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Everything posted by Dinboise

  1. Kclenden: Yes. It looks like in a normal situation the message is just what I got at 3:00 AM when nothing triggered the sensor. I simulated the door opening and got the notification just like I did at 3:00 AM. So now the mystery deepens as the clue 255 means nothing special. Weird. End of life crisis? Paul: The sensor is more exposed to cold weather. That would be too bad if the battery gets finicky before the sensor identifies the low battery status. But I have not had problems before. I will change batteries. Thanks - David
  2. I have a hidden door sensor that has been going along just fine. I have used the state variables to identify when the unit needs attention like a battery change and other than that, it has been humming without issue. Last night however at 3:00 AM the program whose IF statements are 1) if between midnight and 5:00 AM. AND 2) Status of Front Door Sensor is 100%. Then do the then thing. So At 3:00 AM I am told the 'Front Door Hidden Sensor' Status set to 255. This has never happened before and I am curious if the 255 tells anyone anything? I think the message would have said something like the "Sensor is ON or OFF". Any thoughts? BTW, I am thinking of separating out this IF statement into an enabled program that asks for the "Control" of the sensor and if it is Control ON then go to a disabled program whose IF statement asks what time it is in oder to run the notifications. David
  3. Oberck - that worked. Thanks. D
  4. hmm. I have a state variable set up for my leak sensors and it is a bit complicated but doable. I might try the disabling solution first when I have time. For now, my wife and I had a good laugh as to why she couldn't tun off the lights. Yeah, that's me - left the bad program enabled and went to bed. David
  5. I wrote this little program thinking it would tun off the lights in the kitchen (the scene) if any of the lights were on. And if the lights were all off it would turn on the typical light selection. But it will turn all the lights off and immediately turn the two lights on that are mentioned in the "Else". I tried putting a "stop program" command under the "Then" commands but that didn't seem to do anything. Has anyone had luck creating a toggle like function into a single press of a button? IR06 - [ID 0012][Parent 000B] If IR 'IR_006' is Pressed And ( Status 'Kitchen Cans' is not Off Or Status 'Kitchen Pendant' is not Off Or Status 'Kitchen Sink' is On Or Status 'Kitchen flouresc living' is not Off Or Status 'Kitchen flouresc living' is not Off ) Then Set Scene 'Kitchen Lights' Off Else Set 'Kitchen Pendant' On Set 'Kitchen Sink' On David
  6. Follow up for those interested: I installed the IR receiver (might have been nice to know about the hidden screw under label on back of ISY). The Harmony Elite will automatically set up 40 IR codes when you tell it the "device" is an ISY994 IR-Pro. I want the remote to have the option to control the lights in all "activities", so I have to add the Light Controller into all activities. With the controller in the activities it is a matter of using the "buttons" feature in the desktop software to pull in the controller buttons into the activity one at a time and rename them to the proper name (from IR001) to "Movie Lights" or whatever. I have not tried this, but I believe I can tag onto the end of one my activity processes a "sequence" that presses the button that activates the movie light program. This is a reasonable solution for our family though the touch sensitive screen is very sensitive and I think it may get on my nerve. Thanks again guys. David
  7. Having looked through the Harmony documents, I am going to guess that I simply ask the Harmony to download a fake TV (one that I do not own). And use those codes (which will do nothing to my actual components) but the ISY will be primed to act. Does that sound right? David
  8. With the IR module the Harmony would signal the ISY directly, right? The assumption here is that the Harmony has separate codes (hex?) to actually send. David
  9. Hmm. Thanks for the responses everyone. Paul, I am all in on this solution. Got the IR module ordered (a bit high in the shipping but much cheaper than an upgraded ISY). And a older Harmony (like the “One”). And some quality time with the admin console. Wish me luck.
