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Everything posted by FBoucher

  1. Thanks Geddy, I did that, but I can try again. I also opened a ticket.
  2. Hello again, Also, I selected 24h format in configuration, but the Schedule in Programs still shows hours in the AM/PM format. Is it possible to have 24h time format in Programs?
  3. Thank you very much Geddy and MrBill for taking the time to answer my questions. I just need to learn this programming language. I followed lilyoyo1 suggestion to factory reset all my Insteon devices. It took me a little while because some of these devices are not easy to reach. I also factory reset My Polisy and PLM. Now I've added all the Insteon devices back, created basic scenes and basic programs. I'll play with them to get a better sense of the interactions while referring to the wiki and cookbook. However, in the process of resetting everything, I no longer have the "Portal" tab in the "Configuration" tab. Before the reset, I succeeded in linking to UD Mobile and ISY Portal. Now ISY Portal list the Polisy, but says it's offline. What should I do to get it back? Thanks
  4. Thanks for the tip lilyoyo1, If not mistaken, factory reset requires a physical access to the set button on the device, right?
  5. Hi again, I should have read the cookbook further before posting ... sorry. The answer is a bit more complicated. From the cookbook page 183 section 9.5.4, I understand that the IF condition is re-evaluated when there is a WAIT or REPEAT action in the THEN (or ELSE) section. So, if I understand correctly, for a simple program like the one you posted: if from sunset to sunrise then turn light on else turn light off the THEN and ELSE actions will only be executed once because the IF condition will only be evaluated twice, at sunset and at sunrise. I'll keep reading before posting ... Many thanks, FBO
  6. Thanks Geddy for the reply. This ISY cookbook is really good. That's what I was looking for. I didn't venture in the ISY994 wiki thinking that it no longer applied to Polisy. From the cookbook on page 145, section 9.2.4, reproduced here: IF – has the condition that must be met to for the program to run. This condition is the trigger for the program to take action. THEN – is the primary action when the condition is met. The program here stays running as long as the condition is met or True. ELSE – is the secondary action when the condition is no longer met or False and only after the primary action was taken. So, as you stated, the program gets triggered when the IF condition is met. Other times the program is not running. Once met, the actions under THEN are executed while the condition is TRUE. When the condition goes from TRUE to FALSE, the ELSE actions are executed once. If the condition is a period (like sunset to sunrise) does "The program here stays running" mean that the actions under THEN are repeatedly executed? Or the THEN actions are executed only once when the IF condition is met and keeping the program running serves as some sort of timer to get the ELSE actions executed at the end of the period?
  7. Hi to all, I just received my Polisy (running v5.4.3) and Insteon PLM 2413S. So I'm on a learning curve and this is my first post. I managed to build my own RJ45 to DB9 interface with an ethernet cable and an inexpensive DB9 to RJ45 Modular Adapter like this. I also managed to add my 25 devices using the "remove links" option. So, I think I'm all set to start programming. I searched for a programming primer, but couldn't find one to answer my questions. My questions regarding programs are: Do programs run 24/7 like a service or they only run when the condition is true like a scheduled task? If they run 24/7 like a service, then everything under the "then" is executed at every cycle when the condition is true and everything under the "else" is executed the rest of the time when the condition is false. For example, if my program turn on a scene (then action) at 18h00 for 1 hour (if condition) and turn off the scene otherwise (else condition), does it mean that if I turn on the scene manually at 20h00 the program will automatically turn it off because it's in the else condition? If they run like a scheduled task, why is there an "else" option since the task is only executed when the condition is true which means that at other times the task would not run. Plese help me understand, Many thanks to the community, FBO
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