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  1. Hi, I had the same trouble and discovered the ISY was sometimes getting a FADE UP. So I added an OR statement and it fixed my problem If Control 'RemoteLinc 2' is switched On Or Control 'RemoteLinc 2' is switched Fade Up Then "Do Stuff" Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  2. Thank you LeeG. Whatever would this board do without you. A wealth of knowledge, you are.
  3. I too have this identical problem. So...i'm watching this thread with much interest. Everytime there is a query or reboot, I have to manually open and close the garage doors to get the IOLincs to be in sync.
  4. Hi, I had the other thread with the Avast problem. Would love to know what Avast techs had as an explaination.
  5. Hi dnl, How about this for a thought experiment. To lengthen the sequence, if for each additional Detect, there would be an additional VirtualFlag. So in my example Detect3 would change VirtualFlag2...and so on. This way each Detect(n) program will have it's own flag associated with it, independent of all the others. n_p_g
  6. Yep, you're right. Thanks for saving additional 'wife eye rolls' while I figured that one out. But the double works fine for said wife. She double clicks the dressing room light on the way to bed, and 20 seconds later the whole house turns off. Cooool.
  7. My wife thinks I need a life! Especially when the house gets a mind of it's own because I goofed a sequence. "But Honey....it's my hobby". Rolls eyes.....Yep, she loves me. Whew!!
  8. Hi, The VirtualFlag program is set either true/false depending on running the if or then statement. On the FirstDetect VirtualFlag is set true and is set back to false after 3 seconds. If another Off is detected within the 3 second window, then the Then clause is activated in the second detect. I use the Run Program because I like to separate the Commands from the calling progams because the called program will run no matter what. As you can guess, you can vary the window of operation and can vary the sequence. I use Off/Off, but you could use any of the four combinations. You could even add more flags and detect programs and make a fancy sequence to do something. Maybe ON/ON/OFF/ON to open a garage door. Hope this helps.
  9. I too have difficulty with the Fast-On/Off and it would never pass the wife test. The combination of the following three programs works flawlessly. DetectFirstFlip If Control 'Small Bedroom' is switched Off Then Run Program 'VirtualFlag' (Then Path) Wait 3 seconds Run Program 'VirtualFlag' (Else Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ------------------------------------------------------- DetectSecondFlip If Control 'Small Bedroom' is switched Off And Program 'VirtualFlag' is True Then (put the Commands here i.e "run program") Run Program '"Run your program here"' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') --------------------------------------------------------- VirtualFlag If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  10. Hi, I do something similar in that if you turn off my bedroom switch 2 times within 3 seconds, ISY is then programed to turn off every light in the house. I rewrote it to maybe be usefull to you (or tweak for your application) Basically I use the empty 'BathroomFlag' program as a flag. Prog one sets the flag to true then back to false after 3 second. Prog 2 then checks the flag and if true (for the 3 sec) executes the Then portion. In you case, the bathroom light is already On so I figured that 2 On signals would trigger the programs without a lighting 'flash'. You could change the sequence to off/off on/off off/on to suit your taste. Program content for 'BathroomOnDetect1' If Control 'Bathroom' is switched on Then Run Program 'BathroomFlag' (Then Path) Wait 3 Seconds Run Program 'BathroomFlag" (Else Path) Else Program content for 'BathroomOnDetect2' If Control 'Bathroom' is switched On And Program 'BathroomFlag' is True Then Wait 10 Set 'Bathroom' Off Else Program content for 'Bathroom Flag' If Then Else
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