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Everything posted by Dinboise

  1. Worked fine. What a time saver. Thanks David
  2. Thanks - I will try tomorrow. David
  3. Thanks for your patience ahead of time with this one... My insteon switchlinc is failing and Smart home sent out a new one. Now I have the task of removing the old and putting in the new. But I seem to recall that if you pull out a device without deleting links things go bad... And I do not want to delete all those relationships between the current switch and my programs. I am intrigued by the "Replace With" function but it presumes the both are on the power line, which is not true since I have to take one out to put the new one in. This seems like a no brainer but I can't seem to find the answer in the wiki or forums. Thanks for your help. Oh, I have an ISY99, and the current switchlinc functions fine occasionally so it is not dead. David
  4. Yes, the @vtext.com did work. Oddly, I tried this first - but did not work. I don't really get it. I manually typed the text in (instead of cut and paste) maybe that did it. Seems to be working, thank you. I will upgrade once I get the chance. David
  5. Dinboise

    text messaging

    I have Verizon wireless now (did have Sprint but bad service). I could get my email (hotmail) to text my Sprint phone when the ISY email came in to alert me I had something trigger in the ISY... But for some reason my hotmail wont play with the Verizon phone. But I am wondering why I can not simply text the Verizon phone from the ISY directly. Why do I see Verizon an option in the UI admin consul? Do I chose "Verizon text" or "Verizon PCS" - but neither allows for a phone number entry. I am running version 3.2.4 Thanks for your input. David
  6. OK - I got the IP address right and all other setting and it seems to work. So now it is back to the drawing board with an appropriate free DNS hosting site.
  7. I had a dyndns host name and address, and even had a dyn updater from the dyndns folks which worked most awesome for a while; but at some point, it stopped updating and my host was gone; and I hadn't really cared because I so rarely access my ISY from far away. But, of course, I began to care lately with the holidays (being out of town and having people house sit). I reviewed my notes and feel the only new things about my set up are 1) addition of a second Mobilinc app on my wife's new iTouch; and 2) the introduction of an ethernet switch between the router and Isy99 so that I can send info to the TV and TIVO box. I did not think that should be a problem as they will be given their own addresses as needed and the ISY, I thought, would maintain it's static address. Did I mess something up? Sorry I touched it. David
  8. Well said aLf David
  9. I talked to Darrell about 2 weeks ago, and got things straightened out and everything seems to be working now. Boy my learning ability is way down since college. I don't know if this will help anyone else but I put the steps that I had to go through below. I think they are exactly what you have all asked me to do but in a way that I understand it now. I am sorry if you find yourselves thinking - "yeah well duh, that's what I said." But I wasn't listening as well I should have. How I got the ISY to communicate with MobiLinc outside my home. The ISY has an IP address locally called an internal IP address that would be given automatically by my router depending on the boot up sequence. It would change often so I had to make it “staticâ€. I gave it (192.168.0.##) by following: http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... IP_Address this involved a telnet connection to the ISY and was a local change. For me, I needed to know that the Subnet Mask was And the Gatway was It also helped to know that the Domain Name Servers for Qwest (my ISP) were “preferredâ€= And alternative = 2) Then I went to the router page (type in the address space on the explorer web page and find the tab for Advanced Setting. Advanced Port Forwarding. And made the following changes: Starting port = 443. Ending port = 443. Protocol = TCP. Remote port = 443. Remote End port = 443 (this made the port of 443 exclusive to computers searching only for 443. It is still an open port – but only goes to the internal address of the ISY (192.168.0.##), not the printer or computer or iPod, etc) 3) Then I went to DynDNS.com ( http://www.dyndns.com/ ) to set up a free ‘Host name†to associate/register with the external IP address of my router which at the time was 205.171.2.** but has since changed many times. This Host name, however, will not change and I called myself "Lalala.chose one from the list.org" So now I can access the ISY from: https://Lalala.chose one from the list.org And in MobiLinc application on the iTouch, I enter “Lalala.chose one from the list.org†in the HTTPS spot in the settings area to allow access remotely from any wifi in the world. 4) Now I got the DynDNS to update automatically by using an “Updater†that was provided by the DYN DNS folks… ( http://www.dyndns.com/support ) This way, I do not have to check for updates at the DynDNS site. Tada... Thanks for the help, and I hope by me typing this message to myself, I will be able to do this next time without problems when the computer crashes. David
