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  1. Final (hopefully) update on this brutal installation. I plugged the AIMesh node back in. I needed better signal to my Powewalls. Ratgdo continues to work correctly. Not sure why the AIMesh node initially caused a problem, but ratgdo seems okay now. Thanks Goose66 for your help!
  2. TLDR: Skip to "Solution" below. Good idea. I have an Asus router (very new model) within 15-20 feet of the opener/ratgdo (other side of wall). It's set up as an aimesh node from my main Asus router (far side of house). Based on you comment above, I thought it a good idea to test the aimesh node. I reinstalled the ratgdo GDO to see if I can see it in my router under the aimesh node. I also left my phone near that mesh point. Looking in my router, I see 3 Tesla Powerwalls, ratgdo and my iPhone, all under that mesh node. So wi-fi is working in that area through the mesh node. The iPhone shows full strength on wi-fi (judging by the 3 arced "bars".) Not sure that's a great indicator. I have a Tesla solar system. With no aimesh node, the Tesla Powerwalls show 48% signal strength. With aimesh node, they show 74%. I expected more as the node is only about 15' - 20' from the Powerwalls, but some people said Powerwall wi-fi was not very good, so I dismissed it. I loaded the RATGDO dashboard in Chrome this morning. It initially did not show anything. 20 minutes later it was displaying about 10 lines, and was non-responsive, e.g. couldn't turn on light. Oddly, my Netzero app for monitoring my solar would not load when in the garage (nearer to aimesh node than main router). Clue! So I unplugged the aimesh router and reloaded that app, and it came up immediately. I went back to my PC and the desktop UI was fully populated and responsive. I could control all applicable parameters from my desktop. Solution: Sooo... aimesh node is causing issues with wi-fi in that area. I reloaded your ratgdo plugin. With the aimesh router unplugged, it responds in a timely manner. Seems to be working well. I need to figure out why the aimesh node on my network is causing wi-fi conflicts. Still... this does not explain the initialization issues as the ratgdo was plugged into my PC via one of it's USB ports. Look at the number of openings and paired devices. I have exercised the door perhaps 15-20 times when trying to get it to work. Maybe I was sent a used device. Goose66, what do you think I should do with regard to getting another ratgdo32? The reason I ask, I have to do a custom configuration in your plugin using the IP address. I did try to let it discover after unplugging the aimesh router and it failed until I used the custom configuration parameter. Perhaps I just leave it. By the way... FYI: When I mess up the custom configuration parameter, then delete it to try something else, or correct my mistake, the deleted configuration seems to still be there as it continues to fail after correcting. I delete the plugin and reinstall, correctly enter the configuration, then it works. Thank you for your help and patience. You have gone above and beyond. Sadly, the seller of the ratgdo is not responsive.
  3. Spoke too soon. Erratic behavior with the garage door. Slow to respond if it responds at all. Status does not change. Causes the UDI app to hang. Closing the app, then opening it does not release it, still spinning in a circle. I can't do anything with the app, meaning the icons do not show a status or respond. I have to reboot the eisy to get it to release the app. I hate to buy another ratgdo, if this issue is not related to a bad unit. Seller is difficult if not impossible to get a hold of. Not interested in throwing good money after bad. I see another thread of a user having difficulty. but he finally got it working. So I've decided to pull out an old IP camera and put it in my garage. All I wanted to do was make sure I closed my garage door. Remote ability to close it would have been nice, but a camera at least will confirm if I closed the door. Thanks Goose66 for you thoughts and suggestions, sadly it just didn't work out.
  4. Well... The challenge continues... The ratgdo is now in the eisy tree, but all four nodes are stuck at "Writing". I rebooted the eisy and now all is well. What a long, strange road it's been.
  5. Had to use "Custom Configuration Parameters" to get Polyglot to find my ratgdo It loaded the nodes. Hurray! Here's what I did. I entered a custom configuration: Key: gdodevice Value: 192.168.xx.xx:ratgdov32-e2b618 No indication it took other than I didn't get the "Didn't find..." message, I do see Nodes = 4 instead of 0 and I now see the nodes in the eisy. I need to try the other options for custom configurations or set the IP of my ratgdo to static. So solution to my ratgdo setup is the 7th post in this thread that I titled "Initializing a new ratgdo32 Device" and this post. Thanks to goose66 for his assistance and his patience.
  6. I emailed the person that sells the units. No response yet. I may just give up. This is not exactly user friendly.
  7. Goose66, so sorry, but I don't see instructions on factory resetting the device. Also, when picking up the device, I've received a shock from the device on two occasions. I don't get shocked from touching other items in my home.
  8. I don't see a CONNECT button on the page where I select the type of GDO and the type of board, the only button I see is Download OTA Firmware. I went to Chrome, and after several minutes the CONNECT button appeared. I choose to erase all data before installing. It attempts to install then I get Maybe I have a defective device?
