all on" events with insteon, but I can tell you, especially having to listen to the wife, the Z-wave devices not firing when they are supposed to is also VERY aggravating. I sold my 80+ insteon devices in a few "lots" on ebay. I did pretty well; I'd say at the time I got about 50 cents on the dollar. I thought that was pretty good given most of the devices were 7 or 8 years old. No doubt I would have done better had I listed devices individually, but I did not have the time or patience for that. Good luck to you, but I'm not sure the ideal solution exists.
  5. I haven't tinkered with external antennas, so I can't say. Logically it seems it might be worth a try.
  6. I've used a ZEN17 to control the garage door(s) in my detached garage for the last couple months. It has been 98% reliable. The 2% failures are from not opening or closing upon a z-wave button push from the house. I haven't had any random opens. With that said, I would not trust Z-wave at your 100' distance. I have a switch in a shed at about that distance and the success rate is ~80%.
  7. Thank you so much for giving me a path to investigate and test. By putting a wait statement in the two "then" statements I pasted above, everything is now working great. I turned on the log you suggested in HA, but it only showed that the variable changed, it did not show what it changed to. But by looking at the IoX event viewer (pasted below; Variable 140 and 138 are the culprits), I could clearly see the multiple events. Again, the wait statements solved this. Thank You!
  8. I've been using HA for about a month now, so to say I'm still learning is an understatement. I am currently using the IoX integration, which is fantastic...I've been astounded by the near instant response time between IoX and HA. At issue is when using a particular IoX variable in HA that is either 0(off) or 1(on) it presents in HA as both at the same time! (screen print attached). If I change the variable in IoX manually everything works as expected, so I assume the issue is with my program. The program uses a couple of temp sensors, so anytime the temp changes the program reevaluates. Somewhat oddly, even if the reevaluation doesn't cause the variable to change, the "Last Changed" time in the state variable updates. Again, the variable is either a 0 or 1, so I can't figure out why HA shows both changing at the same time. Initially I was using "then" to set the variable to 1 and "else" to set the variable to 0; as part of my troubleshooting I divided into two programs, but the result was the same. Any guidance would be much appreciated. Desired Fan State Down on - [ID 0254][Parent 0071] If ( $sHVAC_Downstairs_Automation_Override is 0 And $sHVAC_Downstairs_Automation_Fan_Mode is 0 And $sHVAC_Downstairs_Heat_or_Cool < 0 ) And ( $sHVAC_Downstairs_Kitchen_Differential >= 1.5 Or $sHVAC_Downstairs_Study_Differential >= 1.5 ) Then $sHVAC_Downstairs_Automation_Fan_Mode = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This is used to set a variable based on temp difference between set temp and actual temp (in study or kitchen)that will command the blower state of the downstairs HVAC. Desired Fan State Down off - [ID 0255][Parent 0071] If ( $sHVAC_Downstairs_Automation_Override is 0 And $sHVAC_Downstairs_Automation_Fan_Mode is 1 ) And ( $sHVAC_Downstairs_Kitchen_Differential < 1.5 And $sHVAC_Downstairs_Study_Differential < 1.5 ) Then $sHVAC_Downstairs_Automation_Fan_Mode = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This is used to set a variable based on temp difference between set temp and actual temp (in study or kitchen)that will command the blower state of the downstairs HVAC.
  9. I would add that after my migration to eisy I began using Telegram within the notification node server. It's been a couple months now and has worked very well. Not sure if you use iOS, but a bonus feature that I now probably couldn't live without is how well it integrates with carplay, it's nice to have the notification present and then siri read it to me.
  10. Just for fun, I tried to create a new program as well as program folder using UDMobile. Now I've never used UD Mobile to do that before, so I don't even know if it should work, but received the error "Could not get programs data".
  11. I am getting the same thing, "bad request" when saving a program on Eisy this morning. Other than clearing java cache, I have not tried to diagnose yet, but certainly odd.