  10. I found the missing piece. Setting the ISY's IP address through the command prompt. Somehow I missed that step. I have been trying to set an IP addres to it from the router, and the control panel of the computer... oh well. So now the ISY does indeed have this address and I can still get to it from my network though this IP address is not listed on the LAN list. The port has been forwarded to this IP address. I am pretty sure the dyndns has been set up correctly. The real test will be if I can access the ISY from outside my network using the dyndns host name. ANd if this all works I will definitely get the updater. Thanks for the help guys. David
  11. OK experiment over. I went to the Moxie for a spin... I can log into the remote ISY using the external IP address provided by the front page of the portforward.com folks (entered in the HTTPS line under settings in the MobiLinc) . Yipee. Now the confusing part. I can not access the ISY remotely, from the same Moxie, when I enter my "hostname.ath.cx.dyndns.org" or simply "hostname.dyndns.org" in the HTTPS line. I thought I did everything: I port forwarded, and started an account with dynDNS folks, and created a static IP address through the internet protocol versionn 4(TCP/IPv4) properties in the control panel on the computer per instruction from the dynDNS guys. Anything else? I can surf the net from the desktop and lap top, so I did not screw up my wifi or network in entering the DNS/IP stuff on my computer. I can reach the ISY remotely using the external IP address so I haven't screwed up the ISY or Mobilinc. But I think the dynDNS is not talking to the router. When I asked my router to forward to 443, do I need to let the dynDNS know? When I picked my IP address in the control panel for the local static IP address, do I need to enter this anywhere else? And then there is this tidbit... in the help tab of the ISY control panel the URL is this is not the IP address I asked for in the creation of the static IP address in the: network settings|adapter setting|properties|internet protocol versionn 4(TCP/IPv4) properties. Thank you for your words of wisdom. David
  12. I am in the process of creating an internal static IP address as instructed by the DynDNS folks who say this is needed or one time the Router may assisign a different IP number at boot up. I remember this issue before, but now it is not confusing me as I understand they are talking about the internal IP not the external IP address. I will change the settings in the MobiLinc to reflect the host name of the dynDNS. I will also look into the Updater. I thought the application tab in the advanced settings of the router would do that, but it certainly didn't have any text that explained what it would do. Thanks again David
  13. I was able to log into the "Remote ISY" from the Moxie! I used the 71.209.** HTTPS address. If you use the DynDNS service, do you log in only when the MobiLinc fails to log into the ISY? Thanks David
  14. OK...so I set up a DynDNS account and gave it name I could remember... I did not find a button or option to click to get "with update" option. When it asked for the "IP Address" I gave it the same one it said I had (it started with 71.209.*.*) This was not the LAN IP address. So far so good? I also found in the advanced settings a tab in my modem/router called "applications" that allowed me to make a "rule" including naming a individual device (it listed all the availible devices I had on the LAN and I chose "ISY". Then it asked for an application title and I selected from the long list the option: "DNS server". The list contained everything from slingbox to direct X. It did not have any more questions for me, and I am guessing this will update DNS with IP address? But I do not know this. Qwest does not support this. Does this sound about right? Now onto port forwarding. I will enter 443 as the starting port and 443 as the ending port. The protocol is TCP. LAN IP address will be the 192.168** number, right? But then, below this is the optional section that asks that I set a remote port with starting and ending port as well as the IP address. But it says optional so I figured I would ignore it. How'd I do? Proof is in the pudding so I guess I am off to the Moxie to log in... But now what do with my mobiLinc? I do not see a place to enter the web site DynDNS to get the IP address... I think I get it. I log into the DynDNS on Safari to get the latest IP address then enter that number in the "Settings tab" under "SSL-https:// ..." for the Mobilinc. ?? Boy that was exausting. I thank you Brad, Rand, and Michel for taking the time to try and explain it to the newbe. David
