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About lawr1000

  • Birthday 11/13/1966

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  • Location
    Elgin TX
  • Occupation
    Electrical Engineer

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  1. Well I followed your steps exactly and it still doesn't work. Gatekeeper did ask for permission to allow Java to access the network. At least https works fine so and can access the ISY that way. Thanks for your help!
  2. We're making some progress here. Your first suggestion worked! So something (GateKeeper??) is blocking the ISY. As far as your second option I can't find any options for GateKeeper other than these three 1. Mac App Store 2. Mac App Store and identified developers 3. Anywhere So I don't understand what you mean by "setup GateKeeper to notify you of applications trying to access networking". Unless you mean Firewall which still doesn't have options to notify me when an application is trying to access the network. It seems to do this by default. So I need a little clarification. What I did try was; set GateKeeper to Anywhere and turned off the Firewall. Then I changed the address of the ISY. The result is the same; the auto-detected ISY at the new address with the http:// prefix doesn't work and when I manually add the https:// one it works. Thanks for your help Michel!
  3. I gave that a try and I still have the same problem (note I'm running 3.3.10). The Admin GUI is at least partially communicating with the ISY because I see the list of my modules. However, they have no current state information and I can't change anything. As soon as I do something all the menu links and buttons grey out. I tried reinstalling Mountain Lion and the behavior changed slightly now the authentication dialog appears after the links grey asking me to authenticate again.
  4. I'm running this test on my Macbook Pro on a wireless network connection. I mentioned previously that Windows 7 Internet Explorer works fine but what I didn't mention is it's running in a Virtual Machine on the same laptop. I decided to try the Admin GUI on my wife's iMac (Wired network connection). Had to install Java 7 on it but after that testing of the Admin GUI shows it works fine. This makes me think it's a problem with the Java Install on the laptop so I manually removed the Apple Installed Java 6 via these instructions removed Java 7 via these instructions and reinstalled Java 7 only but the problem still exists. Am I missing something else?
  5. I have been having trouble with the Admin GUI on my Mac (currently running 10.8.3). Note the GUI works fine on my Windows 7 machines. I have tried launching from Safari and Firefox browsers, admin.jnlp and all have the same response. The GUI appears to come up but if I try to do anything it like look at the status, turn something on/off all menu items and icons grey out except for File/Exit and it no longer responds. I am running the latest Java 7 Build 17 for Mac. When I launch admin.jnlp from the desktop i get a quick dialog indicating Java 7 is launching. Any ideas?
  6. I suspect if I spent more time with the ISY and Insteon I would know/remember these things. Thanks for the info! It would be nice if the count function would scan the link data for duplicate links and report a true number. The All Off or All On command might be causing the problem with the lights but the thermostat adapters don't seem to respond to these commands (my testing). Also the thermostats are under program control only (not linked to any other Insteon device other than the PLM). I'll keep working the issue!
  7. I replaced my PLM because the ISY would loose communications with it periodically. This commonly occurred with a power failure but also happened without a power failure. Most of the time a reboot of the ISY fixed the issue. After replacing the PLM the ISY has not lost communications. Fast forward 6 weeks and my system is unstable. Periodically my thermostats will turn off. Sometimes all the lights will turn on with no apparent trigger that I can find. When the lights turns on sometimes my garage doors opens too. I decided to check the number of links in the PLM and to my amazement it showed 8063. So I a factory reset/restore of the PLM and I ended up with a more reasonable 253 links. Since I didn't do a factory reset when I replaced the PLM initially I thought I had found my problem so I tried adding a scene that I deleted trying to fix my problem and checked the links again and now the number of links is 4817. Clearly the number of links is not possible based on the documentation. The ISY is running 3.2.6 and the PLM is a 2413S hardware V1.6, software v.99. Any ideas?
  8. Since upgrading to I have been having trouble adding devices to certain scenes one of the errors I get is the screen capture below. I have rebooted the ISY and cleared the Java cache and so far no luck. Sometimes it seems to continue and the ISY starts writing to the other devices in the scene but the device added never appears. Edit. I deleted the troublesome device and added it back and the problem is gone. This device was added under 3.2.4 (KeypadLinc v.40)