  10. Paul - that's mind blowing. So, I open ISY, plug in IR module, update ISY admin consul and Bam, it will receive the IR from a universal remote (like a cheaper universal remote - Harmony One for ex)... Do you think I could place actions in the ISY admin consul for certain IR codes? If so I would not need to learn how to write commands to a node. Cool. Thank you
  11. OK this might be where I am headed. Forget Alexa/echo and I don't want to buy a new ISY with the IR receiver. Is there a lag time when trying to use the IFTTT via the Smart Thing Hub. And did you need to write any code? The ISY interface is challenging enough. David
  12. My ISY994(i) does not have the IR receiver in it. With many products talking to one another through interfaces, I am hoping there is a universal remote (like the Harmony Elite) that could communicate to the ISY for light controls. The manual says the Harmony will work with Insteon through the "Insteon Hub" which is too bad cause the Insteon Hub sucks. That's why I have the ISY after all. So any thoughts out there? I am willing to look at URC or other brands of universal remotes. David
  13. I have used the same logic for several Open/Close sensors for doors. They have the low battery and Heartbeat signal which would really be useless except for this well written script. However, I have one door sensor that won't reset from the "3" state. I have changed out the batteries (somewhat corroded) and cleaned the gunk off the spring end. Nothing on the motherboard (board). The sensor appears to be working in that I can open the door and I get notified appropriately. I have tried to manually change the state within the administration controls in the State Variables page back to "1". And of course have pushed the button on the sensor itself. In addition, the Low Battery indication within the admin consul appears to be blank so at least that part of the signal isn't getting through. Additionally, we have been through one or two power outages, so I have restarted the ISY. Should I conclude that this sensor is sort of dead? Or is there a small trick I am not seeing to reset these? Thanks David
  14. It is the second step that is not working. I can right click and ask it to open, and it acts like it is going to do something but then nothing gets placed on the desk top. What image file can I use for this forum. I can share the images in the Java console. It shows that the application exists (size 4121kb) but in the 'status' column it is 'unlinked'. David
  15. I thought this was going to work. But I have a Mac. My admin.jnlp goes nowhere, though it looks like it is opening with a splash screen but then it stops. It is trying to open with Java Web Start.app But I guess I am supposed to get it associated with a different application? FYI - I have cleared the cache and downloaded the jnlp file. To even get the splash screen I have to right click on the file from inside the Finder. But again nothing is put on the desktop. Of course, I can drag the file to the desktop but that is not the actual application. Update: I tried to open the jnlp file directly from the Java Console however it also did nothing... I put a shortcut on the desk top but that didn't open either. ... I looked at the data file associated with the jnlp file but I don't read this language. Maybe it makes sense to someone?? <jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/4.6.2/"href="http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/4.6.2/admin.jnlp"> <information> <title>ISY994 Administrative Console</title> <vendor>Universal Devices, Inc.</vendor> <homepage href="http://www.universal-devices.com"/> <description>Configuration Utility for ISY</description> <description kind="short">ISY Admin Console</description> <icon href="http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/4.6.2/udlogo.png"kind="splash"/> <icon href="http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/4.6.2/isy.jpg"kind="default"/> <shortcut online="true" install="false"> <desktop/> <menu submenu="ISY994 Series"/> </shortcut> <offline-allowed/> </information> <security> <all-permissions/> </security> <update check="background" policy="always"/> <resources> <jar href="http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/4.6.2/insteon.jar"download="eager" main="false"/> <jar href="http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/4.6.2/ce.jar"download="lazy" main="false"/> <jar href="http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/4.6.2/chart.jar"download="lazy" main="false"/> <jar href="http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/4.6.2/fp.jar"download="lazy" main="false"/> <jar href="http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/4.6.2/RXTX.jar"download="lazy" main="false"/> <java href="http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se"version="1.7+"/> </resources> <application-desc main-class="com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet"> <argument>urn:udi-com:device:X_Insteon_Lighting_Device:1</argument> </application-desc> </jnlp> Anyway. I have not been able to look at the admin console for quite a long time. But alas, I need to get in there to fix something. David
  16. I was afraid of that. BTW what is OP? old person? (fitting for me). David
  17. I am using the 4.4.6 software for the ISY 994 and I have previously and easily replaced a light switch with another new light switch. But this year it is not going so smoothly. I have removed an old 4476ST switchlinc relay (dimmer) v.35 with a new 2477D dual band switchlinc dimmer v.45. The new one is recognized by the ISY and has an address (no name yet) in the left pane on the admin console. And I right click the switch which now has the exclamation point on it (Living Room Switch) to select "replace with..." but the new light switch is not showing up in the list of possible replacements. I have never considered the headache of rewriting all the programs that this switch is in. But what are the options. Thanks David
