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    Sunnyvale, CA

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  1. That solved the problem. The security system runs the "disarmed" (Then Path) when it's disarmed. There is program named "disarmed stay" that has an If condition of Program:disarmed is True AND $Alarm_state is 1. Another program named "disarmed away" has an If condition of Program:disarmed is True AND $Alarm_state is 2. The "Then" of "disarmed stay", runs the Else Path of "armed stay". The "Then" of "armed stay" sets $Alarm_state to 1. The "Then" of "disarmed" sets $Alarm_state to 0. The only thing that could be cleaner is the system could be armed "stay", then armed "away" without an intervening "disarm". To handle this, the "armed away" Then calls the "armed stay" (Else Path). That may cause some extra events, but it doesn't seem to hurt.
  2. Here's my case: I have a security system that can be "armed away", "armed stay", or "disarmed". When it changes into one of those states it can trigger a script, that can call an ISY program via the REST URL. I have a program named "armed away" and another named "armed stay". They do different things. (E.g. the "armed away" program turns a radio on and off. The "armed stay" program turns the living room lights off. The issue is that the security system sends a "disarmed" event, but doesn't distinguish how it was previously armed. That can call the Else Path for one of the programs, or can call a separate "disarm" program. I would like this event to call the Else Path for whichever of the programs that is currently true. Is there a way to say: "Call the Else Path for the "armed away" program, but don't call it if it was already false?
  3. I forgot to include the important version information. Here's what I'm using: Insteon_UD994 v5.3.4
  4. I was hoping to use a different login/password for a script that uses curl to call the REST interface of the ISY 994i. From the Administrative Console, I used File -> Set Userid/Password -> User 1, but the REST call returned a 401 code when I used the username/password I just entered. Not only that, but that userid/password wouldn't work for logging into the admin console (which I kind of understand since it's not supposed to be an admin user). The question is: When I fill the "Set User ID #1 Userid/Password" dialog does it actually do anything, and if it does, how can I use the username I just created?
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