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  1. bmercier's post in TinyMCE window appearing when accessing the Portal. was marked as the answer   
    This is now fixed. 
    This is definitely a popup that had no functional impacts.
  2. bmercier's post in My license not recognized for new v1.1.1 was marked as the answer   
    There was a problem with the Airthings-C licenses. This is now fixed.
  3. bmercier's post in Portal Subscription Price for Polisy was marked as the answer   
    No, polisy renewal price remains the same as eisy.
  4. bmercier's post in Default IOX SMTP server down? was marked as the answer   
    Notifications had some problems during the outage. The database was sometimes too slow, and this impacted subscriptions.
    Do you still have problems with notifications?
  5. bmercier's post in Alexa routines - downtime was marked as the answer   
    The problem should be resolved now.
  6. bmercier's post in Alexa contact sensor routines haven't been working for weeks was marked as the answer   
    Please check if you still have the problem. I have reports from another user that it started working today. You may have to recreate the routine.
    If not, please open a ticket and let us know:
    The uuid The type of ISY "device" you are using. Is it an ISY state Variable? Insteon IOLinc? Something else? The device address What time you did the test and in what time zone (Or better, the UTC time you did the test)  
  7. bmercier's post in Local PG3 configuration page served through portal? was marked as the answer   
    Hi Paul, 
    This would require major changes. 
    We are currently working on a new eisy/PG4. New features to PG3 will be limited to bug fixing and small enhancements.
    For remote access to PG3, you can use UD Mobile. Click on Admin | Plugins.
  8. bmercier's post in HTTP error 500 was marked as the answer   
    Could you try to unlink and relink the skill? This is likely to solve the problem.
  9. bmercier's post in Missing Status (Portal Connections) Dec, 19, 2023. was marked as the answer   
    This should be resolved now (as of 11PM Pacific time yesterday). This was caused by a misconfigured load-balancer.
  10. bmercier's post in Eisy Gone Offline - Need Help was marked as the answer   
    Hi Geddy,
    This was not a portal issue. The infrastructure was up all the time, and over 6000 units never lost their connection. There has been no changes on portal, no reboot, no lack of resources, nothing. Some units just disconnected and reconnected later.
    Something happened on the internet between some customers and the portal infrastructure.
  11. bmercier's post in Portal offline was marked as the answer   
    Most if not all systems are now back online.
    This seems to have been caused by a regional internet outage somewhere. Some customers reported the error log, which allowed to determine it was indeed a connectivity issue.
    On the portal side, no servers have been restarted, and no issues could be seen other than systems having disconnected and reconnected.
    In addition, looking at the numbers, over 6,000 units stayed online. 
  12. bmercier's post in Adding ISY skill in Alexa app when multiple ISY/eISYs are in portal picks wrong one was marked as the answer   
    Login to portal using the same portal credentials. Click on My Profile (top-right), and change the preferred ISY to your eisy.
  13. bmercier's post in Ring 1.1.6 fails to allow athentication with 406 Error was marked as the answer   
    Are you perhaps running a VPN?
    Can you check if you can login directly to Ring?
  14. bmercier's post in Ring Node Server Install error: was marked as the answer   
    Hi Jim,
    Found the problem. This is not specific to Ring. There will be a fix in PG3x 3.2.2. Look for a release later today.
    Thanks for reporting this.
  15. bmercier's post in Portal Down for Remote Access? was marked as the answer   
    One of the server lost it's connection to the database and was restarted.
  16. bmercier's post in No "Install" button, only "update" was marked as the answer   
    Try this URL in a browser:
    https://<your eisy>:3000/frontend/cloudlink
    Make sure that <your eisy> is the same IP or hostname that you are using to access PG3
    This URL should give you an error.
    Then try again the Authenticate button
    Not sure why the Update button would pop info about the node though.
  17. bmercier's post in Hue Light - HTTP error 400 : Device cannot be added to the spoken database was marked as the answer   
    Use Select tool | Connectivity | Device Hint Editor
    Choose your device and change the hint to
    This will make it recognized as a dimmable device.
  18. bmercier's post in Bad Request When Saving New Program was marked as the answer   
    Please try again, this should work better now.
  19. bmercier's post in UD Portal: Cannot add certain devices to a webhook was marked as the answer   
    This is happening because the device type is not recognized. If you try to use /rest/nodes/<your device address>, the type is probably This is typical of early nodeservers.
    To fix this, use Select Tool | Connectivity | Device Hint Editor.
    I'm not sure what this device can do, but if it can be set to a value of 0 to 100, I would suggest to try 4.17.x.x, which is the equivalent of a dimmable ZWave dimmer. If this is only fully on/off, you can also use 2.x.x.x, which is the equivalent of an insteon non-dimmable switch.
  20. bmercier's post in UD Mobile - 404 Errors was marked as the answer   
    Should be fixed now. A server had lost it's connection to the database somehow.
  21. bmercier's post in ISY Portal Logs showing Passwords? was marked as the answer   
    This is your ISY error log. Portal does not capture anything from this data.
    But I agree it probably should not appear in the ISY error log in the first place.
  22. bmercier's post in Echo spokens get duplicated and then when deleted, echo thinks they are still there. was marked as the answer   
    Another thigh to try: 
    go to Alexa.amazon.com. There is a place with a button to forget all devices. This might help.
  23. bmercier's post in UD Mobile constantly "restarting connection" was marked as the answer   
    Problem is now solved permamently.
  24. bmercier's post in Portal dead again? was marked as the answer   
    It's up now. ISYs are reconnecting.
  25. bmercier's post in Is ISY Portal down ? was marked as the answer   
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