  18. Mitch had the same issue as I. I don't get the icon onto my desktop when i open the jpln file. Am I supposed to open it with anything in particular? When "opened" Java flash screen briefly shows up, then nothing. On another occasion I tried, the error message was simply "unable to open the application". I cleared the cache and even tried Chrome (that didn't go anywhere because of the lack of Java). Mac - Yosemite 10.12 using Airport I can use the ISY through the Mobilinc which says the ISY is on I can see the blue screen using Firefox so I suspect there is a connection to the ISY there. Any thoughts David
  19. Thanks guys - I was thinking of looking up my IP address and just waiting 6 months or so, then recheck. The ISP would most likely have changed the address by then (checking the address would just confirm the change). If I have not seen any problems connecting to address then wohoo, no problem. David
  20. I followed the genius' idea to "transparent bridge' the Actiontec modem/router from CenturyLink to the AirPort Extreme. So I called CenturyLink to have them walk me through it (setting the ISP protocol to bridging) As soon as I did this everything went blank. I was somewhat prepared having read what I could on the Apple Forums, so I called the help line and they were able to help me get my ISP credentials/passwords entered into the AirPort. Tada! Works right? No. I had to power cycle most things. no big deal. I figure that is the end client (Tivo, Printer etc) asking for a new IP address from the new AirPort Router. I was not surprised that the ISY994 also received a new IP address. And I was not surprised that I could not access the admin consul either. I had that sinking feeling just as the Modem's GUI went blank after bridging. Now the MobiLinc works fine and I understand from looking through the forum notes here, that the MobLlinc knows to ask the router for the ISY's new IP address (it is now The genius said the AirPort uses an IP address that starts with a 10. I love the ISY and how it functions when everything around is going to %^& - that is, it works even as I screw around with the Wifi and my kids are barking at me. It works so well, I do not have to worry about it for long periods of time. So long that the iOS has updated several times and the Java has been outdated. So I just finished wrestling with Java and Apple. NOW I can run the admin portal thing. I used the IP address that the MobiLinc used to access the ISY and boom! works like new! I am feeling like I get the hang of this. The question: am I going to be screwed once my ISP sends my modem a new IP address? (As I understand, because I do not have a fixed IP address the address gets changed periodically by the ISP. I gave up on trying to access the ISY from outside the network (portforwarding etc) so my question only pertains to the local IP address. Thanks I hope this is not too confusing. David
  21. Michel - because you have been in contact with Smarthome, does that mean I don't have to ask the UDI folks in the forum as Larryllix suggests? Thanks for keeping up with the new products - I did not realize the effort that goes into maintaining the ISY functionality. The ability to build creative programs for my instead products has been very rewarding. I got news I was to somehow monitor the front door in case my son tries to exit the home (he sleepwalks and has walked out of the home before, yikes). While this is not good news, I was glad to be able to quickly link a sensor to a few lights and an old X10 power horn on dim for a not so obnoxious alarm. So much better than one of the high decibel door alarms on the market. Anyway TMI - thanks for the good work you do. David
  22. Purchased both a door sensor and chime (Insteon from Smarthome). The Door sensor was linked using the manual way. The chime however refuses. I upgraded the ISY to the 4.3.26 version and cleared the cache. I uploaded the new version of the admin consul for good measure. After reading other posts about this I went ahead and ran an error report but I was given an error message. It just said it failed. Could someone tell me how I can run a level 3 error report. I think this is the next step to get you guys to fix this issue with the Smarthome guys right? Thanks David
  23. Hmm, One day later, the Admin Console populated as expected. Maybe it took an hour, maybe more, I didn't check, but it appears to be working. I just needed to wait. It is working on Safari as well - now that I have restored the backup (thanks Xathros). David
  24. Thank you. Half way there. I got (and can only get) to the admin console through Firefox (the jnlp file won't see ISY yet). Anyway, the current headache is the admin console. While it can now show me the programs Summary/Details tabs, and the Configurations tab, it will not show me the "Main" Tab. I have cleared the Java cache and have the Xdebug thing in the Java settings. Oh yeah - except for the "file" tab at the top the other tabs are grayed out (Link Management, Tools, and Help). I can only 'EXIT' through the tabs on the top. All else is grayed out. So I can't yet use the admin console. Anyone out there experiencing this one? I have updated Java this week and the iOS is Yosemite 10.10.5 Thank you
  25. Sorry I know this is covered somewhere but I can't find it. Finally purchased the upgrade from the 99 to the 994. I thought I could just back up the 99 and then when I start the 994 restore that file. Simple right? I am running the latest iOS (Yosemite 10.10.5). I disabled the Firewall. I don't know about the antivirus - I don't run anything special and I think the firewall takes care of that right? The Java is up to date and I did the Xdebug thing within the Java console. The new ISY994 is on and in Safari, I can find the ISY with the Admin Console. I log in with admin for both as instructed and the familiar blue screen shows I have no switches or programs but that is to be expected. I then go to File - Restore ISY. The next screens tell me to keep power on and don't mess with the wifi. It then asks me to find the "back up"... But there is no available back up to select - in fact it doesn't show very many files to open. I exit out and recognize the back-up from the ISY99 is a zip file so i double click it to get it out of the zip file formal and it automatically puts itself in a new named file... and guess what - it is not seen by the ISY994 either. So what am I missing and where do I find this secret path to nirvana. Thanks Late to the 994 dance David
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