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  1. I have the same setup as Bill. Used to use a browser to access the ISYs. Now using the admin console java applet. I was able to enter both local and remote addresses into the ISY Finder. When I am at each of my places I am able to access locally the ISY. I am also able to access my other ISY remotely. All works good. However, the problem happens when I am at work where there is no ISY. When I start the admin console (ISY Finder) it is blank and is not populated with either of my ISY remote or local addresses. And all I get is a message that the ISY Finder cannot find an ISY. At work this morning - nothing. No access. I came to remote site 2 and as soon as I get on my local network I have access locally to site 2 as well as remote access to site 1. I had this issue a couple of years ago and I "shortcutted" the solution by just using the web browser and my dyndns.org addresses. Worked fine.
  2. I upgraded last month to 3.17 but have just gotten around to email notifications. Like the other poster, only the first email sends and then I get an Server timeout error. I am not using First Name Last Name: email setting. Not sure which version notifications last worked on, but it was beta 3.xx something. Sorry I can't be more specific. I usually only turn them on when I am going away for a couple of days. Here is a screen shot of my settings. Works for first email only, but used to work all the time.
  3. I added an integer variable with initial value of 0 and added it to a program. The count incremented up to 6 during my testing as I expected and I was happy. I then deleted that variable, hit Save and it was gone. This morning I wanted to do some more testing and so I added a new integer variable and hit save. The present value of that integer was 6. I was surprised as that was the present value of the integer variable that I had deleted last night. I did further testing and confirmed that the present value of a variable is not cleared when the variable is deleted (even after hitting save). If a variable is deleted and then a new one is added (in the same ID spot) then the present value is not cleared upon deletion. Is this intended? (Not sure if this should be in this post or under variable support forum).
  4. I am also excited to see variables. I had an Ocelot for about 3 years before making the move to the ISY. There were so many features that made the ISY so much better, but my one frustration was the lack of variables. However, even without variables, the ISY is by far the very best home automation product that I have ever owned. The support and free ongoing software updates are fantastic!
  5. Updated from 2.8.8 to 2.8.16 with no problems. Followed all instructions including removing java certificates and clearing java files and apps. Everything appears to work okay except that I have no status of my devices showing when I am on the Main tab of the Admin console. For the dimmers neither the status nor the on level is updated. On level just shows zero. I have complete control of my devices from the Admin console, but even when manually turning on or turning off the device from the admin console, the status remains blank. Have accessed my admin console via http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.8.16/admin.jnlp as well as http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.8.16 and there is no difference. I have queried the devices and still no status change. Oops, rebooted my PC and now it works. Seems that a reboot was necessary even after following all the instructions. Dan
  6. Thanks Michel. You guys are great - product supported before it is released! Wish I could say the same for some other tech companies.
  7. I see that SH is supposedly releasing a DB Switchlinc Dimmer this week. I was planning on buying a couple of access points or DB Lamplincs for my garage and basement where I currently don't have RF coverage. However, in both those spots I was also planning on installing a Switchlinc. Using the new DB Switchlinc would solve both problems with one device. Just wondering if there is any estimate of when ISY will support this device? I am trying to plan and need to have this installed by the middle of November in order to support my Christmas light display.
  8. Thanks guys for the help. For some reason I had a mental block on this one and just couldn't seem to see it straight. Either solution will work for me - it just becomes a question of whether I want the light to go out when I turn off the Away Flag. My programming background likes to keep similar functioning programs in the same style, but I am learning with the ISY that function takes precedence over form.