  12. I'm not familiar with the Jasco switches. You would assign the scene node generated during the z-wave pairing/interview to your program. Here is a simple example I am using: Garage Door Right - [ID 0206][Parent 0204] If 'Z-Wave Extra Nodes / ZY 043 Scene Button 2' is switched Fast On Then Set 'Garage / GA ZEN17 / ZY 093.2 Binary Switch' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  13. I understand now. It is annoying that these switches do not function as elegant as insteon! A couple ideas would be to assign another variable that captures if the switch was activated by a motion sensor/program or check if the switch has any scene nodes. My zooz swiches do have scene nodes so I am at least able to use those for fast on's to operate programs (versus just status).
  14. My workaround in this situation is to change the program to monitor status instead of control of the switch.
  15. To keep it simple, I would use a second program for the reason stated above. Program Front Door Lights if from sunset to sunrise (next day) and 'front door motion-sensor' status is on then set front porch lights on run program front door lights off (THEN) else (blank) ________________________________________________________ Program Front Door Lights Off if (blank) then Wait 5 minutes set front porch lights off else (blank)
  16. I'm surprised noone has responded to your question yet, so I'll take a stab. If I understand correctly you want alexa to announce if someone presses the doorbell, and you want to use the yolink app. If you have an existing doorbell, I see two possibilities. If you want to keep the chime, an automotive relay could be wired in with the chime/doorbell transformer and used to trigger a hacked yolink contact sensor, or if you don't want the chime you could simply wire the hacked yolink contact sensor with the doorbell wires. With that said, for the price of a yolink contact sensor and a relay, you could come pretty close to the cost of a ~$35 video doorbell that "works with Alexa".
  17. As an Orchestrated MobiLinc user for MANY years I will concede the learning curve of UD Mobile was pretty steep. However after using it exclusively for 2+ months, I find its power and flexibility wonderful. Yeah remembering the hex colors and minimal icons was/is annoying, but the flexibility and ability to configure what works for my situation(s) is invaluable. The WAF is also high.
  18. I only had only one of those messages overnight. I looked at my router log at the time of the offline/online notice and see the following: dnsmasq[7479]: Maximum number of concurrent DNS queries reached I'm not at all sure what that means or what is causing it, but it's the only occurrence of that message in my log.
  19. I have experienced all Z-Wave devices going unresponsive. No doubt it was more frequent prior to 5.5.9, but has occurred once a few weeks ago (since 5.5.9). At least for me, a reboot doesn't solve, I have to go to each device and perform a Z-Wave>Synchronize>Update.
  20. Please see screenshot. The description is not helpful so I poked around a bit to see if I could get identifiable information about the device but couldn't figure it out. Is there some way that I am missing, or should I send test messages to figure out which device is which? Thank you.
  21. So chalk this up too random reboot that just happened to coincide with the maintenance window. good grief.
  22. You are correct. I wish I had a dang screen print so ya'll don't think I'm crazy! I was logged into AC from the office for the last ~hour. Just this moment I was disconnected and when I reconnect all the state variables now show the system restarted at 7:21:49am.
  23. I had that thought, but based on timestamps of my state variables, eisy did not reboot. Here is the eisy error log during the window. Anything concerning? It seems strange that some of the timestamps are out of order. Is it possible something caused eisy to go into a busy state?Fri 20230324 060713.txt
  24. Thanks, this is what I assumed related to the Envisalink/DSC node server. To clarify, the Hue lights are controlled through ISY Network Resources using programs. I never figured there would be a portal dependency, but according the the wife, they did not work from ~7:15am to 7:23 am CDT. I also got a notice from Telegram, through the Notification Node Server, that the service started up at 7:21 CDT. I can't look at Node server logs right now, but it now seems something caused some of them to restart. I am here on this forum to learn, I'm not casting blame, I just want to understand.
  25. Please educate me. One of the reasons I have been loyal to ISY (and now eisy) all these years has been to maintain local control. To me this means that everything within the walls of my home works, even if the internet is down. I was very surprised to get that angry call from the wife this morning that "I can't turn on the damn lights". What this translates to is lights using motion or contact sensors through the DSC Node Server, and Hue lights using Network Resourses did not function during the outage this morning. I don't understand how that can be. I apparently mistakenly assumed the portal maintenance this morning would only impact UD Mobile, and Alexa routines. Please educate me on the dependencies on the portal.
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