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  1. It worked last night. Maybe this is a clue for the programmers to look at. Save from desktop not saving? Save fro UD Mobile app seemed to set thing straight, or a coincidence. Thanks to everyone for your help!
  2. I set it to 100% just to be sure. Update on my original issue, the lights did not go off last night. Should have gone off at 2:30 AM but were still on at 3:30 AM. I double checked off time using UD App. It is set for 2:30 AM. I pressed "Save" in the upper right for the program and the lights went off. Hmmm... will see what happens tonight.
  3. Techman: I deleted and recreated the program. That did the trick. To anyone, When creating the then condition, Action: Your devices, set [device/program,etc], when I select ON, there is an option below ON for 0% or 100%, my device is a v.38 OutletLinc, do I need to set it to 100%? It's currently still at 0% and program seems to work okay now.
  4. bgrubb1: Confirmed, I did click update then save changes. Thanks. oberkc: EISY time is correct. Program is enabled. I have a nearly identical program that runs without issue. Thanks. DennisC, Program folder has no conditions. Thanks for tip on posting a program: Back Yard Malibu - [ID 0015][Parent 0014][Run At Startup] If From Sunset + 15 minutes To 2:30:00AM (next day) Then Set 'Landscape Lights / Back Yard Malibu' On Else Set 'Landscape Lights / Back Yard Malibu' Off
  5. It's now past sunset and they did not turn on. This program is the same as one for porch light which works. Any clues? Beuller? Edit: Deleting and recreating the program fixed the problem. Thanks Techman! And thanks to everyone else that offered possible solutions. I appreciate your help!
  6. Further testing, now the second condition of sunrise is also turning the lights on when the condition is outside the time frame.
  7. nowandthen

    Program Bug?

    Program (with bug?) Not meeting time condition: If From Sunset + 15 minutes To 3:30:00AM (next day) Then Set Landscape Lights ON Else Set Landscape Lights OFF Program that works: If From Sunset + 15 minutes To Sunrise - 2 hours (next day) Then Set Landscape Lights ON Else Set Landscape Lights OFF When I right click and select "Run If" (current time is 3:15ish PM) on the "bug program", it turns the lights on (they should not turn on because the IF condition is not met). When I right click and select "Run If" (current time is 3:15ish PM) on the "works" program, the lights do not turn on (the IF condition is met). I do not have 2 programs, I change the "To" to test the condition. Sunset to Sunrise works, Mix of Sunset to a time does not work correctly. What am I doing wrong when the To is a time instead of sunrise?
  8. The IoX finder would only find my isy994i. Now that I have moved on to the eisy, the finder finds 2 items. When loaded, it reports as "not found". This is the first listing "https://eisy.local:8443/desc". I have to hit "OK" to the popup before I select the second listing which brings up the console. I can't delete the first listing. How do I correct or delete this behavior?
  9. 1. Make a how to, or if one exists, make the link to it a sticky at the top of the eisy forum. You need a better setup routine. The app on the phone is super slow, or the eisy is busy and it's not known to the user. Do something to improve the setup experience. You guys know the system too well. Try to put yourself in the shoes of a new user with little-to-no experience with your product. 2. Update your wiki so it shows eisy. It only shows isy994. I like the desktop app, but looking for eisy found nothing, so I took a chance and 3. Your firmware update page only lists the updates and what changed. There is no link to the latest firmware. I searched and couldn't find a link to the latest version. Why not provide a link in the post? I ended up downloading the isy994 console. I guess that will work.
  10. My frustration is showing. The UDI team is so used to their programming, that they don't understand that someone completely new does not have their level of programming, and system functions. Please work on the setup interface so it is more user friendly. Thanks for listening to my gripes. I hope I am now on my way to re-setting up an eISY/Insteon system.
  11. How do I disable the portal? Looking for desktop app.
  12. There seems to be a delay with every step off the install. After typing the above, I hit a button on the app, don't recall exactly what it offered, but it retried and found the device. Perhaps a message that you may need to wait 1-2 minutes then retry each step. My internet is not slow. Next gripe: "Do you want to enable the 30 day ISY portal free trial?" I do not but the only option is to "Start Trial". ??? Now it's configuring remote access which I do not want. I do not want devices going out on the internet on their own. UGGGHHH! Dang!
  13. Setting up a new eisy. Had isy994 at old house left it behind. Had UD mobile. I deleted and re-downloaded the app. Plugged eisy into my router via network cable. eisy shows up in my router. Set fixed IP, not that it matters. Router rebooted. I unplugged the eisy and plugged it back in. App wants to know what device I have. I selected eisy. App wants to know "How will your system connect to the internet?" I selected Wired. App says ( my wording) connect Ethernet cable, power on system, then scan the QR code on the bottom of the eisy. When I press Scan, it almost immediately returns to what system do you have. By the time I typed this, the QR scan held and I scanned the QR code. Now it's "Looking for Systems". It timed out, wants me to close the window and try again. UGGGHHH!!! Now it wants credentials, Local IP address I get. Local port, I do not. This system will never be main stream when it takes a computer Whizz to set it up. I understand some of this stuff but why is this so hard? Why do I have to come here for help getting this up and running? Please help!
  14. When I click on My Account on Universal-Devices.com this is what I see
  15. Can't I have a "normal" login? Why does login want your ISY Portal login? I don't subscribe to UDI but I am a loyal user. Why not offer a normal login screen? I am in the process of purchasing the eisy, but UDI only offers to login using a Portal Login. Why not offer a "normal" option for login? Tried my login. no workie.. Come on UDI, be normal.
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