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  1. I have been using my ISY-26 since my 99 broke. But I really do miss all the special prograns/remote control/the modules/ and now some new features, that are not available on the 26. I did manage to upgrade the menory in the 26, So I was able to fit more programs. I finall figured out what happpened to it! I havw POE on my LAN for the IES TP (48VDC). I must have plugged the RJ-45's in the wrong ports. I did not figure that out until I took it appart and looked at it under a very powerful magnifier, There is a very tiny spot on one of the chips. (it must be a burn) Everything else looks perfect Can it be repaaired, ot is it possable to just purchace a new board? I can not afford a new unit at this time. Dennis http://cid-a45c7353fe6f4c5a.photos.live.com/play.aspx/ISY?ref=1
  2. All of the LED's are normal. I was running 2.7.6. Can I connect both ISY's at the same time, so you can take a look around?
  3. Yes I am. I am in the lengthy process of setting it up. Unfortuiantely, I have not saved any old backups from it.
  4. My PLM's are different versions. They all work with the ISY-26. I tried different cables. They are all fine. I was able to export/import some of my programs, but the devices are not there. Example: If From Sunset + 10 minutes To Sunrise - 10 minutes (next day) Then Set On Else Set Off I was able to manually add most of my devices by linking my keypads. Of course only the address not the name is added to my network. Also some scenes were added, but they are named "Scene 1â€,†Scene2â€.....â€Scene 39â€, etc. Luckily, I am able to use my topology report to help figure some of this out.
  5. My ISY-99 died! I have been trying to get my old ISY-26 to work until I can replace my ISY-99. Is there a way to import my links, scenes, and programs to the ISY-26 from a backup from the ISY-99. At one point I was able to import the programs, but the was way too many to fit in the memory. I deleted about 400 of them, since they were incompatible with the ISY-26 anyhow. I don't really know what killed my ISY-99. It happed after I added the weatherbug module and a beta version of iLink. Every time I tried to use my iPhone to access the ISY-99 it would lock-up, and I would have to reset the ISY after about 10 times, the thing just died. It showed all my devices and scenes, but would not show the status or have any control. The programs just disappeared. It also showed that there was no PLM connected. I have 4 PLMS. I tried all of them, but it would not communicate with any of them. I also tried to replace the memory card and reload the F/W.
  6. I had a similar problem. After the DST change, my clock did not update. Also all of my programs ceased to function. Lat run and next run were all blank. My IES TS ceased to function also. I reset the ISY-99 and the IES. All is fine now. I am running 2.7.1
  7. Thanks, it works. Is there a way to adjust the zoom. It zooms to much now.
  8. Is there a way to use the iPod touch or iPhone to interface with the ISY? I have tried, but the HTML screen is very tiny and unreadable. I also can not figure out if I can install java on it.
  9. Oh No....Please don't put it on hold! That is the only way to configure the IES touch-screen. I am happy about putting a "~" before the name to keep it off the screen. I wish ther was a way to control the order they appear on the screen though.
  10. DEGoodrich


    Not related to these products, I saw a program on "Moder Marvels" that showed a new device that works with your irrigation system. It receives data from your local weather station, that includes forcasts, precip, temp, and humidity. The system decides when and how much water to give! Sounds pretty interesting!
  11. I have Over 60 scenes. Most all of the are actually just "groups" that are strictly used for my 600+ programs. There is only about 8 "scenes" that I directly control. Mostly I use the TS and Remote to control lights individually. I have set up a few "scenes" for the remote ony. For example: I have a scenes for "snack, doorbell, telephone, bathroom. When I press the associated button on the remote, it pauses the DVD or Live TV, turns on the lights for the task. Then when I return, Press the return button, and the lights go off and the TV resumes. The Ultimate couch potato remote! Read my post on how I am using the remote. http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=997 I have fixed the problen by adding seperate scenes for on and off, like you suggested. On for the rates that I wish, and off to return the rates to 2sec. Thnaks, Dennis
  12. I noticed something very interesting today! I have been having problems with ramp rates when controlling lights from the remote control. I have had this problem ever since I upgraded to the /IR. Now I have the touchscreen and it does the same thing. The ramp problem is only on certain lights, but not all the time. It appears that the ramp rates are changed by the "Scenes" (on and off). And stay the same unless it is changed back by another scene. When controlling localy is is not a problem. This is not really a bug, just writting the programs and scenes correctly. I have a timmer program tat turns on a scene at 6am and off at 7am. It turns on all the lights I need to get ready for work. This scene has a ramp rate of 5min. The glitch in my programming is, that I have the scene turn off at 7am. So my "wake-up" scene turns on and sets the ram rate to 5min. Then I leave the house for work (about 6:45), and I press the "all off" button on the keypad, which turns off another scene, and sets the ramp rates back to 2 sec. Then at 7 the "wake-up" scene turns off and sets the ramp rate to 5min again. So, I just changed my program to only turn on the lights. Then when I press the "all off" button, it puts the ramp rates back to normal. Strange it took me this long to figure that out! Like Mr. Slowsky (the Comcast turtle) says "Yes, and/or DUUUHHH. Sorry, and/or my bad"
  13. Thanks. I forgot to ask, I have my own domain. Is there a way I can use it, instead of that? I think it does, because when I installed the router, my Guide Data would not update. So I had to open the ports. If I change the ports on the ISY, what number do I use? It did not help.
  14. I have finally set up internet access in my ISY yesterday. I love it! Perfect timming! I left work early today, so I went in and set my A/C don from work. It was ready forme when I got home! I have a few questions about this: I spent alot of time trying to figure it out and read everything on it. #1 The address I put in in just a regular IP https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/ (not the format I have read it should be) http://your.isps.address:your.isys.port/0/x Is this a security problen? #2 I have configured the Ports and Port forwarding I see that the ISY uses 80 & 443 Media Center also uses the same ports for Guide Data. Will this cause a problem? #3 I have done the Self Signed Certificate, but I still get the warnings. What did I do wrong?
  15. DEGoodrich


    OMG That just blew me away, so early in the morning.... I just thought i might see if anyone else has noticed the strange thing I have discovered? : I have noticed that the order of several grouped "and" conditions and also several "or" conditions grouped together makes a difference on the outcome of the program becomeing "true" or "false"! Is this by design? If so I would love to know exactly how the programs are "scanned". Maybe it is just a timing thing and my brain is going faster than the CPU in that "Black Box" thing. Does it scan the programs in a specific order, does it finish one before starting another? It seems to me that it is processing the programs as if they were all one.
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