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Andy P

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  1. The new i3 4 button creates one node for each of the 4 buttons plus a node for the 'flags'. The 4 button nodes work pretty normal - the same as the legacy keypads. Only one of the buttons has the on/off option. The button controlling the load gives you an on level and ramp option, the others do not. When you select the flags node, you have to do a Query to get it to populate. Every keypad I installed had to be factory reset to get the load to be the first button.
  2. @oberkc I have not tried using the Caseta switch as a controller for a scene, but it does give you the option to make it a controller or responder when you right click Add To Scene.
  3. Jay, start here and read about Polyglot Eisy:User Guide - Universal Devices, Inc. Wiki Ignore any reference to Polisy and replace it mentally with EISY. In the admin console select Plugins -> Launch Polyglot. Use your login credentials and select Plugins Store. Look for Caseta and install it into whatever slot you want. You can trial it for free, when I looked just now it shows the perpetual license is $50 - worth it in my mind. I am using a Lutron Caseta dimmer for a wall lamp in the den and have created a scene that includes the Insteon and Lutron devices using the plugin in slot 3. So you see the plugin creates a device starting with n003 (slot number) which can be added to scenes just like the insteon devices. There are some restrictions, but basic functionality is there. Here is a screenshot of the admin console and the scene node definition that shows the Den Reading LIght caseta dimmer, which is device17 of my caseta devices, along with the insteon other devices. <group flag="132" nodeDefId="InsteonDimmer"> <address>47025</address> <name>@Den Cozy</name> <family>6</family> <hint></hint> <deviceGroup>26</deviceGroup> <pnode>47025</pnode> <members> <link type="0">60 7E 13 1</link> <link type="0">n003_device17</link> <link type="0">60 4C D7 2</link> <link type="16">60 7E 13 2</link> <link type="0">60 23 81 1</link> </members> </group>
  4. I faced the same question. I found that the nice thing is that it is easy to copy all of the devices from one scene to another. Just multiselect all the devices in the first scene and right click and add to scene for the other scenes. Then you have to adjust the dim levels individually, but at least adding the devices goes fast. I created 8 scenes for the living area with 8 devices each so it definitely saved time using the multiselect method. I think I did finally figure out what @larryllix is saying. I used to think that the PLM was sending a command to each device in the scene telling it to 'turn on and dim to level x' but now I believe it is actually just sending out a command like 'turn on scene 12345' and the device knows what it is supposed to do as part of that scene. As a result, I also changed the way I use the keypads. Instead of having a button toggle a scene on and off, I changed the buttons to non-toggle mode so they trigger a scene and then turn off. That way I can have scenes like 'bright', 'cozy', 'dim' and 'off' on the keypad and a single button press sets that scene. I found that sometimes the button gets stuck in the on mode, so I added turning the other buttons off to each scene as well. Not sure if there is a better way, but since I made this change, my wife is a lot happier with how it works.
  5. Andy P

    Yolink Local API

    The link I saw the other day has disappeared. It brought me to a yolink store page that specifically had a hub called Local Hub. Maybe it was a mistake, or maybe it was a leak. But it is gone now. I really don't know if that was the same hub as the ys1605 Hub 3. I assume when it is out of beta all will become clear. They continue to show this status as of today: Does the YoLink Hub 3 Support Local Integration? As of April 2024, the YoLink Hub 3 does not support local integration. It is planned to be completed by end of year along with matter compatibility and once completed, will be through a software update by the Hub 3.
  6. Andy P

    Yolink Local API

    Oh Interesting - I do see they came out with a new so called local hub - which currently shows as Sold Out. Seems the old hubs cost less than $25 each and the new hubs will be over $300 and have a bunch of other features. I have 36 nodes now on my Yolink node server. They all seem pretty responsive, but since a lot of them are checking for leaks and water running, I would rest a bit easier knowing the notifications/actions are not relying on an internet connection and server farm.
  7. Andy P

