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  1. So, what seemed to be happening to me was that some sort of configuration file was still trying to populate information from hue. I ended up trying several things including deleting node servers, directories, and deleting pg3 at one point and reinstalling. I even did a factory reset of the Polisy. None of that worked as every time I would try to add hue after all that, it would pick up previous config file of some sort. It seemed polisy (pg2 and pg3) were loading some previous config based on IP address. What I did was changed the static IP address on the hue that I was using to a new address and then updated the router to reflect IP address reservation. After that, the hub was found and loaded all nodes as expected in PG3 using the regular install instructions. I hope this helps your situation. Jasson
  2. @StangManD Can you post what your hue node server configuration screen looks like in ISY. Mine is not populating automatically so I may need to add it manually, but not sure of the proper inputs into that screen. Jasson
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