  15. I do not want to be out of town and have my computer tell me the address has changed on my ISY and thus not be able to sync with the ISY. Will port forwarding solve this? It doesn't sound like it will, as qwest may still change the address to the modem. Sounds like the DynDNS might be best sollution, as it will handle the changes for me. I understand some of you do not need this service as your ISP does not change the addresses much - and I do not know what qwest does. If I choose to use DynDNS do I need to portforward? Thanks for your help and patience in this regard. I did not get any networking in college. Though, back then we did not even have dial-up. Anyway, thanks David
  16. In the last month I have had to get a new router and the Itouch app mobilinc. I am interested in getting set up to synch with the ISY via the internet. But I need an external IP address. It does not show me one in the My Lighting about tab. So I know my plugnplay router, though enabled for PnP, isn't cooperating. I was thinking of forwarding to port to 443. But as you state above I need to assign a static IP address. Portforward.com does not have my model and the Actiontec PK5000 paperwork is not that helpful (asking for a starting port, finishing port, protocol, and LAN IP address - at no point asking me what I want to forward to where) Too confusing for me. A computer network guy here in Boise convinced me that indeed Qwest does need to hand over a static IP address - that it is not up to me to just take one. But that's OK, I know I can use DynDNS, but at their web site they ask me for a host name.ath.cx (I thought they were supposed to give me one), and an IP address (though they tell me what my router's IP address is it is not the ISY's IP address) So is this the IP address I am supposed to give them? - And I have never heard of a TTL value either. In other words, once again I have no idea how I am supposed to sort through the information to come up with a solution. The outcome has real implications for the security of the ISY and computers - as the network guy I spoke to said if you forward a port you basically open up your router to anybody looking for open ports. PS - The console has the 2.7.12 edition and is working well in all regards and can communicate with the mobilinc fine on the network, but the point of the iTOuch is to access it from outside the home network. Thus the need for the HTTPS address. URL = I just don't know what I am mixing up. I could use some help Thanks David
  17. Sometimes, to figure things out you need a fresh perspective. I didn't think about sending the ISY to a different program. Much more elegant than contriving more flags. You are much more wise than I. Much better to simplify than increase complexity. Works fine now. Thanks for the help. David
  18. I think I will make another flag and have a pre-program check the status of the light a minute before the blinking will occur and if the light is already off it will turn the flag to false. Then in the program that blinks the light, I will put an IF clause to run only if that flag is "false". Pre Program If ( On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri From 8:19:00AM To 8:30:00AM (same day) Or From 12:59:00AM To 1:15:00AM (same day) ) And Status 'Garage Light' is On Then Run Program 'G light flag 2' (Then Path) Else Run Program 'G light flag 2' (Else Path) We shall see. Seems too complicated though for what it is. David
  19. I was pumped to have the ability to blink the garage lights before they turned off on me. So I wrote this nice set of programs with a flag to be true for the 2 minutes that I had to manually switch the lights on, to interumpt the automatic shut down... If On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Time is 8:00:00AM Or Time is 1:00:00AM Then Disable Program 'G light scene' Repeat 2 times Set 'Garage Light' Off Wait 1 second Set 'Garage Light' On Repeat 1 times Enable Program 'G light scene' Wait 1 second Run Program 'G light flag' (Else Path) Wait 1 minute and 15 seconds Run Program 'G light turn off' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') See, beautiful, blinks light, makes flag false and sends ISY to G light turn off (if) If Program 'G light flag' is False Then Set 'Garage Light' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') tada light goes off. Problem? how do I get this program to only run when the light is at first ON! When I stick it in a folder the folder shuts it off when the light goes out. Same thing with an IF statement about the status/control of the light. I know I am missing something very basic; What do you do? David
  20. Thanks, I will try this today. David