  9. I have had my light linked to Scene 1 on the load controller for over a week now and I am pretty convinced that the load "demand" functionality is wrong. For sure when the load controller relay is on the load "demand" reports on always. When the load controller is off all bets are off. The light randomly turns on and off with no relationship with the actual load. I'm convinced that Load Controller hardware is messed up when is comes to the load "demand" Scenes.
  10. From what I am understanding of your post you have a scene with a SwitchLinc and OutletLinc linked together. It would be correct if you turn on the OutletLinc remotely then the SwitchLinc doesn't go on. The same holds true for remotely turning on the SwitchLinc, the OutletLinc will not turn on. When you perfom remote operations you should be controlling the scene not the individual devices in the scene. By controlling the scene all linked devices go to the assigned state in the scene. If you are using the ISY to remote control this scene try turn the scene on and off instead of the individual devices. If you are using another Insteon device to remote control the scene just link that device to the scene.
  11. In general it is best to create a new scene, add the outlet as a responder, and finally add the switch as a controller. This is the primary purpose of Insteon scenes and doesn't require any interaction with the ISY to work. Setting up scenes with the ISY is easy. Make sure you have linked both the switch and the outlet to the ISY (add new device). Next add new scene. In this scene you can drag both the switch and the outlet to the scene. A dialog will pop up asking you to decide with are controllers and which are responders. Now set the switch to controller and the outlet to responder. The ISY will go off do it's thing. Once complete try turning the switch on and off. You should see the outlet going on and off at the same time. If you HAVE to use programs on the ISY you could do the following if status switch is on then control outlet on else control outlet off This is one of the rare occasions where an else is useful. However since you are duplicating the functionality of a scene with a program is really isn't all that useful.
  12. Great work Lee! I have version 1.0 with software 3A. I like fitzpatri8 I can't easily turn my load on and off. But from what I have seen so far my unit is acting the same. My Load Active LED is always on when the Load Controller is on. I can't reliably get the Load Active LED to go off when the Load Controller is off but I also don't know when the load is "demanding". Both the Quick Start and the Manual clearly indicate indicate that if the Load Controller's relay is off the Active LED is off. So something is amiss.
  13. I'm not really trying to get into a pissing contest here. I don't really care if it is documentation or marketing. I started this post to try and understand how this thing really works. If we narrow the focus to what can be done now with the ISY then yes this is a niche product and the ISY doesn't really need to support the extra features of the Load Controller. From my point of view I think this and the new SynchroLinc offer new possibilities going beyond home control and provide a new way of managing energy. The main reason I got the Load Controller was to turn off my water heater while I'm on vacation. From what I read in the DOCUMENTATION (which is where I often go to find out more info) I started realizing that I could also use this device to see how often the water heater was coming on. I could get a profile of usage. In fact I can use the ISY network module in it's current state to send on/off packets to a custom program to extract the needed on/off profiles.
  14. Thanks for the info Illusion My Load Controller works like your 2nd one which is load demand on even when the Load Controller is off and it is probably not sensing the load demand correctly because it is on all the time when the Load Controller is on. Sometime when I manually turn the Load Controller Off the Load Active light will go off and my manually linked Scene 1 will turn off a LampLinc. At least Scene 1 seems to be working properly. I have a feeling that the Load Demand portion is looking for too low a current draw (most devices have some current draw when off) or the hardware is plain messed up. SmartHome will eventually fix the problem and maybe I'll be able to get the corrected hardware in the future. I be calling SmartHome about the Load Demand issue next week. Hopefully this thread will get UD's attention and at least the ISY software will be corrected to support all of the features the Load Controller. That would be a start.
  15. This is interesting because that is how the Load Controller's manual describes Scene 1 and 2 for the Load Active links. These scenes are controllers only NOT responders. The difference from the TriggerLink is that the Load Controller also has a relay to control the load. It looks like a Normally Closed Load Controller is the combination of a SwitchLinc and TriggerLinc with the TriggerLinc portion sensing when the load is drawing current. Currently ISY only supports the relay (as both controller and responder) to turn power to the load on and off. As an example with the Load Controller connected to a water heater you would know the following Load Controller = on and Load Active = on then the water temp is below the set point Load Controller = on and Load Active = off then the water temp is at of above the setpoint.
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