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Everything posted by atmit

  1. So I finally got the electrician to come by the house and fix the wiring so that the In-LineLinc Dimmers had an unswitched power supply. With the correct wiring, it was easy to get the virtual 3-way by adding a button of each of the KPLs as a controller and the 6 In-LineLinc Dimmers as responders. Now, as specified in my first post, I want to create 4 mutually-exclusive scenes: A. 3 back lights 100% on level B. All 6 lights on at 100% on level C. All 6 lights on at 50% on level D. All 6 lights on at 20% on level To do this, I've added ALL buttons (for both KPLs) and ALL 6 InLineLinc Dimmers to each of the four scenes. For each of the scenes, all of the buttons and dimmers are responders, except for the button controlling each scene. For example, for scene A I have the following configuration: CONTROLLERS: KPL1-A KPL2-A RESPONDERS: KPL1-B - 0% on level KPL2-B - 0% on level KPL1-C - 0% on level KPL2-C - 0% on level KPL1-D - 0% on level KPL2-D - 0% on level InLine-back-1 - 100% on level InLine-back-2 - 100% on level InLine-back-3 - 100% on level InLine-front-1 - 0% on level InLine-front-2 - 0% on level InLine-front-3 - 0% on level and a similar configuration for the rest of the scenes, but with different on levels for the InLineLinc dimmers. Everything works fine, except that when I switch from scene A to scene B by pressing button 'B' for the first KPL, buttons 'A','B','C','D' for the second KPL turn ON. The first KPL correctly turns off button 'A' and turns on button 'B'. Any idea why the second KPL seems to be misbehaving? Please let me know if I should start a new thread instead, since this is a slightly off topic.
  2. It seems the all Insteon devices are on the same leg as the PLM, so I'd assume that for now there are no coupling issues. Would the incorrect wiring explain the blinking and communication issues then? Is there anything I can do before the electrician comes back and corrects this problem?
  3. Yes, it is the lights themselves that are blinking. In some cases, I have observed that the lights remain steady, albeit dimmed at 50% or less. I have tried to reproduce this, but haven't been able to find the steps to make this happen.
  4. Ok, so I took the lights down to get access to the individual InLine Lincs. Here are my results: 1. With both KPLs ON, the green status light on the InLine Lincs is on, and I can also turn each light ON individually by pressing the InLine Linc "on" button. 2. With the 'master' KPL ON and the 'slave' KPL OFF, I see the same behavior. 3. With the 'master' KPL OFF and the 'slave' KPL ON, all green status lights are off, and I cannot turn each light ON individually by pressing the 'on' button. Is this indicative of a bad installation? About the phase coupling issue, I get from the previous replies that if all my devices are on the same leg (phase), I would only need a single PLM and no further access points. Is there a way to test that all devices are on the same leg?
  5. I don't seem to understand the phase coupling issue. I have a single PLM, which the SmartHome rep assures me is sufficient for my particular setup, but it seems that is not correct?
  6. Right now the configuration is a 3-way circuit controlling the 6 lights. So from what you say, it seems like the devices are not wired correctly. I read about problems with CFLs and LEDs before, so I am using regular incandescent bulbs right now. Eventually, I'd like to try some high-end LEDs, but I wanted to have the system working correctly before introducing other variables.
  7. I'm trying to set-up a home theater with 6 recessed lights (3 front lights and 3 back lights), each with its own In-line Linc dimmer, and 2 KPL switches in a 3-way circuit. I want to create 4 scenes: 1. 3 back lights 100% on level 2. All 6 lights on at 100% on level 3. All 6 lights on at 50% on level 4. All 6 lights on at 20% on level I got the KPLs, dimmers, and lights installed by an electrician, but I can't get the scenes to work. I am having two main problems: 1. When the lights are turned on, they blink repeatedly (I'd say between 100% and 80% on levels) 2. When the lights are turned on, they cannot be queried by the isy-99i. Any advice on how to set up the network in the ISY and how to prevent the blinking would be greatly appreciated.
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