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Everything posted by Steven

  1. That solved the problem. The security system runs the "disarmed" (Then Path) when it's disarmed. There is program named "disarmed stay" that has an If condition of Program:disarmed is True AND $Alarm_state is 1. Another program named "disarmed away" has an If condition of Program:disarmed is True AND $Alarm_state is 2. The "Then" of "disarmed stay", runs the Else Path of "armed stay". The "Then" of "armed stay" sets $Alarm_state to 1. The "Then" of "disarmed" sets $Alarm_state to 0. The only thing that could be cleaner is the system could be armed "stay", then armed "away" without an intervening "disarm". To handle this, the "armed away" Then calls the "armed stay" (Else Path). That may cause some extra events, but it doesn't seem to hurt.
  2. Here's my case: I have a security system that can be "armed away", "armed stay", or "disarmed". When it changes into one of those states it can trigger a script, that can call an ISY program via the REST URL. I have a program named "armed away" and another named "armed stay". They do different things. (E.g. the "armed away" program turns a radio on and off. The "armed stay" program turns the living room lights off. The issue is that the security system sends a "disarmed" event, but doesn't distinguish how it was previously armed. That can call the Else Path for one of the programs, or can call a separate "disarm" program. I would like this event to call the Else Path for whichever of the programs that is currently true. Is there a way to say: "Call the Else Path for the "armed away" program, but don't call it if it was already false?
  3. I forgot to include the important version information. Here's what I'm using: Insteon_UD994 v5.3.4
  4. I was hoping to use a different login/password for a script that uses curl to call the REST interface of the ISY 994i. From the Administrative Console, I used File -> Set Userid/Password -> User 1, but the REST call returned a 401 code when I used the username/password I just entered. Not only that, but that userid/password wouldn't work for logging into the admin console (which I kind of understand since it's not supposed to be an admin user). The question is: When I fill the "Set User ID #1 Userid/Password" dialog does it actually do anything, and if it does, how can I use the username I just created?
  5. Update: I tried rebooting, and now it says my PLM is likely defective. Fortunately, I have a spare.
  6. I have a similar problem. It's intermittent, but it just happened now with the log open. I have a program that turns a scene on in the "Then" clause. I just ran the "If" of the program, and its Status is now "True". However, the light in the scene that it is supposed to turn on is still off. The Event Viewer level 3 says this: Thu 06/09/2016 06:05:14 PM : [ Time] 18:05:16 1(0) Thu 06/09/2016 06:05:14 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 15 14 3B 0F 13 00 Thu 06/09/2016 06:05:14 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 00 00 18 CF 11 00 The device in question (a 2635-222 On/Off Module at address 37.10.02) is off. Why didn't it turn it on? I just tried to query the scene, and I got a communication error. What now?
  7. My repair didn't last - my 2413S is dead again. It could have been because I didn't replace all the capacitors. I'll have to take it apart again.
  8. Please take that as a feature request.
  9. Whoo hoo! That got me much further. Now, I have another issue (to which I suspect the answer may be that I need the PRO version): The certificate got imported to the ISY-994i, but the browser (Firefox in this case) doesn't have the intermediate certificates. Firefox gives this error: The certificate is not trusted because no issuer chain was provided. (Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer) I was able to work around this with a per-browser solution by importing the intermediate certificate from www.startssl.com/certs/sub.class1.server.ca.pem. It would be nice to have this stored on the ISY-994i. I understand that multiple certificates (for example, the main certificate and the intermediate certificate) can be put into one PFX file. I tried that, but it didn't seem to make a difference, but that could be because I did it wrong. Question: Does the ISY-944i read multiple certificates from a PFX file, and does it send all the certificates to an incoming SSL connection?
  10. By the way, here are the details of the certificate I'm attempting to import: Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public Key: (2048 bit) X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Basic Constraints: CA:FALSE X509v3 Key Usage: Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Key Agreement X509v3 Extended Key Usage: TLS Web Server Authentication X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: URI:http://crl.startssl.com/crt1-crl.crl Authority Information Access: OCSP - URI:http://ocsp.startssl.com/sub/class1/server/ca CA Issuers - URI:http://aia.startssl.com/certs/sub.class1.server.ca.crt X509v3 Issuer Alternative Name: URI:http://www.startssl.com/ Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
  11. I upgraded to 4.2.10. Now I get this error:
  12. Steven

