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Everything posted by khargy

  1. I'm trying to setup the Digital Loggers Rack PDU as a network resource. I had an older version but the API on this one seems completely different... I have this curl command working: curl -u user:password --digest -X PUT -H "X-CSRF: x" --data "value=false" "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/restapi/relay/outlets/=1/state/" I can't seem to figure out how to add "digest" authentication... or if I can't maybe there's a different way to access?
  2. khargy

    ISY Protocols

    I currently have an ISY 994i/IR. I have the following modules: ISY Portal Open Auto Demand/Reponse Module Climate Module Network Module I plan on getting the Z-Wave upgrade (https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Z-Wave:_Ordering/Assembly_Instructions) Will that give me the same features as the ISY994Zw? It looks like I currently have support for OpenADR, is that basically for keeping track of your energy usage? There is an option to purchase the ELK Integration Module, so it sounds like that is software only? Is that for security systems? It sounds like Zigbee support there is a hardware requirement? And it's either Z-Wave or Zigbee you can't have both?
  3. What's the "AC"?
  4. So it's unclear what the problem was...I removed it from the door frame, and had it depressed all day and didn't have any issues... I re-installed it in the door frame and haven't had any issues since. I suspect maybe I over-tighten it at one point and like Techman said it wasn't getting fully depressed? Anyway haven't had any problems in weeks.
  5. https://www.smarthome.com/insteon-2845-222-hidden-door-sensor.html
  6. I currently have a Morning Industry (milocks) keypad and the MorningLinc controller... from what I can tell the Morninglinc is completely discontinued? I can't seem to find any current Insteon solution to control door locks. Are there lock brands that are compatible w/ the ISY (ISY994i)?
  7. Has anyone else had any issues w/ the the Hidden Door Sensor logging an event when it hasn't really changed? I started getting some weirdness maybe a couple of months ago with an extra event here and there...(which can be alarming when you think someone is opening your door)... last night I had over 200 random door/open closes (which triggers an email)... I'm not seeing anything odd in the logs (other then the events themselves) Battery Devices / Doors / Front Door - Sensor Status 0% Mon 2018/05/07 03:21:07 AM System Log Battery Devices / Doors / Front Door - Sensor Status 100% Mon 2018/05/07 03:21:07 AM System Log I just replaced the battery in the sensor when this started happening and that didn't seem to make a difference. Also this same behavior has happen on other Hidden door sensor so it doesn't seem like a problem with the specific module. Thanks, Ken log.txt
  8. Thanks, I've used the "auto ping" feature when I used to have some web cam that's would get stuck and then I would power cycle them as needed. I wanted to set this up in the ISY to I can use the Echo for control over the switches.
  9. Ah perfect that worked! Also it didn't help matters that the outlet I was testing and I thought was empty was actually controlling my ISY
  10. Can't really get it to do anything... I just want basic controls... not sure if the Rest API is the right approach or not... Can't figure out how to authenticate myself? I try: http://admin:XX@192.168.1.xxx in a browser and it just redirects me to the login page. I tried the curl example from the documentation: curl -H "Range: dli-depth=1" -H "Accept: application/json" --digest 'http://admin:xxx@192.168.1.xxx/restapi/' and I just get back: <HTML><HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="0; URL=/"> </HEAD><BODY></BODY>
  11. Do you remember having any trouble? I'm trying to following the REST guide but not making much progress: http://www.digital-loggers.com/restapi.pdf
  12. Has anyone set up a Digital Loggers Web Power Switch 7 (http://www.digital-loggers.com/lpc.html) as a Network Resource?
  13. khargy

    Toggle Program

    Well I'm not TRYING to make it flash I was just trying to make it turn the light off if it's it on and on if it's off... ultimately I want to use this logic for IR control -- the idea being that when a specfic IR button is pushed it'll call the toggle program. Currently I have to have two programs for each IR button -- one if the light is on and one if the light is off. I figure there must be a better way.
  14. khargy

    Toggle Program

    ok, that make sense -- how do I compensate for that?
  15. khargy

    Toggle Program

    Ok, so I thought I understood the if-then-else logic, but I guess not I'm trying to write a program that will toggle the light on or off: if Status 'office' is not off then Set 'office' off else Set 'office' on when I do a run(if) on that program it just goes into an infinite loop! What am I missing? Thanks, Ken
  16. Does anyone know if you can turn off the LED on the ICON Relays (2876SB) like you can on the SwitchLinc Relays? Thanks, Ken
  17. I've tried on both my PC and Mac and it won't get past 6% I'll get: "Socket Open Failed java.io.IOException: An Established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine" and then "Upgrade Failed: Invalid Length" Ken
  18. Ok, I'm back to normal now... I powered down the device, kept it off for like 10 mins, powered it up and didn't log in for about 10 mins. Not sure it that's what did or it's just a coincidence but it seems to be fine now. Thanks, Ken
  19. I'm getting this same error... I have 2.7.12... It say's "discovering nodes, retry" and then it's tries linking for a long time (I let it go for a couple of hours)... I've tried rebooting it but it just says "discovering nodes, retry" again when it start back up. Thanks. Ken
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