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Everything posted by tpolito

  1. Really appreciate the help! Have any desire to build a Govee module, lol?
  2. Thanks! With some limited testing that seems to have solved the problem.
  3. Sent. Thanks
  4. No I don't think that is it. I've tested it outside of any timeframe that any schedules are set for. And it doesn't revert to any scheduled setpoint.
  5. My Govee lights are the last component of my system that I cannot get to work reliably (or really at all) with the ISY. I have read through all the posts on this board, tried all the suggestions, and cannot get them to work. Is anyone aware of any new developments, or does anyone have a reliably working interface?
  6. If i understand your response, correctly, I don't think this would be the issue. My thermostats have a deadband of 3° between the heat and cool setpoints. So if the heat setpoint is set for 70, and I try to change the cool setpoint to 72, it will lower the heat setpoint to 69. For this program, the desired setpoint range is 14° apart. This works fine when setting manually at the thermostat or through the Nest app.
  7. I have the Nest plug-in installed and mostly working, but I am having a repeatable problem with a program. I have two thermostats, and when I leave my home, I press a Keypad Button by my door and want the thermostats to adjust based on that keypad press to both have setpoints of 64° for the Heat setting and 78° for the cool setting. When I observe my nest app, what is actually happening when i press the button is that all four setting will reflect the change, but then one of them (I haven't figured out a pattern yet) will then revert back to it's previous setting. For example, when I just ran it, both thermostats changed to reflect the desired setpoint, but then my Master Bedroom Thermostat cool setpoint changed back from 78 to 75. Here is my program. Seemed pretty simple. And I added the "waits" in between based on reading that it may take time to process each command. But it is odd to me that it is reflecting the desired change and then changing back. Away - [ID 001B][Parent 0019] If 'Entry Hall Keypad - Garage Li / Entry Hall Keypad - Goodbye' is switched Off Then Set 'Tom’s House / Back Hallway' Mode Auto Wait 2 seconds Set 'Tom’s House / Back Hallway' Cool Setpoint 78°F Wait 2 seconds Set 'Tom’s House / Back Hallway' Heat Setpoint 64°F Wait 2 seconds Set 'Tom’s House / Master Bedroom Thermostat' Mode Auto Wait 2 seconds Set 'Tom’s House / Master Bedroom Thermostat' Cool Setpoint 78°F Wait 2 seconds Set 'Tom’s House / Master Bedroom Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 64°F Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  8. Thanks! I guess I should have read the bold text in your instructions. Updating the firmware solved it!
  9. I need some help. I downloaded the trial and completed the Authentication part. It returns me to the nodeserver, but still says the Current Status is Disconnected. I clicked "Discover" but nothing happens.
  10. Setup: Eisy also running HA on it I have had my system working properly. Eisy controlling Insteon Devices. Polyglot Nodeservers functioning for SONOS and Govee. Running the HA overlay and it was working great. Now when I try to log into the Polyglot site, I get an error that says Http failure response. Coincidentally (or maybe related), HA is still working for any of my non-eisy devices, but can't connect to Universal Devices. All eisy programs and controls still work natively through the Admin Console. I have tried pressing the power button on the esiy, and unplugging it and plugging it back in. Around the time it quit working, I did change the login and password on the Admin Console. Ned help!
  11. EDIT: This appears to be an isolated problem as the other lights seem to work as expected. A little bit of progress. I have all my Govee lights showing up in the Admin Console (I am guessing I had already reached my call limit yesterday when I was trying to set them up maybe?). But now I have them all in the Admin Console and can successfully turn them on and off through the Admin Console. In your setup, have you created scenes with a Keypad button and Govee light? I have built the scenes. When I go to the scene in the Admin Console and turn it on or off, the Keypad button and Govee Light respond as they should. However, when I press the Keypad button locally, the Govee light does not respond at all. The Keypad button is set as a controller. Should this be working, or does the Govee Nodeserver not function that way?
  12. I had the Govee Noderserver installed and it had found all of my devices as nodes. The nodeserver itself was not working, so I uninstalled and reinstalled it. Requested a new api key from Govee. Added a Custom Configuration Parameter "api_key" and pasted the key. The nodeserver connects, but only finds one node "the controller". It finds this node whether I have the correct key entered or not, but will not find all of the devices. Anyone have any ideas what I can try?
  13. Yes. In Polyglot itself, it is only showing 1 node found. Probably one of those things I need to just put down for the day and come back tomorrow and I will realize I missed some step.
  14. I'm just going backwards at this point. I tired various poll times, and nothing seemed to work, so I deleted the node server and re-installed. Added my api key. It now only finds one node, Govee controller. Previously it had 15 modes.
  15. Thanks. I’ll start high and work down from there. What is the trade off for setting them too high?
  16. That is good to hear that you got it working. That gives me some hope. Any science to how to set those correctly, or is it more of a trial and error thing?
  17. This has given me a newfound appreciation of Nodeservers. I wish the Govee Nodeserver worked, and then all my issues would likely be solved.
  18. Ok, so I have started over. Deleted all helpers, and all automations. I am testing two separate Govee lights. Light 1 controlled from Keypad button B and Light 2 controlled from the same Keypad (button C). When I set up the Linked Entity, I select the Govee Light 1 and have two options to link to it. A switch and a sensor. Neither work. So I created a scene in the eisy and put only Button B in it. That seems to work. However, I did the same exact process with Govee Light 2 and Button C, and it constantly turns on and off about every second. It will work fine the first couple times I press the Keypad button, but then goes back to constantly alternating states. This is very repeatable. I'm at a loss. I am sure it is caused by something I am doing, but I have checked the set up in the eisy and in the HA automations, and they appear to be set up exactly the same. One seems to be working, the other doesn't.
  19. Ended up solving this issue.
  20. May have spoke to soon. I set up several groups that way. When I press a keypad button, the corresponding Govee strip linked in HA turns on, but then continues to turn on and off over and over. This is happening for each group of linked entities.
  21. @Diesel Thanks! This is exactly what I needed! Never would have figured that out on my own.
  22. is the Simple Thermostat Card configuration meaning that your thermostat is set up with something other than the Nest Integration?
  23. I did find a helper to change my INSTEON scene from a switch to a light and then group it in HA with the light to control, but that doesn't seem to be the solution I am looking for. Looks like I can successfully turn on and off the group through HA, but the group does not respond to my keypad button presses. I have "all entities" turned off, so that if any of the keypad buttons are pressed, I was thinking the group would respond.
  24. I have the Insteon device pulled in to HA already. Just wondering if there is something equivalent to ISY scenes in HA, or if I have to do it with programs (automations). I found “Groups” but since the device is a light and the Insteon scenes come in as switches, it looks like I can’t group them?
  25. Another one that I am sure has been answered, but I can't find it. I have an eisy Scene created with buttons from 3 different Keypads. I am also running Home Assistant to control my Govee lights. I created a "scene" in HA with the Govee light, and the Insteon scene. Seems I can "activate" it from HA and all 4 devices turn on. But pressing the keypad buttons does not change the state of the Govee lights, so obviously an HA "scene" is not the same as an eisy "scene". How do I accomplish using the Keypad buttons to control the Govee lights through HA? Create automations based on the keypad button status?
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