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Everything posted by JeffM

  1. Since i'm new to all this, what the heck is Home Assistant? Is that a product sold here? Is it really that easy to buy and use with existing Insteon? I feel like i'm drowning in a sea of information. I still have my Insteon plugged in and it runs what it runs. I just have no access to it to change anything.
  2. So I've bough the geeni garage door opener and so far so good. They have some siimilar products as Insteon had for my small usage and work with Alexa too. https://mygeeni.com/collections/all?brand=Geeni&page=2 I'm not jumping through hoops to get Insteon working. Honestly, it still controls some things left up and running and that is how it will stay until I replace it all.
  3. Yup me too.
  4. Geez, at that price, I might as well switch to Ring Alarm. I loved the simplicity of Insteon and Ring seems like it offers similar features. At least with push notifications for open close sensors.
  5. Thanks! Yes Insteon hub. Would I get the push notifications with the ISY Series Controller too? I forgot about wifi issues in my old plaster walled house too. Man, is there no other system as simple and effective as insteon used to be? I've been running my system for 8 years now. I don't have a lot, but what I do (did) have I loved. It was so simple. I like many others have said, recommend the system to all kinds of folks. When I was in Japan, I would get push notifications and could check on the person house siting for us!
  6. Sigh, with Insteon. I loved the door sensors. Of all the features, I used this the most. I could watch the comings and goings of everyone in my house and it was a good self-security monitoring system. Is there any off the shelf brand anyone would recommend specifically for door sensors? I have some Alexa products.
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