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Everything posted by AGinsburg01

  1. Thank you! I appreciate it, and I got really excited for a while when I saw the system variable I didn't know were there! 😀
  2. In your example you are only updating your variable with the minute value at 12:05. I need the minute updated every minute.
  3. Yes, you could do something like that. However, this is basically recreating logic that is already built into the TimeData node. Since I have been using TimeData successfully for over a decade now, it would be my preference for the author to simply resolve this issue. This is undoubtedly affecting other TimeData users as well (I can't imagine I'm the only user!) Additionally, I use other nodes as well, and am concerned that this may be a deeper issue in the node framework that could affect other nodes I use. So, I would prefer that the actual problem is tracked down and resolved so it doesn't affect other users or nodes.
  4. If you'd like more details - refer to the following link: Polisy Data Collection.pdf (alphaengineeringlabs.com)
  5. Sure. I am recording hourly statistics for A/C system so that I can optimize its performance. So, I need to build a set of data every hour and send it via email to myself and generate a spreadsheet with the data so I can graph it.
  6. It appears to me that the system time values can be used as RValues only. In other words, it doesn't appear that I could do something like the following: if [Current Minute] is 0 minute In order to do this using, the method you described, I would have to setup a program that runs every minute and assign the system minute value to a variable which I could then use. But in order to do this I would need an event that updates every minute - which is what the TimeData node provides. So, this is a chicken and egg situation. I can see where this works for you because you are using time values that only change once a day, so you can trigger on a specific time of day and update the variables. Unless I'm missing something, and you can use these system time values as LValues, I think I'm better off sticking with the TimeData node.
  7. Thanks, that is a great idea! I originally started using the TimeData node MANY years ago with the ISY994. At that time, these system variables did not exist, and I was directed to use the TimeData node - which has been working great for all these years. I never realized these were now available in the system! I will definitely give these a try.
  8. I upgraded my ISY firmware from 5.6.2 to 5.6.3 this morning in the hopes that some of the bug fixes might resolve this. Unfortunately, the problem still exists.
  9. That is interesting that it does not occur every hour, I had assumed it would because all of my (albeit limited) testing showed it to occur every time. It is certainly possible that it is some sort of interaction with the ISY, or possibly a bug in the ISY itself. If so, it is quite possible that it may be causing issues in all nodes (not just TimeData.) If you believe that it is this sort of "tip of the iceberg" issue, I suggest possibly escalating this up to the Universal Devices support team to see if they can help track it down. To answer your question, I am not aware of any ISY built-in time/date functions. They only support comparing a full time/date value, not a piece of the value. This is why Michel (UD support) recommended your TimeData node to me years ago. Until this moment it has been working perfectly for me.
  10. I'm glad that you are able to reproduce the problem. I have reported it so that it can be resolved and avoid this issue for other users. I have already fixed the problem I was having by triggering on 'minutes' = '58' (instead of '59) which works just as well for what I need. Please take as much time as you need to resolve this issue - it is not holding me up at this time.
  11. The problem is an edge condition where the logic is invoked TWICE (should only be once) if, and only if, the minute being checked is 59 AND another test accompanies it to verify that the hour is not 23. I setup four test to verify this (see attached Test.jpg, Test1.jpg, Test2.jpg, Test3.jpg) two of the tests trigger at two minutes before the hour and they both work properly. The other two tests trigger at one minute before the hour and one of these fails (see attached Test2.jpg) You can see this in the attached Results.jpg file. All variables in the attached Results.jpg file were initialized to zero before running this test. Notice how variable TEST2 was incremented TWICE, and the last modified time is 12:00:07. TEST2 was incremented once at 11:59:07, and then again at 12:00:07. This should not be happening in my opinion.
  12. You could also check out this section in the wiki: Polisy:User Guide - Universal Devices, Inc. Wiki (universal-devices.com) It describes several interesting user applications with associated programming.
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