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  1. I can no longer drag/drop files from my computer to the ISY-994. Instead of drag/drop, clicking and dragging just results in selecting additional files. Mac OSX 10.12.6 java version "1.8.0_60", Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_60-b27) ISY Finder launched from jnlp using https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp ISY 994 firmware & UI v.4.7.3
  2. Please see the top of this thread for some introduction to the protocol. An RS-485 Ethernet server such as http://www.digi.com/products/serialservers/digionesp will encapsulate the RS-485 traffic and make it available as a TCP or UDP stream. From a PC a program such as "netcat" can connect to the Ethernet Server and dump the traffic to a file. What you will end up with is a binary file containing all of the traffic. A program such as hexdump or any hex editor can be used to read the file to attempt and decode it. Since the protocol is non-documented, this is a non-trivial task. Having been down this road, it is a lot of work. Take a long look at the Autelis Pool Control for Pentair http://www.autelis.com/homeautomation/pool-spa.html and check out their wiki - they have done the critical work. If you can talk them into supporting Intellichlor it will be a lot less time spent than trying to roll your own.
  3. Sorry if my earlier post was not clear. I actually do use code like this between two properties that are 100 miles apart to do exactly what you desire: Turn on lights, check cameras and make sure the house is really in "vacant" mode. There are ISY-99's at both properties. The first thing I did was to learn about using the REST interface that allows you to send HTTP Get commands that look like: "/rest/nodes//cmd/DOF" - turn off a device or a scene The next step was to create a network resource that would issue the appropriate Rest command. From the admin UI Network Resources are found under "Configuration" -> "Networking" -> "Network Resources". Under Protocol Information the setting should be http GET, the host is the address of the remote ISY and the Path contains the complete Rest command. The next step was to create a program that used the network resources when a control was activated: If control SonomaHouse is switched On Then Resource 'SonomaLights' Resource 'SonomaHeat' This would work semi-reliably. The ISY does not automatically retry if the HTTP Get command issued by the Network Resource does not make it to the destination. After discovering this I decided to implement "reliability" by sending the rest command to the remote house repeatedly, until the remote house says stop. This takes a couple of programs, and my implementation is based on using state variables. My programs are actually much more complex, but the basic code is something like this: if control SonomaHouse is switched On and SonomaAck = False Then Repeat Every 1 minute Resource 'SonomaVacant' At the remote property (in Sonoma) there is a program that looks for the state variable to be changed. It then runs local programs based on the value of the variable and sends the "Ack" If $REMOTE.COMMAND is 1 Then Resource 'RemoteACK' Run Program 'SecurityLightsOn' $REMOTE.COMMAND = 0 The Resource 'RemoteACK' sends a Rest command back to the original ISY which resets the state variable and stops the loop. If for some reason the ACK does not make it back to the original ISY then the original ISY will repeat the command and this will get triggered again. That is why this is "psuedo-reliable" and not "reliable".
  4. You could implement a psuedo-reliable communication using Network Resources: *** At house 1 *** if repeat every 1 minute use network resource to send rest command to set House2-StateVariable = 17 (any arbitrary value) *** At house 2 *** if do something at house 2 use network resource to send a rest command back to house 1 setting House1-ACK-state-variable = FALSE Something along these lines would repeatedly send a command from House1 to House2 until House2 tells it to stop. Lots of details need to be filled in.
  5. A solution similar to Ishmael's can also be implemented with Tropo. Do a search in the forum for Tropo and you should find these two threads: ------------------------ Forum: How-Tos and Tutorials Topic: How to build an ISY99 personal Alarm System with Tropo cashoefman Post subject: How to build an ISY99 personal Alarm System with Tropo Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 10:43 pm I wrote a tutorial on how to use an ISY-99 to build a Personal Alarm System with Outbound Notifications using Smart Home, check it out at http://xs.la/MTY3 ------------------------ Forum: How-Tos and Tutorials Topic: How to send SMS Messages using the Tropo API cashoefman Post subject: How to send SMS Messages using the Tropo API Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 10:39 pm ------------------------
  6. Search for "Tropo" and take a look at these posts: -------- Forum: How-Tos and Tutorials Topic: How to build an ISY99 personal Alarm System with Tropo cashoefman Post subject: How to build an ISY99 personal Alarm System with Tropo Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 10:43 pm I wrote a tutorial on how to use an ISY-99 to build a Personal Alarm System with Outbound Notifications using Smart Home, check it out at http://xs.la/MTY3 ------- Forum: How-Tos and Tutorials Topic: How to send SMS Messages using the Tropo API cashoefman Post subject: How to send SMS Messages using the Tropo API Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 10:39 pm
  7. Did you try verifying communication using Admin Utility -> Tools -> Diagnostics -> Event Viewer? Turn the event viewer on, set the level to "Device communications events" and then toggle the switch on and off a few times to verify that you are receiving the control and status messages from the device. You will need to know the Insteon ID of the controller, the event viewer does not provide decoded friendly names. Check the Links Table (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Device Links Table), select your device and then wait as the links records are gathered. Once complete, click on "Compare" at the bottom to make sure the device and the ISY agree. If they don't, then a device restore is probably a good idea.
