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  1. Since the outage my Alexa Routine triggers (motion sensor) no longer work. Anyone else having that issue? Thanks.
  2. Thank you very much for your help @Geddy! I was able to check my license and I'm good. And thanks for making me aware of the current issue. Very much appreciated!
  3. Hi, today woke up to ISY99 showing as registered but OFFLINE in my UD Portal. I've recently moved / updated credit cards etc. How do I check to see if my annual payment went through - or least to see why my ISY is offline? Thanks
  4. Hello @larryllix and @dbwarner5. So last night, everthing started to work again (down for 2 weeks). I contacted Amazon (with ticket ID) to ask them what they chaged. They said nothing was done to resolve my issue specifically. So they didn't know why it started to work again. However, they asked me a few questions including the date and time everything started up again and said they would investigate if something had changed on their end (on the 1st and on the 14th - the beginning and end of the issue). They said they'd email me if they found anything. Not gonna hold my breath.
  5. Hello @larryllix and @dbwarner5 and everone in this thread. Just wanted to say thanks for the help. Dealing with Amazon support was insane. I had 12 agents ask me to do the same troubleshooting steps (12 times!) ie uninstall and reinstall the app, deactivate, reactivate the skill, disable, reenable the routines. create new motion sensors, create new routines, change the name of my echo devices, deregister, register etc. All but the last one agent dropped me without explanation. Anyway, the last one finally escalated it (opened a ticket) and they are going to look at my account first - to see why these Routines (related to ISY) are not running despite the change of state in the device. Thanks again
  6. Hello @larryllix, thanks for your help. Yeah the Routines are enabled. I even started a chat with Amazon Support to make sure. What's weird is that when I change the state of the variable in the ISY, the related device I setup in the Portal reports "Motion Detected" in the Alexa app under devices (and vis versa). Depite this trigger, the related routine does not run. As I mentioned earlier, these Routines have been running for years, same smart devices, never dormant. The Routines just stopped running a few days ago. Since this is still working for other UD members in this forum, I have changed my mind - this has to be an Amazon issue since the Device state is changing in the app. btw the goto advice from amazon support is to delete your app (and the routines - even if you have dozens) If I learn anything new from Amazon I'll post it Thanks again
  7. Hi @dbwarner5, if it's not too much of a bother could you post a screenshot of your portal screen for this variable please? Thanks
  8. @dbwarner5, just want to clarify ... did your first example work as a Alexa Routine "WHEN" trigger? ie did your state variable trigger an Alexa Routine? Thanks!
  9. Actually @garybixler you're probably right. It appears to be that ANY Alexa Routine triggered by a state variable is no longer being triggered and run when the state variable changes.
  10. Hi @dbuss! Yes I have. I've run the ISY programs manually (then, else) to make sure the related state variable has been changed correctly (key is changed because its not a trigger if the state hasn't changed). And I've even changed the state variable manually in the variables section to no joy. And lastly, when I play the routines from the Alexa App they work great. As of 3 days ago these routines are no longer triggered when the state variable changes. prior to that they had been working for years! btw I spoke to Amazon and of course they blamed the UD skill - but of course they would :-). But I do think it is UD because as I mentioned earlier, all my other Alexa routines work great including those triggered by a motion detector that is not setup in the UD Portal. It's only routines triggered by Motion Detectors and Contact Sensors setup in the UD Portal. Thanks!
  11. Thank you @larryllix and @garybixler My Alexa routines are definitely enabled and working - at least those that are not triggered by a Motion or Contact sensor setup in the UD Portal. For instance, when I use Alexa to call to turn on an Insteon Switch or to run an ISY program that turns on Insteon Switches (voice commands setup in the UD Portal), it works great (as always). Also, Alexa Routines not related to or dependant on the UD Portal work fine as well. I've narrowed this down to only devices setup as a Motion Detectors or Contact Sensors in the UD Portal. I believe something in the UD Portal was changed a few days ago and broke this. iow this is not an Amazon or Alexa issue. For instance, I have a motion detector at my front door which is recognized by Alexa as a Smart Home device and is NOT setup in or related to the UD Portal. When this motion detector is triggered the related Alexa Routine runs and notifies me. So, I don't think it's Alexa. btw I tried unlinking and relinking the UD ISY Skill (and rediscovering all devices) to no joy. I even deleted all the Motion and Contact Sensors I setup in the UD Portal from my list of Alexa Smart Home Devices and then rediscovered them successfuly - also to no joy. Thanks again
  12. For the last couple of days Alexa does not recognize the state change of "Motion Detectors" or "Contact Sensors" that I created in the portal. For instance, I've setup a number of state variables in the portal as either Motion Detectors (multiple states ie 0, 1, 2, 3 etc) or Contact Sensor (two states either 0 or 1). So if a ISY program changes the state of a state variable, this triggers an Alexa Routine. I've been doing this for years. Even created some new ones last week. However, Alexa has not recognized these state changes for the past 2 days. Did I miss something? btw All other portal related functions appear to be working fine. Thanks
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