  21. I was hoping to independently contol my motion lights with 2 in line lincs, one with sense (for the motion sensor) and another without (just for the lights). It seems as if the instructions want me to wire the red "switch-out" line from the ILL with sense to the lights. But I think I should not so that the ILL with sense does not trigger the lights to go on. The ILL with sense will be a controller for not only this light but others but only under certain conditions. I had a post about those conditions earlier and without the sense working i do not know yet about the success of my programs but I am confident. It is the wiring that is frustrating now. I had those 4080XT sensors but they did not trigger the sense line and I tried a dual bright model, but I learned through another post that those are incompatable. So now I have some simple Health/Zenith SL-5411 and SL5412 that will go in tomorrow. But I wanted to know if I can just cap off the red "switch-out" from the ILL? Thanks David
  22. Thanks Rand I was not impressed with the KPL as they were not tactilely satisfying, if that's how to put it. We had to be so accurate with our presses on those small buttons, I just wasn't hooked. A fast on will give forced flood light for gardening at night. A fast off will give forced dark for candle light meals. A simple on will turn on floods, resetting the floods for motion, and an off will turn off and reset for motion. I am still working out the bugs - And trying to figure out the behavior of the remote linc button presses vs. the IR presses. Looks kind of sloppy right now but I thik it will function. I realize my situation is pretty unique with the variety of buttons so I am not sure anyone would be interested in how it is set up. Thanks David
  23. I am working on the flood light programs for my 2 back yard lights (kitchen flood and back flood) Each flood has 2 dedicated in line switches (one with the sense for the motion part, and another in-line switch for the lamp) In addidtion, I have one switchlinc at the door to the back yard without a load so as to control the flood scenes depending on conditions... Oh yeah - and several remote lincs and a Universal IR remote for the TV etc. - also with a button to control the flood scenes. If I ever get the programs to work, I will post them for others. I could use a little help right now though.. I can think of 4 situations to take into account: 1) you want the floods to "stay off" for an outdoor dinner party. 2) "Stay on" for gardening at night. 3) Act as deterent using the motion sensor. 4) Finally, just turn them off to "reset" if they are bugging out on a windy night; or triggering from dogs/cats etc.) First question: During the "Stay ON' program, I would like to 'disable' the motion program (situation3). Do I need to 'stop' the motion program first, or by disabling, am I effectively stopping them too. I need to know because if someone triggers the motion program it starts a countdown timer for the floods to turn off, and If I want them to "Stay ON" I would need that timer stopped.... Second: What is the purpose of using 'control' v 'status' in the IF clause... I have read where people use 'control' to signify a positive button press rather that a simple state of being... What is recommended when you want the ISY to recognize that a button was pressed. (status or control)? Do you need both If status is 'on' AND the if status is 'not off' for it to function? Finally, will my "in-line sense switch" that is turned on by motion be considered "controled on"? or must I use status? That's a lot of questions but I hope the fruits of my labor can be shared by all. Love the power of the ISY. Thanks David
  24. I guess I do not have the coverage I thought. I indeed have a deadish spot in the garage as the I/O linc would not autopopulate when sinking, but did at another outlet. Interesting - it functions as a sensor and as a relay when in the garage and the door opens and closes, though not as intended - the destinction between modes seems meaningless as an "on" command gets the motor moving regardless of sensor status and the "off" does not work at all. (even though it is in momentary c) I put a filter linc at the TV, but the I/O linc (while responding 100% to my commands and provides me with accurate sense information) is not acting like it should. It should be said that I disabled local control, I never set the momentary C mode locally, and I only made settings changes through the ISY99. Since I linked the I/O in the home the sensors were not attatched at that time. Also - the garage circuit is the GFI circuit. Any tips? Thanks David
  25. In using the http://isy; I got to the web page needing my password, but then in trying to go to the admin page) I get the failed applet error. I am thinking I need to remove Java then reinstal it. hmm yep-that's it. weird. Working now. Thanks for the words of wisdom David
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