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  1. So nobody is using one of these? 😕
  2. These new type of sensor have revolutionized smart home control. Instead of the old way of setting a timer and having the lights go out, then having to wave your arms around to get the lights back on, this just works. I'm surprised by the lack of comments/asks for these to be supported? Could I make a suggestion....that UD picks one device, that has good reviews and incorporates it into the system. These devices do require extra setup. Setting areas of detection for example. Maybe this is an opportunity for UD to make their own? Someone has done this for Home Assistant The Everything Presence One - Available for Pre-order now! (everythingsmarthome.co.uk) Or am I missing something and there is already a way?
  3. and......its working again.....This feels like what has been going one for over a week now.
  4. After working for day, they are now back not working again. Will get back onto Amazon in the morning.
  5. Its working again now. A few people complained to Amazon.
  6. Amazon will not tell you anything about the issue or when it will be fixed. Just they know about it.
  7. Yeah, about a week for me too. I haven't touched the floor plan stuff though.
  8. And yes I can log in OK through the cloud to the Admin console
  9. No, unfortunately not working for me. I can see the variable opening and closing the contact device in Alexa, but none of my routines that use them as the 'when' ,including newly created work.
  10. Not working for me yet? Is there anything we need to do, new software?, Log in somewhere again?
  11. Down for me. I see the sensors open and close in Alexa but the routines fail.
  12. OK...got it. I redid an interview and sucked the info out of it. Edit: this worked once...and never again. back to the drawing board..... Edit2: It seems to only work 1 in 10 times. but I have both my sensors added now
  13. Policy, 5.8.0, internal board. It was also doing this with the previous software.
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