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  1. I am trying to use my ISY without a PLM. It keep going in to safe mode even though I do not have any Insteon devices. I want to use this ISY for ELK only.
  2. I think Insteon has me a little jumpy but I will keep my eyes on them. They might want to do a Youtube video or something to not look so dated.
  3. That is great feedback. Hopefully we will see something soon. I will buy it as soon as it is available.
  4. The list of distributors is much smaller than in the past. No math here just an observation. It does look like year ago they did announce a new device to replace the M1. I have been wanting to buy one but the page never changes. https://www.elkproducts.com/alarm-engine/ https://www.securityinfowatch.com/alarms-monitoring/product/21223726/elk-products-inc-e27-alarm-engine-from-elk-products
  5. I have an update. I seem to be restricted from the forum. If I go the link while logged in it fails but if I go with our being logged in; it succeeds. Anyway; I am concerned about this company. They are not released much over the last few years and dealers are a lot less then they used to be. It feels a lot like Insteon/Smarthome?
  6. It is failing for me. https://www.elkproducts.com/forums/forum/m1-support-forum/ It looks like it does not work from a Safari browser right now. That is interesting.
  7. It is failing for me. https://www.elkproducts.com/forums/forum/m1-support-forum/
  8. Elk Products (makers of ELK M1 Security panel) forums are no longer up. Is this company the next one to fall?
  9. I just hope they start making the serial PLM again.
  10. It appears that Insteon is coming back. This is exciting. https://www.theverge.com/2022/6/9/23161803/insteon-customers-bought-company-restored-service
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