    Yolink Local API

    Thanks for the link - I checked in the current version of the App (1.40.36) and there is no option YoLink App ([Local Hub] -> [Local Network] -> [Integrations] -> [Local API]) yet. Does anyone else see it? Will keep checking.
  8. So I took a look and here is the code that is failing - it is using the V1 soap API. That is no longer supported. The plugin needs to be recoded to use the V2 api documented here: TotalConnect2 Web API Help Page or use the code from GITHUB here total-connect-client/total_connect_client/partition.py at master · craigjmidwinter/total-connect-client · GitHub. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do that, but maybe someday. # create zone nodes # We are using GetPanelMetaDataAndFullStatusEx_V1 because we want the extended zone info panel_data = self.tc.soapClient.service.GetPanelMetaDataAndFullStatusEx_V1(self.tc.token, loc_id, 0, 0, 1) if panel_data['ResultCode'] == 0: LOGGER.debug("Getting zones for panel {}".format(device_addr)) zones = panel_data['PanelMetadataAndStatus']['Zones']['ZoneInfoEx'] if zones is None: raise Exception("No zones were found for {} - {} \n{}".format(device_name, device_addr, panel_data)) for zone in zones: if not bool(zone.CanBeBypassed) and not bool(strtobool(self.include_non_bypassable_zones)): LOGGER.debug("Skipping zone {} with name {}".format(zone.ZoneID, zone.ZoneDescription)) continue self.add_zone(loc_id, loc_name, device_addr, device['DeviceID'], zone, update) else: LOGGER.warn("Unable to get extended panel information, code {} data {}".format(panel_data["ResultCode"], panel_data["ResultData"])) Here is a good discussion on the topic Switch over to new TotalConnect REST API · Issue #245 · craigjmidwinter/total-connect-client
  9. I have 8 of those 4 button i3 devices now and have been slowly swapping out my old 4 button keypads because my wife like the simplicity of the new devices. One rule - YOU MUST FACTORY RESET THE NEW DEVICES BEFORE USING - there, I said it. Yeah, got burned multiple times and the biggest issue is that the load is almost always assigned to the bottom button coming from the factory instead of the top button. The ground wire is in a better place on the i3 devices, so at least that part of the replacement was nice. I really wish the i3 keypads had back lit buttons instead of just the locator led, but I can live with it.
  10. I did not see any issues at all after I left it alone for a half hour, came back and logged in, then let the admin console do the query all, looked at the devices and programs and seemed normal. Also, no issues with all of my javascript routines that scrape the rest interfaces of nodes, status, log, program, variables. I thought I might have an issue with some of the Polyglot nodes, but it turns out I just had to wait until they did their next polling cycle and then the status of the devices updated. So, all working BAU for me at least. Andy
  11. Oh, interesting, I didn't think about having a separate log file for each program. I figured it was easier to just put them all in one log file and have the first token be the program identifier. I would also vote for having the file manager open to the last position I was at to save all that clicking.
  12. As Guy says, it is helpful when you have multiple programs interacting with one another to make sure they are executing in the sequence expected. For example, the breezeway light has four different scenarios depending on the time of day. The program that is supposed to run gets enabled by schedule and the others disabled. If there is motion, it also depends on the time as to which program runs. So this helps me sort out that everything is happening the way I want and expect. I can also see when the Then branch gets triggered and the Else branch. But these are not Notifications in the sense that they notify you. They use the notification function to create a log entry only. No email, no push notification. In that sense, it is exactly the same as every device making a log entry when they turn on/off/dim.
  13. I searched the forums and read all the discussions about program execution and how it is not in the log. You can pull the info on each program with 192.168.x.x:8080/rest/programs and get the last run time and next scheduled time. But that is it. So, I decided to try using notifications. In Configuration -> Emails/Notifications -> Customizations I created a notification called Log Program. Left From blank Subject: @webpage:@append:/mydir/mylog.txt Body: ${sys.program.#.address} ${sys.program.#.name} ${sys.program.