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Everything posted by kenrok1

  1. i can take a joke or sarcasm - i'm not offended or anything, i just truly dont know what point of debating the aesthetics gets us. as for doing custom icons, sure you could take any image you like and drop into something like ICO Convert - Create Icons From PNG & JPG Images Online (Im not endorsing this particular one any more than any other free service out there- I'm sure there are plenty this was just the first hit when i googled) and then replace the default icon by right-clicking on the shortcut > properties > change icon and browse to where ever you saved your .ico file
  2. PM sent - please don't invest too much time in this. I'm not having any issues with UD Mobile currently as I was able to get past this as noted above. I'm just sharing if it is of interest you. I just assumed it was because of the different ISY portal accounts. Maybe the IOS version? I was on 15.5 and she may have still been on 15.4.x (UD Mobile app same 0.7.6 across all)
  3. I'm not sure where you're going with this - it wasnt much worry at all on my part- I noticed the icon looked like shit and fixed mine. Thought I may share a suggestion that it might be easy to make it look better (for all). I guess we all have too much time on our hands that we're having this inane discussion. Maybe just delete the thread?
  4. Thanks again, this was useful. To clarify what I meant by specific to user, I set my wife up a separate ISY portal user. I was able to backup from my phone and restore to my ipad, but I could not restore to the same backup to her phone (it crashed the UD mobile app, ie. it would no longer open it just flashed and closed each time attempting to open it after) - so I had to remove the app, reinstall and start over. One I set up her favorites, I did the back/restore from her phone to her ipad and that worked just fine.
  5. thanks @Javi - I did see the backup/restore, had not tried it yet. I am guessing this is specific to the user?
  6. I just want to make sure I'm not making this more laborious than it needs to be... trying to add most (or all) devices to the launch page... which looks like the options are limited to default/home tab or favorites so currently I am adding favorites one-at-a-time by pressing + on the favorites page > display node > home > devices and scenes > pick the device or scene > change icon [optional] > save ...rinse and repeat This seems to be good for one mobile device, so I have to repeat multiple times
  7. my monitors are also just 1920x1080 attached is the default ico that the jnlp wrote from my %localuser%\AppData\Local\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\349e3a262-125aaaed.ico
  8. @BCreekDave that was fast but @Ross actually asked just about 5 min sooner Thanks
  9. I have two 2441TH Thermostats that look and function like new. Recent replaced with ecobee so I no longer have a use for them. I could ebay but not worth the hassle for a few bucks. Anybody want them? Just pay shipping I don't know how much that is until you tell me where and how you want them sent ~ but I think a small flat rate USPS box is 8.25
  10. @bpwwer no prob - and thanks again, you helped me get further than I was! @automationgeek Hi - it looks like you are the author... can you offer any advice?
  11. thank you - sorry for the slow reply I just saw this because I checked back, I guess I mistakenly assumed I was automatically subscribed to notifications for content I posted (just updated my profile settings, so I am now) I hadn't seen the node show up before on my PG3 home dashboard and as my 1st install I wasn't used to checking there. I was able to add the host and it has connected (I can issue commands from the AC) but my set temp is showing as 102C ! would you happen to know if this can be corrected to fahrenheit? also there's only 2 pumps showing (I have 3).
  12. actually interestingly it has the same udlogo.png reference is in the shortcut and the splash screen… obviously it looks fine on the splash screen so something is happening to make the .ico file low res on creation.
  13. well the size is just what the converter spit out from png to ico… I didn’t specify any resolution or compression or color indexes that may make it a few kb lighter You lost me on the profit bit though - unless you’re insinuating I should make it a node and sell in the polyglot store ? or maybe a UDI NFT?
  14. Hi @Javi - you might want to check out running Win11 in a VM... I'm sure there are several ways but here's one I found pretty easy to follow https://blogs.oracle.com/virtualization/post/install-microsoft-windows-11-on-virtualbox you just need to download virtualbox if you don't have it already https://www.virtualbox.org/ and the iso from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows11 when you get to the product key just say I don't have one
  15. This is an easy one... could someone please replace the pixelated .ico file that installs with the start.jnlp ? here's one... I just used the .png image off the header of this forum and dropped in an online converter (and then changed the icon from the properties of the shortcut) Thanks! UD.ico
  16. Just made the switch to Polisy - 24 hrs in and I am impressed. it was a tad bit confusing to get going but quickly fell into place some background - I was a hub 1 and 2 (never hub pro but considered) user for 10+ years. Moderately active on the Insteon forum for years, incl beta testing and obviously aware of ISY for a long time… but I was always content w the Hubs … never really dealing w the houselinc and older tech I didn’t have the impulse to look elsewhere. It is nice to see some familiar user aliases over here. Since the shutdown I’ve tried a number of workarounds (home assistant, openhab, hoobs & homebridge, and homeseer) of them all HA was the most useful to me and probably the easiest to understand. And I’m grateful for them to help me get to this point. But there’s nothing like having raw native control like Polisy delivers! It ain’t pretty but it’s beautiful! (No offense - I know the topic gets brought up a bit but it really is a wolf in Windows95 clothing ?) and of course support from Michel has been the royal treatment everyone says it is! Still learning but not looking back.
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  17. Interesting. I factory reset my switches but most plug in modules are not easy to get to so I used the clear links… it seems pretty thorough like even mini remotes removed that somehow seemed like they were permanently linked prior. what does a reset do besides clearing the device link db?
  18. installed this but step 2 udi-spa-Node server/README.md at master · UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-spa-Node server · GitHub says Add a custom variable named host containing the ip address of the bwa™ Wi-Fi Module when I'm in the AC and go to variables I can add a state or an integer = which one am I using? and after the name host what field does the IP address go in (tried them all w no luck)
  19. thanks- i just realized i was in the wrong place and went to go update my original post but you beat me to it! I needed to be at my polisy ip address:3000/getns
  20. looking for the RainMachine in Polyglot-Cloud (isy.io) and it says 38 current node servers - this isn't one of them. what am I missing to install?
  21. @Brian H thanks - looks like you answered that! any idea if there are other potential donor daughter boards (besides from a 2413 itself?) The reference to 3.3v came from the 2245 conversion - as well as the pinout circled here
  22. This is what I was trying to confirm- so it stands to reason the 2443 could be repurposed to function as a 2413. Disregarding the rs232 board for the moment I’m going to see if a donor daughter board from a 2414u might work
  23. thanks - mine looks like that as well. FCC photos show that one and a newer iteration that has some pins in the same section. I moved the discussion over here
  24. sorry typo on my part - I meant the ubiquitous 2413
  25. sorry I just updated to clarify - i was referring to the 2443 "access point" not the hub pro. FWIW the access points can be found ~$20 ish on ebay right now so I bought one to experiment with
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