My home is all Insteon lighting along with a half dozen Matter (native Thread, no Wi-Fi) device that I have been experimenting with. A few additional devices are ingegrated using Polyglot. Currently I have two functioning thread border routers, Apple HomePod Mini and 4th gen Echo Speaker. The result is two independent thread networks. While the networks don't talk to each other, all the Thread devices are connected to both networks. Changes made on one side show up without perceptible delay on the other. Everything works! One caveat is that special device features that are not part of the Matter protocol such as power monitoring reporting and color profiles are only supported by vendor specific apps. So those details are not manageable or visible in the Home or Alexa apps.
Looking forward to the time I can see and manage the Matter supported features of Matter-Thread devices using all the capabilities of my eisy. My hope is that someday ZMatter will be another border router that my Thread devices can be connected to, and that each device will be a node in the IoX tree. Even better, but maybe the realm of Polyglot, would be support for vendor proprietary features of Matter devices. Maybe the stuff of dreams, but it would be great to be able to see the power utilization of my Eve Energy Smart Plugs in the UD Mobile app. Just being able to turn them on and off via IoX would be a wonderful improvement.