  8. I agree with io_guy - we have installed tankless water heaters in 13 vacation and rental properties now and are very happy with them. Zero consumption when vacant, never a shortage of hot water. Several of the rental units have 6 full bathrooms.
  9. Just a guess, but maybe the "Pro Line" is a set of Smart Home products that is made available to an alternate distribution channel for marketing/sales purposes to allow for bulk purchases & discounts without cannibalizing the DIY direct pricing at the web site.
  10. sperok

    Speaker Control

    If you are buying or upgrading equipment you may want to consider a Sonos system. Using Network Resources you can control volume and other functions. This is a "deluxe" solution and is not inexpensive, but what you end up with is a multi-zone, internet-enabled music system that you can control (at least in a rudimentary way) from your ISY.
  11. I have network resources for control of Pentair equipment from ISY-99 available. NOTE: These need non-trivial editing that is installation dependent, and require an ethernet/RS-485 bridge. If you still want these please PM me.
  12. Thanks to the code from Zyll and others I've also succeeded in getting ISY/Pentair Integration working using Network Resources. With this it is now easy to do things like turn the Spa on/off from the same web app that controls everything else in the house, and make the spa part of my "welcome" and "all off" routines. For anyone else that is not enamored with "ScreenLogic" and the need to run a stand-alone app, here is some rough info. The installation comprises: - An Intellitouch pool controller with 3 pumps, heater and salt-water chlorine generator - An RS-485/ethernet gateway - The ISY-99 Once the RS-485 gateway is correctly setup connecting to the correct IP address and port taps into the RS-485 protocol stream, which is pretty much as documented by Zyll earlier in this thread. Specific commands that I have setup include: Spa On - 255;255;255;255; 0;255;255;165;1; 16; 35; 134; 2; 1; 1; 1;99; 255;255;255;255 < 0xFF padding > <0xff padding> Spa Off - 255;255;255;255; 0;255;255;165;1; 16; 35; 134; 2; 1; 0; 1;98; 255;255;255;255 < 0xFF padding > <0xff padding> NOTE: The pump # is likely to be installation dependent.
  13. The easiest way to find something like this might be to look at the Programs -> Summary Page and then sort by LastRunTime. That's what I do when I can't remember names.
  14. I've got a 5 zone Sonos system and have created network resources that let me pause and play specific zones from the ISY using techniques learned on this forum. The trick here is that network resources are one-way, "send and pray". As long as you don't mind that the system has certain failure modes, it can get the job done. You should be able to: - Select the clip to be played - Set the volume - Play the clip - Pause the player The biggest problem you will have is if you care to save the current state of the Sonos player and then resume it when your clip is done. I think that will be very difficult if implemented strictly using network resources because you have no way, AFIK, of discovering what is playing. It can be done, but requires a program that can interact bi-directionally with Sonos external to the ISY.
  15. There are a variety of "spa side controls" made by companies like Pentair and Jandy. You can see some examples at: Jandy: http://www.poolsupplyworld.com/poolsupp ... tm?A=+1351 Pentair: http://www.poolsupplyworld.com/homepage ... mpid=CMPGB On my Pentair iS4 button control there are 5 wires that come back to the control panel. If you connected these respectively to GND and inputs 1-4 of a SimpleHomeNet EZIO6i ($99), then you would have a very nice looking, weatherproof, and safe system. The downside is cost - the Pentair control is $150 alone. As an alternative, you could mount a few low voltage switches of your choice in an enclosure of your own design and add some sprinkler wire for a very low cost ($10-20) solution. The EZIO would need to be plugged into an outlet in a weatherproof location. The cable supplied with the spa-side switch is typically 100-150' long, but can be extended using standard cabling (sprinkler wire will work). You will need to link the EZIO (once) with the ISY-99 and then write programs that sense the inputs: If status EZIO-Input1 is ON then set scene SPA-MoodLights ON else set scene SPA-MoodLights Off
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