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  1. After migrating from isy to eisy I have multiple duplicate scenes and Alexa says "I found more than one device with the name ..." I cannot find my Scenes in the Alexa App - according to some posts, they have suspended support for Scenes. You can see them if you create a Group and I can see the duplicates but I cannot find any way to delete the duplicate scenes. Many posts say to create a Group with the duplicate scenes in them then Edit, select the duplicates and use the Delete icon - but that Deletes the GROUP not the selected Scenes. Help!
  2. I am considering migrating my isy994 to eisy with Z-wave. 1) My isy994 seems to have PLM built-in but the eisy requires an external PLM, is that correct? 2) Is Z-wave built-in eisy or do I need to buy and add-on? Sorry, I don't have time to research these at the moment. Need quick answers to decide to research further. Thanks!
  3. Thanks to all for the excellent suggestions especially the one about the tuning slug. I am very familiar with such tuning coils and slugs. BUT in the meantime, I found a wireless motion sensing door chime on Amazon for only $25.98. It is simple and works great. I still have the Insteon motion sensor and can use it to trigger other events if/when I want.
  4. Thanks to all for the great answers and suggestions! I will now dig into them.
  5. I have ONE remaining X10 device - a chime I use to report motion via an Insteon motion sensor on a rear door. It has been working fine for years but recently stopped working. I can run the Event Viewer and see the command being sent to the X10 device but it does not respond. Tried plugging into several different outlets in case something was blocking the signal - no help. It does chime when I unplug/plug it so I know that part of it is still working. Has UDI/isy changed anything in the updates that would stop X10 from working? Is there now an Insteon chime device - last I looked there was not. Thanks. I find this forum indispensable.
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