  9. I know that there has been plenty of discussion on how IF, THEN, and ELSE statements execute. It took me a while to figure it out when I first got my ISY, but I thought that I finally had a handle on it. Have written some fairly complicated programs and everything has worked to my satisfaction. Then along comes what I think is something simple and it just doesn't work the way that I expected. Here are two programs: Program Kitchen Lights Away If From Sunset To 11:14:00PM (same day) And Program 'Away Flag' is True Then Set 'Kitchen Pots' On Else Set 'Kitchen Pots' Off Program Away Flag If Status 'DR Keypad D' is On Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If I am away from the house then I set the DR Keypad D button on before I go. Then at Sunset the Kitchen lights will turn on and at 11:14 pm the kitchen lights will turn off. If I come home before 11:14 pm and turn Keypad D button off, then the kitchen lights will turn off. All works as expected and planned. Last night I was at home and had manually turned the kitchen lights on about 11:00pm. At 11:14 pm the kitchen lights went out. This was not what I expected as the Away Flag was false. However, what appears to be happening is that at 11:14pm the schedule condition goes false and thus the ELSE statement is executed and the Kitchen Pots are turned off. Following that logic it makes sense that if the Away Flag is false then the ELSE statement would also be executed at Sunset. I don't really want to put the Kitchen Lights Away program into a folder controlled by Away Flag as I have several other programs that I have written using Away Flag that won't work inside a folder. Is there any other alternative other than breaking this one tidy program into two programs; one for Kitchen Lights On and one for Kitchen Lights Off. That would avoid the ELSE statement.
  10. I will second that motion. The support from UDI is unheard of these days. Thanks guys.
  11. Kingwr got me curious. In my post above I showed the code that worked for me for a sunset condition. I assumed that this would be the same, but ran a test anyways. If Sunrise+30 occurs before 6:50 AM the IF will not become true and the THEN statement will not execute. So this example should work just fine.
  12. I have a similar application, but in the opposite direction. I only want to turn my kitchen table light on if it is one hour before sunset and if that occurs in a half hour window. The program that I set up as a flag for Sunset Window was: If From Sunset - 1 hour To 7:25:00PM (same day) Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If Sunset - 1 Hour is greater than 7:25 pm then this program will remain false when the time reaches one hour before sunset. It is only when Sunset - 1 hour is less than 7:25 pm that the program will be true.
  13. I would say that "preempting" s the key word here. If there isn't a WAIT or a REPEAT, the THEN or ELSE will most likely execute "almost immediately". Therefore there wouldn't be anything to stop. However, if you have used a program as a variable, then this could be affected as the true/false would change. Could have a much different effect on your program than you expected. Also, as I pointed out in an earlier post, using the climate module and checking for light level, I found that the IF statement was evaluated and the THEN statement was executed every time that the weatherbug was pollled. Since I was just using the program to turn off a light, it wasn't a big deal, but it did send out an OFF command every 60 seconds which was totally unneccessary and flooding the power line.
  14. So a question that hasn't been answered yet. What does "Error Discovering Nodes. Retry" mean?
  15. Just wanted to provide a final update to the issues that I had so that if anyone else encounters problems, perhaps my solutions will help them. Well, last night half of my devices stopped working again. In frustration I did a factory reset of the PLM and the ISY and started rebuilding from scratch. In the forums I have found advice that this shouldn't be necessary, but I was bullheaded and went ahead anyways. Eventually found out that in my case it was unneccesary. During the reprogramming I found that I was still not able to link to certain devices. Then I confirmed that I was not able to link to them from other working Insteon devices either. That confirmed a comm issue rather than an ISY issue. Took me about 7 hours between last night and today to figure everything out. 1. The main issue was a CFL that had gone bad in one of my outside pot lights. I was able to track this down as I last night I had systematically shut off breakers for all the potential "noisy" devices in the house. This didn't help at all. This morning, I was able to link and control all my devices without a problem. Thus narrowed it down to okay in the daytime, but problems in the evening. I kept testing linking and control throughout the day and it was only after my front pot lights came on that the problem started again. Replaced a CFL bulb and success - communications again. 2. The problems all started when I tried to move a DB Lamplinc and do some testing. I didn't realize that I had a bad CFL at that time and figured that the issue was with the ISY or the PLM. Well, I did create one problem with my testing. During testing I linked a couple of Insteon switches to the ISY , but then moved the DB Lamplinc before I unlinked them after testing. I could no longer communicate with the devices but decided to remove them from the ISY anyways. It was after doing this that the Error Discovering Nodes kept locking up the ISY. Not sure what the process is in the ISY, but I don't think that this was a good idea. From now on I will only remove devices if I can communicate with them. System is back to operation and I am again a happy camper. It was frustrating, but I also learned quite a bit.
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