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Everything posted by gadgetguru69

  1. Michael, I'm not sure if you are familiar with python or not I figure you are though. So do you see anything that just stands out in this code that would cause it to respond slow? I am seeing it take around 10 seconds once I trigger the control section of code to give me back a status update of the device that was triggered. Seams like an awful long time for update back. Thanks for your time guys global app import app def connect(): #procedure is used to make connection to the ISY device import urllib2, urllib, sys username = 'admin' password = 'admin' topurl = '' auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() auth_handler.add_password(None, uri=topurl,user=username,passwd=password) handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(auth_handler) opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler) urllib2.install_opener(opener) return topurl def control(deviceID,function,level): #procedure used to control devices ie switch them on and off. import urllib2, urllib, sys topurl = app.isy.connect() print "topurl is " + (topurl) print "device id is" + (deviceID) if function == 'DON' and level != "": theurl = topurl+'/rest/nodes/' + deviceID + '/cmd/'+function else: theurl = topurl+'/rest/nodes/' + deviceID + '/cmd/'+function+'/'+level #normalize the URL theurl = urllib.quote(theurl, safe="%/:=&?~#+!$,;'@()*[]") print "the url is " +theurl pagehandle = urllib2.urlopen(theurl) app.isy.status(deviceID,topurl) def status(deviceID,topurl): #procedure will get the status of the device that was just triggered and set the value in the ignition tag. import urllib2,urllib import sys, system import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET theurl = topurl+'/rest/status/' + deviceID theurl = urllib.quote(theurl, safe="%/:=&?~#+!$,;'@()*[]") response=urllib2.urlopen(theurl) mytree = ET.parse(response) value = mytree.find('property').get('value') system.tag.write("ISY/"+deviceID,value)
  2. Hey guys I have been searching the forum trying to find some example python code for subscribing to the ISY for status updates. I am currently using the rest functions to do this but its response is quite slow. The rest function will work fine for the data logging I want to do but for real time status when interacting with device via screen I would like better response times. From what I have been reading subscribing is the way to go.
  3. Xathros thanks ill start looking into this.
  4. Xathros I have been looking for some documentation to see what would need to be done code wise to get the info into the ISY I just haven't found it yet. I was thinking this was what would need to be done and that's doable for sure I am in process of getting the data into a python script now to log it to a database so code to send data to ISY can be implemented there also. Can you point me in the right direction as far as documentation or code examples?
  5. EDS Embedded Data Systems has a host controller that will handle 100 1wire devices. http://www.embeddeddatasystems.com/HA7N ... _p_22.html I am looking at a way to get this info into the ISY. They have a smaller unit that will handle up to 24 devices also. Looking to monitor and control my insteon devices via the isy based on temperatures read from the EDS unit.
  6. Anyone?
  7. Hey Guys Been looking around the forum and online to try to see if i can get the ISY units to get the info out of a EDS OWServer unit and into the ISY. Does anyone know if this is possible? I have seen that the CAI stuff can be used but i need many more inputs than they provide.
  8. Any word on support for the 2444 RL2 devices?
  9. Hey Guys I am getting an error when trying to link my new EZIO8SA. I am linking it manually and have selected the EZIO8SA device but get the following errors. failed writing highwater mark [-200000/-1] node not added - failed removing links [-200000/-1] Any Ideas??
  10. Hey Guys I am trying to setup a new EZIO8SA and i am getting an error each time i try to setup the linking. I am doing it manually by adding new device and setting to the EZIO8SA device type. I am getting the following error though. Failed writing the highwater mark [-20000/-1] node not added - failed removing links [-20000/-1] Any ideas??
  11. i am guessing this is a simple one but when i control device via the ISy everything reports back fine but if i go manually toggle a switch then i dont get status. I am guessing that i need some sort of program to run query or am i missing something else? Thanks
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