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  1. Resolved Didn't realize my UI version was not up to my firmware version v4.6.2 1. Updated UI 2. Added device with it sitting next to my PLM Not sure which one above made it work but now working properly with ISY
  2. Jimbo I didn't previously use the Link "RemoteLinc 2" menu selection but did this time and still the same issue. The second I hit "ok" it changes the device type to unsupported device. stus before posting my problem I did a delete from ISY, factory reset and re-add. Same issue. The ISY indicates that the device is "Unsupported Device:0:26"
  3. Just bought a new Insteon Mini Remote 2342-2. Added "new device" to ISY. I get "unsupported device:0.26" when adding but it does add A-H. When I try to add any of them to scene it immediately adds as responder..... won't allow adding as controller. Renders the product useless. ISY 994i Insteon Remote 8 scene 2342-2
  4. Restored Modem (PLM) Fixed. All devices showing now in the scene console. Thanks for your kind help. Have a great day!
  5. I've created a current backup of my ISY. Are you saying it's ok to "Restore Modem (PLM)?" and see if that helps?
  6. Now running: Help | About firmware UD99 v.3.3.10 UI UD99 v.3.3.10 Also deleted all past versions and current version of Java, re installed latest version. Still no change. No devices show in scenes below. I just remembered that I replaced my PLM about 6 mos ago. Again this PLM was purchased as a backup when the original purchase/install happened in 2010. Current PLM 2413S V1.0 0922
  7. Help | About firmware UD99 v.3.3.10 UI UD994 v.4.0.11 I'm guessing that UI 994 is not what i should have.
  8. These are all devices that I've had since install in 2010. Nothing new. I've even been able to adjust scenes since upgrading to 3.3.10 over a year ago. I have replaced a couple switches but they were spare switches that I purchased back in 2010 initial install. Decided to make some adjustments this morning and all are blank. Here is a sample scene list: (2486D) KeypadLinc Dimmer 8 Buttons v.36 (2456D3) LampLinc v.37 (2476S) SwitchLinc Relay - Remote Control On/Off Switch v.3A (2476S) SwitchLinc Relay - Remote Control On/Off Switch v.3A (B2457D2) LampLinc BiPhy v.3A (2486D) KeypadLinc Dimmer 8 Buttons v.36 (2456D3) LampLinc v.37 (2476D) SwitchLinc Dimmer W/Beeper v.38 (2456D3) LampLinc v.37 (2476D) SwitchLinc Dimmer W/Beeper v.38 (2476D) SwitchLinc Dimmer W/Beeper v.38
  9. In the main admin menu, when I select a scene I see all of the "devices, current state, address etc.", at the top. But below the "Apply Changes to all Devices" line, there are no devices to adjust. All 21 scenes are empty. What's happened to the ability to adjust scenes? ISY99iPro 3.3.10 All scenes/devices working properly
  10. I've had my ISY 99i for a few years and am just now trying the internet access for the first time. Figured it out pretty easily from this post but having issues. When I enabled internet access and then went to 'about' I get: My URL: (which is my ISY in my home network) Internet Access: https// (which is weird because that doesn't exist in my network, and there is no port) I've got my ISP address and at home, I turn off wifi on my phone and point to "https://my.isp.address:443" and it works! it takes me to the blue Universal Devices page and I can see and control my devices, scenes, programs etc. Then after a couple hours I tried it again, and it didn't work. It kept taking me to some Acer website. I went in and realized I left 'enable internet access' enabled, I disabled it and it worked again. Now again this morning I tried it and it immediately took me to this acer website, I went into ISY and 'enabled internet access' and it works again. Very strange. My System ISY 99i/IR Pro v3.3.10 UI v4.0.11 Linksys E3000 (ISY reserved IP address and port 443 forwarded) Netgear 24 port switch that all run through I do have an Acer Windows Server with videos, photos etc. Maybe it's pointing to that, though it does have it's own reserved IP from the Linksys. Mike
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