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About n_sievers

  • Birthday January 6

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    Real Estate

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  1. Just did this and resolved my issue as well, thank you for posting!
  2. Just checked and mine just reconnected a few minutes ago too.
  3. Unfortunately mine still remains disconnected.
  4. Thank you, I appreciate the quick response and will continue to wait.
  5. I have received the notice that the portal maintenance was completed but unfortunately my system's connectivity has not resumed. When logging into the portal, it is still showing as disconnected with no remote access to UD Mobile and Alexa connectivity. I am running a Polisy Pro on v5.8.4.
  6. I just got home from a trip and found my routines that announce sensor change of state are no longer working. I can’t be sure when they stopped for sure but was sometime between last Wednesday and today. I have tried disabling and rebuilding with no success. I am running Polisy Pro on v 5.8.4
  7. I am on a Polisy Pro running v5.8.4
  8. Just got home from a trip and found my routines are no longer working to announce state of change on a contact sensor. I have tried disable/re-enable and rebuild the routine but nothing was successful.
  9. I just completed the UD Mobile update and all of my lock/deadbolt devices using the default icon that was previously a lock keypad, have now changed to lightbulbs.
  10. Michel got back to me very quickly and just had to complete the upgrade to PG3x and now all is back up and running.
  11. I just tried upgrading from 5.8.3 to 5.8.4 and all seemed to go well with getting 4 finalization beeps. I cleared Java and downloaded new launcher. I went to connect to admin console and was indicating still on 5.8.3 so I initiated a reboot and have now lost connectivity. I never got the 4 beeps and when opening the launcher, my local address is no longer showing and only the "polisy.local" address shows up with a UUID of all "0" except for the final digit which is "1" but is showing it is on 5.8.4. I have tried power cycling the Polisy and the same issue occurs. When I try going to the portal address in the launcher and log in, all devices are showing no status or functionality. My whole system is now down and I have submitted a ticket so am just awaiting a response.
  12. It is very different from any others I have seen and even has a small hole on the opposite side of the case from the "set" and LED that has a small pushbutton on the PCB. The PCB has "Insteon" printed on it but think you may be right in that is was something specially manufactured for Smartenit. With that being said, it may or may not be a capacitor issue plaguing it and with no info out there on it, I may just go ahead and replace all caps with the hope in resurrecting it.
  13. The PLM that was originally on the EZFlora (about 10ish years old) is not dual band, is also not marked as to the model and is a different PCB layout than I have previously seen or recapped; pic attached. The EZIO4O that I was able to successfully use the PLM to replace the faulty one on the EZFlora was a USB 2412U but also want to clarify that the PLM from the EZIO2X4’s that I first attempted to use are the same USB 2412U and do not work with the EZFlora. There is also a small pen marking “9B” on the upper right hand corner of the label on the EZIO2X4’s so I am just making am assumption that is some indicator of the deference in the base PLM’s used?
  14. I recently had what I finally determined to be a failure of the PLM on my EZFlora but it didn't exhibit the usual PLM power supply failure where the LED goes out, rather it was intermittently losing communication and then finally lost full communication. I had a few Smartenit modules EZIO2X4 and EZIO4O (5010J) so tried swapping out the PLM and found that the version used on the EZIO2X4 would not link to the EZFlora daughter board but the one from the EZIO4O successfully paired and communicated so this leads me to believe there are some differences between the PLM's used by Smartenit. I had to cannibalize my EZIO40 in order to get my irrigation back up and running with the heat so now am left with a non-functional EZIO40. Does anyone have any insight if something can be modified with the PLM base from the EZIO2X4 to allow it to properly pair with the EZIO4O daughter board or does anyone have a spare base PLM they would be willing to part with?
  15. I am so sorry for the confusion, I had meant that Amazon went silent on me and all communicated frustration was directed only towards Amazon. They continue to be so incredibly frustrating and unhelpful in every sense of their customer service! I have absolutely no disparaging words for UD and greatly appreciate all the work you do and help that has been given over the years! I am currently running 5.8.3, have deleted and recreated the routine again but is still not working; I will submit a ticket.
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