#.status} ${sys.date} ${sys.time} Then I added the notification to the programs I wanted to log such as this, and both the Then and Else if there was one Breezeway Motion Copy - [ID 009D][Parent 0010] If 'YoLink / Motion Breezeway' is switched Motion Then Set 'Breezeway' On 80% Set 'Breezeway Remote' On 80% Send Notification to 'Default' content 'Log Program' The result I retrieve using 192.168.x.x:8443/FILES/USER/WEB/mydir/mylog.txt looks as follows: program[109] Breezeway Motion True 2025/01/23 02:23:17 PM program[17] Mud or Hall Motion True 2025/01/23 02:23:20 PM program[70] Side Door Opens True 2025/01/23 02:23:20 PM program[17] Mud or Hall Motion False 2025/01/23 02:23:22 PM program[19] Mudroom Motion End True 2025/01/23 02:24:20 PM program[110] Breezeway Motion Off Dim True 2025/01/23 02:24:23 PM program[17] Mud or Hall Motion True 2025/01/23 02:24:29 PM program[17] Mud or Hall Motion True 2025/01/23 02:24:29 PM program[51] Hallway Motion End True 2025/01/23 02:25:08 PM program[110] Breezeway Motion Off Dim True 2025/01/23 02:26:01 PM program[148] Hallway Motion Backstop True 2025/01/23 02:29:30 PM program[110] Breezeway Motion Off Dim True 2025/01/23 02:36:01 PM So now I have a nice log of program execution which I can parse and add to my timeline. Anyone else doing this? Is there a better way? Andy
  14. I installed 3.2.24. The node server created a node which is visible in the admin console and shows connected. No devices were discovered. I added a secondary discover network broadcast address for the IOT network (which I can ping no problem - no blocking). Still no discovery. I manually added the IP address of a kasa EP25. Restarted everything including rebooting the EISY. Still no device. Turned on debug logging. Did not expect anything on the 3.* network, the devices are on the 11.* network - and the manual discovery got an "unexpected keyword argument 'address' trying to connect" 2025-01-11 06:48:10.377 Thread-9 (handler_start) udi_interface INFO Controller:discover: enter: 2025-01-11 06:48:10.377 Thread-10 (run_forever) udi_interface DEBUG Controller:_discover: enter: target= 2025-01-11 06:48:10.378 Thread-10 (run_forever) kasa.discover DEBUG discover:do_discover: [DISCOVERY] >> {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {}}} 2025-01-11 06:48:10.516 Thread-10 (run_forever) kasa.discover DEBUG discover:discover: Waiting 5 seconds for responses... 2025-01-11 06:48:15.566 Thread-10 (run_forever) kasa.discover DEBUG discover:discover: Discovered 0 devices 2025-01-11 06:48:15.566 Thread-10 (run_forever) udi_interface INFO Controller:_discover: Discover.discover( done: checking for previously known devices 2025-01-11 06:48:15.566 Thread-10 (run_forever) udi_interface DEBUG Controller:_discover: exit 2025-01-11 06:48:15.566 Thread-9 (handler_start) udi_interface DEBUG Controller:discover: result=None 2025-01-11 06:48:15.567 Thread-9 (handler_start) udi_interface INFO Controller:discover: calling: _discover(target= 2025-01-11 06:48:15.567 Thread-10 (run_forever) udi_interface DEBUG Controller:_discover: enter: target= 2025-01-11 06:48:15.567 Thread-10 (run_forever) kasa.discover DEBUG discover:do_discover: [DISCOVERY] >> {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {}}} 2025-01-11 06:48:15.568 Thread-10 (run_forever) kasa.discover DEBUG discover:discover: Waiting 5 seconds for responses... 2025-01-11 06:48:20.619 Thread-10 (run_forever) kasa.discover DEBUG discover:discover: Discovered 0 devices 2025-01-11 06:48:20.619 Thread-10 (run_forever) udi_interface INFO Controller:_discover: Discover.discover( done: checking for previously known devices 2025-01-11 06:48:20.619 Thread-10 (run_forever) udi_interface DEBUG Controller:_discover: exit 2025-01-11 06:48:20.619 Thread-9 (handler_start) udi_interface DEBUG Controller:discover: result=None 2025-01-11 06:48:20.619 Thread-9 (handler_start) udi_interface INFO Controller:discover: exit 2025-01-11 06:48:20.620 Thread-10 (run_forever) udi_interface INFO Controller:_add_manual_devices: Adding manual device 2025-01-11 06:48:20.620 Thread-10 (run_forever) udi_interface ERROR Controller:_add_manual_devices: Controller.discover_single() got an unexpected keyword argument 'address' trying to connect to 2025-01-11 06:48:20.620 Thread-10 (run_forever) udi_interface INFO Controller:_add_manual_devices: Adding manual device 2025-01-11 06:48:20.620 Thread-10 (run_forever) udi_interface ERROR Controller:_add_manual_devices: Controller.discover_single() got an unexpected keyword argument 'address' trying to connect to 2025-01-11 06:48:20.620 Thread-9 (handler_start) udi_interface DEBUG Controller:add_manual_devices: result=None 2025-01-11 06:48:20.620 Thread-9 (handler_start) udi_interface INFO Controller:add_manual_devices: exit 2025-01-11 06:48:20.620 Thread-9 (handler_start) udi_interface INFO Controller:handler_start: exit Kasa Controller
  15. Hey Ross, fair point. But the script is over 2000 lines long and there 100 css classes, etc. What I could try to do would be to build a very simple example that just embeds one device and combines it with a camera image if that would be helpful. Would be good to know exactly what use case you would be wanting to tackle, ie what device and what type of camera.
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