@mapeter With a lack of any replies to this topic, I finally found some time to do some digging and found at least one post where someone mentioned reseting the port for the ZMatter dongle. Here's what I've done so far:
- I followed the instructions in the eisy Wiki under "Can't connect to ZMatter Z-Wave board / dongle" and overrode port detection for the ZMatter dongle to cuaU1, rebooted, and made sure that both Z-Wave and Zigbee were connected.
- I shut down my eisy then moved the dongle off of my eisy to an 3 ft USB 3.0 extension cable that was connected to the same USB port that the dongle was in then powered my eisy back up.
So far, after over 24 hours, the eisy hasn't lost communication with the either the Z-Wave or Zigbee side of the ZMatter dongle (fingers still crossed). I went the route of the USB extension cable instead of the USB extender because I noticed that when trying to resolve the problem with the extender, rebooting the eisy still didn't reconnect the the ZMatter dongle completely (Z-Wave reconnected but Zigbee did not) unless I power cycled the USB extender when I rebooted the eisy. One of my concerns was that since we are usually away from home for weeks at a time during the summer, being able to reboot my eisy remotely if something like this happened and have Z-Wave and Zigbee reconnect was very important. The USB extension cable moves the dongle far enough away for me and removes the weight of the dongle on the USB port in the eisy which was my primary concern. Not sure if this will be a permanent fix but I'll keep you updated.
Update: 6 days with no problems so I'm going to call this fixed.