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Everything posted by kcrimson

  1. Back up for me also!! Thanks for quick response.
  2. I am seeing the same thing here.
  3. kcrimson

    PGC Ring updated?

    Good evening, I am doing the recommended steps and have attached the .har file. I did this in Chrome - though I usually use Firefox. And guess what, this time it worked. Using Firefox vs Chrome seemed to be causing this to occur. I went back and tried it with Firefox again and had the same endless loop again. The .har file attached is from Chrome and represents a successful install. Here is the stuck endless loop with the F12 developer log from Firefox. I did not find a preserve log option so I used a screen shot. I will re-install with Chrome and should be good to go. Thanks for your attention. polyglot.isy.io.har
  4. kcrimson

    PGC Ring updated?

    Hello, Thanks for looking into this. I see the english version of the blue authorization link within PGC. I click on the link and login into Ring. I get the authorize ISY screen within the Ring app. When I select "authorize", it goes off into the endless loop back in the PGC. I am back at home now so I can support any debugging needed. Thanks PS. The pictures of these steps were posted in the previous posts.
  5. kcrimson

    PGC Ring updated?

    Thanks. It is appreciated.
  6. kcrimson

    PGC Ring updated?

    To answer the question - yes, I have restarted the node server many times. Thanks.
  7. kcrimson

    PGC Ring updated?

    I continue to have no luck getting this PGC to authorize with Ring. Here is the latest log file. ring-0021b90202a2-6(1).txt
  8. kcrimson

    PGC Ring updated?

    Just bumping this topic. Requesting to authorize Ring for ISY still goes off into an endless loop within the Ring PG.
  9. Hello, I also have this same issue - I have used green and yellow for my home and have lots of left over red and blue ones. I would be willing to trade folks one for one for green and yellow 2400L light change pipes (especially green ones). Thanks, Kevin
  10. kcrimson

    PGC Ring updated?

    Good morning. Yes - I do get the authorization notice to connect to Ring. I follow that link to Ring, login, and then authorize on the Ring side. I then login and receive the following Ring dialog box. After I select "authorize" here, that is when it returns to PGC and starts the endless loop above. Thanks for your attention on this.
  11. kcrimson

    PGC Ring updated?

    Logins are working now - due to certificate update. Still no luck on initializing the new version of the PGC Ring. I have attached the real time log file from PGC. There are some socket errors that flash by in red that do not appear in the log when the PGC Ring is installed. Thanks ring-0021b90202a2-6.txt
  12. kcrimson

    PGC Ring updated?

    Thanks. Login attempts with 2 different browsers shows warnings about unsafe access.
  13. kcrimson

    PGC Ring updated?

    Thanks for the reply. Perhaps the PGC issues are not quite resolved yet. I am unable to login to the PGC at this time.
  14. kcrimson

    PGC Ring updated?

    Hello, I recently update the Ring PGC to version 1.3.0 via a delete and re-install. The stop and start did not not seem to update the version as expected. However, i am now not able to authenticate with my Ring account. I get the blue message and follow it to my Ring account and grant permission. After i do this, PGC goes into an infinite loop that never returns, and I have to kill the session and log back in to get access again. A single node appears in the ISY994 - for the controller only. I have changed slots with no change to results. I have also deleted and installed again with no effect. The previous version was working fine. What's next to get this working again? Thanks
  15. Thanks for the replies. Does this mean that KPL FW versions of less than some version will only show up in the ISY-99 as V.00 and the backlight updates will not work? Is it known which KPL FW version starts showing V.2D in the ISY-99? Thanks
  16. There is a interesting situation that I am trying to fix. I used the ISY-99 to "restore device" to the keypadlincs in my home. After the restore, the button LEDs were off when the button is off - not the same previous light level prior to the restore. The light level of the buttons when ON has also been changed to be much dimmer. I tried the "LED brightness" button to adjust the LED levels, but it only worked for 3 KPLs out of the 7 KPLs that are installed. The 3 KPLs that work show up as "V.2D" in the ISY-99. The ones that do not work show up as "V.00" in the ISY-99. The firmware versions of the KPLs vary, ranging from 1.4 thru 2.4. There is at least one that does not work at KPL FW ver 1.8, and two that do work are also at KPL FW ver 1.8. Any ideas on how to fix? Would like to do this from the ISY-99 rather than from the kedpads directly. Thanks.
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