  9. I believe the ratgdo is working. I can see activity in the web user interface. I click LED On and I see the command execute in the log. I do not yet have it connected to the door opener, so I see many commnads that don't respond. The problem now is, in PG3, discover does not find the device. "No GDO devices discovered. Make sure your device has been flashed with the ESPHome firmware are powered on, and connected to the network". All are true. Any idea why PG3 won't find it?
  10. Goose66, the key issue I was having was connecting the device to my network. I kept chasing the ESPHome software. The method I posted above worked for me. Thanks for posting additional instructions, we posted almost at the same time. Again thank you!
  11. Initializing a new ratgdo32: Goose66 thinks the ESPHome firmware is already in a ratgdo32. Based on my successful update of the firmware, I believe that is a correct. Perhaps these notes will help someone else. Or perhaps I’m the only dummy. 😊 I found additional instructions here: https://ratcloud.llc/pages/firmware#wifi_via_hotspot Other referenced instructions in the literature do not point to these important details. I couldn’t communicate with the ratgdo until I found these under Instructions on the ratgdo website. Expanded explanation (for me) based on the instructions in the link above: Plug the ratgdo device into a power source (using supplied USB cable), you can use the power brick that came with it or plug it into your computer USB port, or use another USB power source. You should see a solid red LED and a flashing blue LED. The flashing blue LED means the ratgdo module it creating its’ own wifi network. On your phone (I found it easier to get to the ratgdo wifi network using my phone), go to wifi settings and look for a network named ratgdo. Select it. Open a browser on your phone, enter http://ratgdo.local in the address bar. You should get a screen where you can enter your network WiFi Settings. This is a great time to note the ratgdo’s mac address that is displayed at the top of the screen. (This will make it easier to find later, stay tuned). Enter your network SSID and Password and click update. When the blue light turns off, ratgdo is connected to your network and has stopped broadcasting its own network. I didn’t have to switch back to my network. Apparently, when the ratgdo wifi network went away, my phone automatically switched back to my network. Next download the latest firmware (it’s a “.bin” file), get it here https://ratgdo.github.io/esphome-ratgdo/ For my setup, I clicked on + 2.0 opener then ratgdo32, then clicked Download OTA Firmware. (Your opener and ratgdo device may be different). Note where you saved the bin file. Back on the PC, log into your router. Find the ratgdo device, it may be called ratgdo or similar, mine was ratgdov32-e2b618. You should find it by the name or the mac address you noted above. Either way, note the IP address of the ratgdo. It will be something like 192.168.xx.xx. In a browser window (Firefox seems to have worked for me), enter the IP address in the address bar. You should see a ratgdo page that offers to upload new firmware. Click it, browse to the firmware file (.bin) you saved earlier, and upload it. Wait for several seconds. The screen may appear to do nothing, but after several seconds, you should see the screen change to “Update Successful!”. I’m hoping future firmware updates can be done using a browser window and the IP address of the ratgdo. I think I’m ready to wire the ratgdo to my garage door opener. Next challenge, installing the ratgdo plugin in the eisy. Plugins. Ugh! So... Polyglot (PG3) would not find my ratgdo. After many hours, I finally got it to talk to my ratgdo. See the post below titled Had to use "Custom Configuration Parameters" to get Polyglot to find my ratgdo
  12. Goose66, I have followed the instructions you linked to, many times :(. The ratgdo32 is plugged into a USB port on my PC. Red led on, blue LED flashing. I went here https://ratgdo.github.io/esphome-ratgdo/ I clicked + 2.0 then ratgdo32, then click Download OTA Firmware. I save the .bin file but Windows 10 does not know what to use to run it. Pictures at the link above are for wiring the Ratgdo 2.5. Wiring is the least of my problems right now as I only have a little device blinking at me. I do not se the device in my computer. I do not know how to access it to set my network name and password. I've been hunting for a user friendly (not programmer level) ESPHome application as it seems to be required to do the above. All versions I have found assume I know programmer languages. Sorry, I just don't understand how to get this going.
  13. Goose66, thanks for the reply. I have guests in town until Sunday so please understand I may not get back to this until then. I will reply later. Thank you!
  14. Is there a ratgdo install for dummies? I've been going in circles for a couple of hours. I have the ratgdo32 plugged into my PC. Solid red LED, flashing blue LED. I downloaded the v32board-esp32.ota.bin file. Double clicking on it does nothing as no program associated for it. Saw a link to ESP Web Tools but it's just a demo. ??? I purchased the ratgdo plugin and installed it. Added all nodes to ISY, but I don't see it. ??? I see references to ESP Home in various instructions but can't find a link to install it. So... anyone care to help a dummy past initial setup? I can handle the wiring.
  15. UD Mobile seems like it's not functioning like it used to. DIm/Bright options not available when clicking on a favorite. Is this an issue or just my old brain? LOL. Wasn't there an option to increase decrease brightness when clicking on a favorite icon?
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