    SSL Certificate

    I'm trying to import a certificate to my 994i. Using the dashboard, I bring up the Server Certificate dialog, and import my PFX file. It asks me if I want to import, and I say yes. Then I get this error: Socket Open Failed javax.net.ssl.SSLException: java.security.ProviderException: java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: SunTlsKeyMaterial KeyGenerator not available What does that mean?
  13. I'll have to check on the ESR, I don't think it was indicated on the package. But they were labeled as "high temperature", which should help them last longer. I told Smart Home about the repair I made, and they responded:
  14. I got a certificate from startssl.com, and converted it into PFX format. I then started the Dashboard and brought up the "Network" dialog. I brought up the "SSL Certificates Management" dialog, clicked on the "Import Cert." button, and opened my PFX certificate. It asked for the private key password, which I know I typed correctly, because it gave an error when I typed the wrong password on purpose. It then asked me "Would you like to import this certificate", and I answered "Yes". At this point it brought up a confusing popup that said only: After clicking that away, the certificate information showed what I expected: Issuer: StartCom Class 1 Primary Intermediate Server CA Host Name: (My dynamic DNS host name to my home router) Country: US Fingerprint: (A long hex string) Key Strength: 2048 At this point it was not clear what to do next. I closed the dialog, and the documentation implied that the ISY would restart, but it didn't, so I rebooted it myself. However, when it came back up, it was still using the self-signed isy.universal-devices.com certificate. How do I get my certificate onto the box? It's an ISY 994i running 4.0.5.
  15. Thanks so much for writing this. I took my failed 2413S apart last night, and didn't see anything obviously wrong, but I was thinking about replacing the capacitor, so I googled "2413S repair" and found your article. I bought some capacitors today at the local electronics store (living in Silicon Valley has its advantages!) and replaced two of them (I didn't buy all the correct ones). Now the PLM is working great. Thanks again.
  16. I'm attempting to install a new certificate on my old ISY-99i using the free CA startssl.com. From the SSL Certificate Management utility, I select "Generate Certificate Request to CA" I fill out the form, and press Ok. Now it sits there with an hourglass and does nothing.
  17. Steven

    Sunset OR later

    Thanks! The nested 'And' within the 'Or' worked exactly as expected. I used parenthesis just to make sure the grouping is what I want. Next, a similar question: I have an old X10 Sundowner that sends an X10 "On" message when the ambient light level drops. I already use that to turn on the living room light. We have a Time-Of-Use meter from our electric company. This means that we pay a lower rate for electricity after 6:00 p.m., and on the weekends. Therefore, I would like to postpone turning on the garden lights until 6:00 p.m., if it gets dark before that. The first part is easy: If X10 'B4/On (3)' is Received And From 6:00:00PM To 11:59:00PM (same day) However the second part I don't know. I want to turn the lights on at 6:00 p.m. if the X10 'On' is received earlier. I'm guessing that for this I will need a second program to keep track of the state of the X10 Sundowner. Something like: If X10 'B4/On (3)' is Received And X10 'B4/Off (11)' is not Received Am I thinking right?
  18. I'm also new to the ISY 99i and a long time X10 user, so please take this advice with that in mind! Your program needs to control the scene, not the button. In the "Then" section, select "Insteon", then select the Scene you want to change, not the button.
  19. Steven

    Sunset OR later

    Thank you! I got it down to 3 programs. The first has only an if: If From Sunset + 30 minutes To 12:00:00AM (next day) The next also has only an if: If From 7:00:00PM To 12:00:00AM (next day) The program that controls the light has this if: If ( Time is 7:00:00 PM And Program 'Sunset+30' is True ) Or ( Time is Sunset + 30 minutes And Program 'After 7:00' is True ) Problem solved!
  20. Steven

    Sunset OR later

    Using an OR would not get the desired result: During the summer, the Dining Room would turn on at 7:00PM, while the sun in still shining. During the winter, the Dining Room would turn on at 5-thirty or so, which is too early for dinner. I did find a solution. I have 2 sets of 2 programs (total of 4). The first set is one program called "Sunset+30", which has: If Time is Sunset + 30 minutes. Then Wait 2 hours Set 'Dining Room' On The second program has: If Time is 7:00 PM And Program 'Sunset+30' is True Then Set 'Dining Room' On The "Set 'Dining Room' On" in the first program does nothing, but it has to be there, or the 'Wait' won't happen (from what I have read). The second program turns the light an 7:00 p.m., but only if Sunset was at least 30 minutes ago. (Assuming Sunset happens after 4:30, which it always does here.) Next, I'll make another set of programs that will turn the light on at Sunset + 30 minutes, but only if the 7PM program is running.
  21. Thanks! Two scenes was the answer. I set up a second scene with just the LampLinc and the SwitchLinc and it works properly. You brought up a question: How do I refresh the ISY from the devices? I couldn't see a menu to do that.
  22. Here's the situation: Near the front door we have a lamp plugged into a LampLinc. We also have a SwitchLinc near the front door that controls a motion sensor light on the porch. This is kept on most of the time. Without using the ISY-99i, I have set the SwitchLinc so it can turn the lamp on. We also have a ControlLinc and a RemoteLinc that can turn the lamp off (but leave the porch light on). I can't figure out how to use the ISY-99i to set up a scene like this. When I add the SwitchLinc as a controller to the scene, the ControlLink and the RemoteLinc end up turning both the lamp and the porch light off. Is this possible using the ISY-99i, or should I just leave the SwitchLinc out of the scene and make it control the lamp manually?
  23. Steven

    Sunset OR later

    I want to turn on a light (run a program) at 30 minutes after sunset, or 7:00 p.m., whichever is later. That is, during the summer, I want the light to turn on 30 minutes after sunset, but during the winter, I want to wait until 7:00 p.m. I would think something like: Time is Sunset + 30 minutes And Time is 7:00:00PM would be what I want, but I think that will result in the program never running (unless sunset is exactly 6:30 p.m.)
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